PlayStation 3 Revealed!

leaked manual shot about the alternate use of the controllers.

The font is the Spider-Man movie font :/


And the controller just looks terrible to hold. I liked the specs though. Let's see if the developers can actually produce something with that.
So far PS3 is winning the marketing game. They have had more pics and vids of their game than X-Box 360. And let's not forget Nintendo Revolution.
Only time will tell.
i like the desgn now, when i first saw it layed flat i thought it looked like a futuristic breadpan but now i think it looks good, futuristic, those japanese are way ahead, lol, more imaginative then the dull xbox360 design. the controller looks sexy. *equips flame shield*

supposedly the mgs4 footage that was shown was actually done by the PS2 but it was just to give an idea of what it was like. i havent seen it yet, damn i want screens and vids.

edit:lol i love the guys reading the que cards on what to say.

killzone 2 loook unbelievable, truly next gen if ingame.
God damn! After watching the PS3 press conference im sold, **** Xbox360!
PS3 is so hot

did you watch the KillZone PS3 on ign....................WOW
Gorgon said:
PS3 is so hot

did you watch the KillZone PS3 on ign....................WOW
yes killzone stole the show, i-8 looks amazing aswell.
OMG That looks absolutely unbelivable. And these are just tech demos or otherwise quickly put togheter stuff, nothing that utilises the system 100%!
I'm not convinced yet. Granted, I think it looks just as good as the Xbox 360, but some of that stuff just really smacks me as pre-rendered (ie. Killzone). Time will tell, but I'm certainly not holding my breath.

It's funny how some people are already preaching "Sony kicked MS's ass" when all you've seen is an elaborate first unveiling show that of course has been preened to a ridiculous level. And yeah, the PS3 does have a lot of horsepower. So did the PS2 for it's time, but it was apparently a developer's nightmare. So what's the point of all that power if your developers are going to have to spend years finally getting their grips around the technology?

Any way, it looks nice. But I'm not that impressed.
unreal engine 3 on ps3 , f****** mind blowing :eek::eek::eek:

The Unreal 3 engine demo on the PS3 was the world's first demo of a working game engine on PS3 hardware. The demo ran at a 720p resolution.
MaxiKana said:
OMG That looks absolutely unbelivable. And these are just tech demos or otherwise quickly put togheter stuff, nothing that utilises the system 100%!
killzone 2 looks almost too good for such an early stage, theres not a bit of slowdown at all even with all the particle effects going off, i wouldnt be surprised if it was rendered just coz it looks so much better than the others.
jimbo118 said:
killzone 2 looks almost too good for such an early stage, theres not a bit of slowdown at all even with all the particle effects going off, i wouldnt be surprised if it was rendered just coz it looks so much better than the others.

with the PS3 power, I would say that was ingame vid. So beautiful.
Gorgon said:
with the PS3 power, I would say that was ingame vid. So beautiful.
yeah maybe, it just looked like such a leap forward it was unbelievable, awesome anyway, it was like a futuristic dday, the best looking game ever if ingame, looks like its scripted to death but damn good scripting. :p :) , the sound was amazing too, all the soldiers screaming.

jesus, ue3 looks amazing, 2 months with the devkit too.
weskerQ8 said:
Sony Conference video ( really interesting don't miss it )

if you wanna download ( 272 MB )

if you wanna stream

Is it possible to download this movie? Streaming is so slow.
2Fast4U said:
Is it possible to download this movie? Streaming is so slow.
yes what he said, the download link is just the stream, anyone know where to d/l it?

Gargantou said:
Where can I find the UE3 on PS3 footage?
its about an hour into the conference if that helps, i havent found a d/l just for the ue3 demo yet.
NikolaX said:
and this Killzone2 vid, is to smooth to be in game.
you dont have a link to d/l the ps3 conference do you? gs's 1 is 404'ed. constant streaming sucks.
all conference ?
just download on the 2 page i post before.

it is pretty slow for now, but we have time , do we :)
NikolaX said:
all conference ?
just download on the 2 page i post before.

it is pretty slow for now, but we have time , do we :)
what page?
works for me, try later m8, becose i dont have another link ;)
SearanoX said:
That Fight Night demo, perhaps one of the only games rendered in real time, did not look 36 times better than something on the PS2.
That's a pretty ridiculous thing to say! What kind of logic are you using there? And how do you judge how many times better something looks?

Quake 2 looks 5.6 times better than Quake 1? Of course...
Have you guys seen the screenshots of Getaway 3?
I'm pretty sure it ain't pre-rendered, but it still looks good for a console game.
Gargantou said:
Have you guys seen the screenshots of Getaway 3?
I'm pretty sure it ain't pre-rendered, but it still looks good for a console game.

Yeah, that looked really amazing. The city looked alive and real.
Gargantou said:
Have you guys seen the screenshots of Getaway 3?
I'm pretty sure it ain't pre-rendered, but it still looks good for a console game.

link plz :)
SearanoX said:
That Fight Night demo, perhaps one of the only games rendered in real time, did not look 36 times better than something on the PS2. I'd say it matches up with what the XBox 360 has displayed.

Obviously you don't play the ps2 version much, but the one on the PS3 is 100% times better, you can barely see facial expressions, and when you hurt them, its always the same, barely any features of showing damage to your opponent or yourself.
Awful, horrible, disgusting design. That controller is revolting. Still, some impressive specs, although at the moment it's all PR hype from all the consoles.
yeah, the controller really is just horrible.... blaauauuurgurgeghhhhh

but maybe itll be like crazy comfortable... or something...