Playstation HOME Launching Dec. 11 (That's tomorrow!!)

Not trying to Sony-bash here, but since the price point has already been raised, holy BALLS it's still pricey over here. I can get a 360 pro bundle with 2 games for $450, or an elite bundle for $600. Wii is $500 (lol). PS3 is still up around the $800 mark. :|

I actually want to get a PS3 eventually, but damn, Sony are going to have to meet me half-way on this one...
Maaaaaaaaaaan can I talk about this yet? Has the NDA lifted already?

Also PS3 has no gaems. At all. I'm a PS3 owner and the best thing I have on this system is Wild Arms, a PS1 game. NO. GAEMS. Don't fool yourselves or try to defend your purchase, fellow PStriple owners. You'd like to think this piece of crap has good exclusives coming out next year; hell, even good non-exclusives, but no. No gaems. I get more use out of my PS3 controller by plugging it into my laptop and playing Mugen.

Which...I think I will do now. Time to play some JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
Maaaaaaaaaaan can I talk about this yet? Has the NDA lifted already?

Also PS3 has no gaems. At all. I'm a PS3 owner and the best thing I have on this system is Wild Arms, a PS1 game. NO. GAEMS. Don't fool yourselves or try to defend your purchase, fellow PStriple owners. You'd like to think this piece of crap has good exclusives coming out next year; hell, even good non-exclusives, but no. No gaems. I get more use out of my PS3 controller by plugging it into my laptop and playing Mugen.

Which...I think I will do now. Time to play some JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

Whoo ....

It's a good thing there are superior beings out there to tell me what is and is not suitable to enjoy, otherwise I might have had fun with the thing for years!

Thank you, internet.
You have to wait for Home, I don't.

I know what I'm talking about here. Listen to me. Or, listen to me later in the day.
Woah, woah.

Who says Time Splitters 4 is PS3 exclusive?

It had better not be.
Splinter Cell - PS3 as well.
Mass Effect 2 - Ill give you that. Part 1 was insane.
Halo 3 - Recon = a expansion being sold for full price, after Halo 3's horribleness well see.
Ninety-Nine Nights 2 - 2 concept art shots? Really ill pull out some games with those as well.
APB - no comment.
Huxley - fail, it failed after the 1st gameplay videos. This will get a max score of 4.0 trust me
Halo Wars - could be good but there has yet to be a good rts on a console. Shutting the studio after release doesnt help ether.
2 days to Vegas - your listing a canceled game that was suppose to come out on every platform?
Project Forza 3 - Moterstorm 2 and GT5
White Gold - Seriously now your pulling out any ****ing random game.
Splinter Cell Conviction - Confirmed as 360 exclusive as per contract with Microsoft, at least get your facts straight.
Halo Wars - You obviously never played Dune on the Sega Genesis :)
2 Days To Vegas is not cancelled but it is coming out on PC, PS3 and 360, so it's not exclusive.
Project Forza 3 - What does Motorstorm 2 have to do with this? They're very different, Forza is a console racing sim, Motorstorm is a console arcade racing-ish game. Besides, as fun as GT5P was, I still feel that Forza 2 had better AI than that, so we'll have to simply wait and see.

Woah, woah.

Who says Time Splitters 4 is PS3 exclusive?

It had better not be.
No-one does, TimeSplitters 4 has never been confirmed as an exclusive for any platform.
Yeah, so at the risk of making everyone angry and bringing this discussion back on topic, I think that HOME has loads of potential. The open beta looks like it will be a fun way to spend time, either alone or with friends and relax and take in some quality content. It is a very encouraging fact that so many third-party devs and other companies want to get in on it too.

HOME should take brand immersion to a whole new level giving people in the eMarketing field something to seriously consider in terms of future brand strategy.
I'm just glad HOME isn't something that will be forced upon PS3 users.. Or will it? The thing I like the most about the PS3 and PSPs are the clean and intuitive UIs, I far prefer them to the 360s.
I'm just glad HOME isn't something that will be forced upon PS3 users.. Or will it? The thing I like the most about the PS3 and PSPs are the clean and intuitive UIs, I far prefer them to the 360s.
Agreed. Afaik HOME will not be forced on gamers. It will appear as an icon in the XMB that you can access if you like, but that you by no means must access. And yes, thank goodness for that.
Splinter Cell Conviction - Confirmed as 360 exclusive as per contract with Microsoft, at least get your facts straight.

Rumoured to be coming to PS3 as well. And considering major 3rd party devs just don't do exclusives anymore and also the game went back to the drawing board this inevitably WILL come to PS3.
Rumoured to be coming to PS3 as well. And considering major 3rd party devs just don't do exclusives anymore and also the game went back to the drawing board this inevitably WILL come to PS3.
There's no proof it inevitably will, neither Ubisoft or Microsoft has mentioned the contract becoming invalidated because the game is being redesigned.

By the way, if you weren't aware, there are many games that often go through stages where they decide to change the focus or do an overhaul, I doubt just because Ubisoft decides to make some major changes to the game, it automatically makes the legal contract signed with Microsoft invalid.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but seeing as the latest statement by Ubisoft and Microsoft was that Splinter Cell: Conviction is an XBox 360 and PC exclusive, that still stands, and anything else is speculation pure and simple.

