PlayStation 3 Revealed!

mhm MGS4....Devil may totally nu games cant wait /:
In total, the games shown have had 20 sequels (including Killzone 1)

satch919 said:
I wonder what the cost of this thing will be. :O
£500 and a packet of pickled onion space raiders.

(i'm guessing £500, making a console anymore is silly)
This looks great. Good thing I`m buying both the Xbox 2 and the Ps3.
if all this info is fake I will hate sony
It looks like my router....

Who comes up with this shit? Horrible, horrible, horrible..
lePobz said:
Ugly... and I can't see any mention of the PS3 being able to function as a media centre in the same way the XB360 does...

Quite frankly, XB360 FTW.

A media center? Who would want a media center in a games console? That's what your PC is for.
I've got a third party xbox controller like that, and it felt awful to hold :( but then again I don't think the company had as much money as sony to spend on ergonomics research :p
the architechture is actually pretty poorly made; the fact that the system memory is split into 2 pools, half for gpu, half for general operation, equals much more time between modifying and accessing texture data, and so forth. the PC architechture is actually way better than this... this seems to be the same deception that sony pulled with the ps2, touting this amazing emotion engine and whatnot and the end result was a bunch of jaggedy edges. the graphics card is using aftermarket gddr3 memory, not xdr memory as is probably most needed for this console to do as it wants to. we're talking 22.4gb/s... no way near any kind of 6800U.. much less two of them.

fortunatly bits and bytes dont matter, its the games.. hopefully they are damned sexy looking.
The controller looks like an original controller held by the centre and put in an oven for 10mins.
Why is "Playstation 3" written in the "Spiderman" movie font?
Cerpin said:
Why is "Playstation 3" written in the "Spiderman" movie font?


quickly, run, there will be snipers inbound to your location as we speak!

No-one is to mention the connection!
The person who designed the controller should be shot. :O

So.. horrible.. can't.. express.. in.. words..
What an ugly, but apparently powerful, console. Still dont know if i'll get it though. But its like a year and half away so i'm not really worried
Though I dont know much about specs, they sure sound nice, but im really not feeling those controllers. Why do the sides extend so far? Maybe it will grow on me, but now it looks rediculous.
Tr0n said:
Holy shit...2.18 teraflops?! :|
No. 218 gigaflops. Th2 teraflop number is the total theoretical computation that the cpu, the gpu, etc can do in conjunction. The xbox has 1 teraflop. These dont matter though, as the architechtures are vastly different. The only way to accurately judge is to see the games, and how they look.
mortiz said:
A media center? Who would want a media center in a games console? That's what your PC is for.
Consoles go in the living room infront of 40" high-definition TVs.... hence why its useful for sreaming content from PCs. You could stick your PC in your living room, but thats just stupid.

XB360 is convergence - it's the future. Sony can either keep up or drop out. If these released specs are anything to go by, they have opted for the latter.
Cerpin said:
Why is "Playstation 3" written in the "Spiderman" movie font?

I mentioned that on page one and nobody paid any attention :(
qckbeam said:
Good lord, that is the ugliest thing I've ever seen.

There you have it folks, coming from a guy with Pennywise as avatar. It's official: this thing is hideous and may cause irritation of skin and eyes.
Here we have it ladies and gentleman, the first images

Reginald said:

Looks like a high-res PS2 shot to me :/[/QUOTE]
IGN isnt saying that, its under their official coverage.

I think it looks good...Don't see how all ya'll think it's ugly. :|

Oh well, each his/her own.
and whats the problem whit the design

"OMG looks ugly I will not buy even if is posible that iis more powerfull that the xbox360!!!!1"
Reginald said:
I mentioned that on page one and nobody paid any attention :(

It looks like the spider man title! I noticed that but I saw ur post....Damn non post readers.
Murray_H said:

If IGN is going slow[/QUOTE]
ign is getting hammered, i imagine. over all, from what i've seen so far, i'm not impressed particularly with the graphics.. they seem at or slightly below par with the xbox. time will tell. i think one of the big factors will be online play and other things that previously people might not have cared about.
If those Killzone shots are running in realtime then I am extremely impressed.

HOLY SHIT!!! E3 is going to be absolute madness! :laugh:
I can actually see it coming down to a shooting war between sony and microsoft...
SearanoX said:
Where are these Killzone shots? And, anything else would be appreciated. I'm still skeptical as to whether these shots are in-game or not.
they are probably renders like MS and SOny did the last generation... its all pissing contests. its at ign right now, CBA to give you an exact link but its on their front page.