By your logic, one could continue to argue that MGS4 WILL inevitably come to the 360 since "major 3rd party devs just don't do exclusives anymore", and Konami is a major 4rd party dev.

Sure, it MIGHT be a timed exclusive, however, we have no confirmation of that, the only confirmation we've gotten is it being exclusive to the 360 and Games For Windows, anything else IS speculation and not FACT.

Note: I have nothing against the PS3, it's a good console with plenty of good games, however, that doesn't mean I'm gonna tolerate people spreading incorrect information. I mean sure, I may seem a 360 fanboy sometimes, but I did not go into the MGS4 confirmed for 360 thread and agreed with the 360 fanboys, did I? No, because I do not buy into speculation, I buy into facts, pure and simple.
Hey it's happened before:

Assassin's creed
tekken 6
the darkness
Hey it's happened before:

Assassin's creed
tekken 6
the darkness
Was any of those games ever announced as a total 360 exclusive? Only game I think might have been was BioShock..

AFAIK Assassin's Creed was never stated to be a 360 exclusive, nor PS3, but there was a lot of speculation on the subject.
FF XIII - used to be ps3 exclusive
Assassin's creed - was originally billed as ps3 exclusive
tekken 6 - used to be PS3 exclusive
the darkness - was originally billed as ps3 exclusive
bioshock - used to be 360 exclusive
Look, let's just set the record straight and say that the PS2 has the best (and most) exclusives ever.

There, doesn't everyone feel better? Now let's talk some more about HOME. Anything elsle anyone wants to see or that they have seen? (Isn't it out now in the UK at least?)
Woot! UT3 MMO with shit guns! You can tell the game feels like shit just by watching this joke.

Is there even a argument.
Looks ok. Certainly look better than Socom bullshit ps3 got.

You have 1 valid arguable point and that's about Halo Wars having a chance at being good.
Admit it, you've lost your argument. Someone post above that it's not canceled (Although, it is for all platform). And your only souce is IGN? -_-

You sir are full of fail.
FF XIII - used to be ps3 exclusive
Assassin's creed - was originally billed as ps3 exclusive
tekken 6 - used to be PS3 exclusive
the darkness - was originally billed as ps3 exclusive
bioshock - used to be 360 exclusive
Source for Assassin's Creed and The Darkness being billed as PS3 exclusives?

I followed both of them and as far as I know it was just speculation by gaming journalist, there was never an official statement by either developer or publisher of exclusivity.
Last time I read them being exclusives was in a magazine but that must have been years ago
Last time I read them being exclusives was in a magazine but that must have been years ago
As I said, gaming journalists making assumptions regarding exclusivity, there was never a statement of Assassin's Creed exclusivity anyway, that I know for a fact, though first people speculated it was PS3 exclusive, then they speculated it was 360 exclusive after it's showing at X.
Okay fair enough although i do thihk it came from the official playstation magazine :|
haha, I just started a sit-down protest in the playstation home theatre ... I sat down behind someone, and a sitting-down queue formed behind me, about 30 others joined haha
First impressions impress me more than I anticipated. Particularly the visuals, which are far beyond what I thought they would be. The shadows in particular are some of the best I've seen. The interaction elements, billboards and videos and such are intriguing, if I had a faster connection I could see myself using this a lot. Only disappointment is the extremely limited amount of free customisable content. I'm stuck with my trampy default gear.
I thought it was pretty much useless. Only really good for the mini-games ... and that's about all I expect to do ... log in every once in awhile when they release new mini-games.
I keep getting

Request timed out

I have heard that if you keep trying it will work though, so I will go do that. :(
ITT Asuka passes judgement on games that haven't been shown off yet
ITT Asuka passes judgement on games that haven't been shown off yet
Yeah, he used to be the forum optimist, every time a new game was shown that looked semi-decent he'd be all like "THIS LOOKS ****ING GREAT IT'S GONNA BE ONE OF THE BEST GAMES EVER!"
Got in. Love it, but way too crowded and I won't pay money for clothes and chairs. The game specific environs are very cool too. So far so good.
I'll be laughing when it degrades into a second second life.
Should be a few years before that happens. There is a LOT of interest in it from third-parties so the possibilities for intriguing new ways to leverage this medium to deliver brand messaging to an invested audience is huge. I still don't know why you guys think it will fail so utterly.

I, for one, would love to see developers put extra content in HOME as opposed to on a disc where it takes up room the games could use. Why not just stream it to theaters and such in HOME? Seriously though, the virtual tradeshow is the thing I am most excited about. I really hope they get that going double-quick!!
I see a PS3 enthusiast making perfectly valid and reasonable points on his expectations towards Home. Someone isn't a fanboi for liking something. Jeez you say one positive thing about PS3 and you're branded as if you're an idiot consumer whore foaming at the mouth every time there's something cool released for it.
I see more irrational PS3 hate here than I see fanboy-ism. I downloaded the 77 mb file, but haven't had a chance to install it yet. If it's a great app, then wonderful. If it's not, what the hell do I care? I just won't use it.
I see people getting butthurt over people having different opinions and then calling each other names and making negative comments towards each other.