Playstation HOME Launching Dec. 11 (That's tomorrow!!)

I am trying to keep the thread on topic because it is a big deal for gamers whether you like the PS3/Sony or not.

Remember please, I have all 3 systems and like them all for their strong points and criticize appropriately where I find fault. Sony is not perfect, but the PS3 is arguably my best piece of hardware this generation. The 360 has been great for the exclusives that I have played on it, but most of those have come to the PC anyway and it is not all that impressive in terms of what you get for the money. The Wii is in a class of its own and as such has some awesome exclusives that beat the pants off of much of what Sony or MS have to offer.
It is? Funny, all I've heard about HOME from non-PS3 gamers is yawns..
Yeah, you guys don't see any potential in it and that is fine. Maybe one day you will. Maybe you won't. Either way, I am excited for the possibilities and so is the industry considering the support that is being shown for it and will continue to be shown for it in the future.
Yeah, you guys don't see any potential in it and that is fine. Maybe one day you will. Maybe you won't. Either way, I am excited for the possibilities and so is the industry considering the support that is being shown for it and will continue to be shown for it in the future.
Well, in all due fairness, the industry saw great possibilities in Second Life, which they used, and it's a popular game, that doesn't make me like it more.
Well, in all due fairness, the industry saw great possibilities in Second Life, which they used, and it's a popular game, that doesn't make me like it more.
True, but you don't have to like it to see potential in it or express your thoughts on what might make it better. What is it exactly that you don't like and do you have any suggestions as to what might make it a better experience (for you at least)?
I'm going to base all my opinions on that.
Tried Home yesterday for about 30 mins and as a PS3 user I have to say,


It'd be cooler if there were some more options to customize your character and home WITHOUT paying between $.50 and $1 for every single item so people can actually have a unique and interesting look rather than pick from the dubious options we are given. It'll be a bit cooler if you can unlock new clothing and furnishing items by getting trophies in games, but then again - I don't plan on logging onto Home simply to put a new picture on my wall that nobody but my friends MIGHT see just to show them I got an achievement...err.. trophy.

I can see some potential, but I don't plan on logging back on until I see a purpose.
Maaaaaaaaaaan can I talk about this yet? Has the NDA lifted already?

Also PS3 has no gaems. At all. I'm a PS3 owner and the best thing I have on this system is Wild Arms, a PS1 game. NO. GAEMS. Don't fool yourselves or try to defend your purchase, fellow PStriple owners. You'd like to think this piece of crap has good exclusives coming out next year; hell, even good non-exclusives, but no. No gaems. I get more use out of my PS3 controller by plugging it into my laptop and playing Mugen.

Which...I think I will do now. Time to play some JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

This is true, such wisdom. ps3 fails. 360 wins.
If you have a Japanese PSN account you can download the Namco Museum Beta demo and then log back into your regular account, play the demo, and win free stuff for home like arcade machines for your apartment, new clothing, and other neat items. Pretty cool and free--all for playing Pac-Man, Dig-Dug, Galaga, and that other one I don't know as well...:laugh:
Hah, PS3 hate. When will people grow up?
I played it for about 10 mins and my conclusion is... there's ****ing nothing to do.
Wait, since when is a dislike for a particular product related to maturity?

When it's based on us versus them parochialism and when one ignores points against one's opinion. Which is very often the case with PS3 vs Xbox 'discussions'.

Why would someone feel the need to flame a product they haven't bought for in the first place? It doesn't affect them.
Yeah, [strike]playstation 3[/strike] Xbox 360 sucks!
Why would someone feel the need to flame a product they haven't bought for in the first place? It doesn't affect them.

My argument about XBOX360 is that nearly its whole attire of games are released for the PC or other consoles.
You don't have to buy an XBOX360 to pass that judgment.
I tried Home for a half hour yesterday, and in my opinion it's total crap. Limited character customization options. You only get a somewhat decent selection of hair, and I guess facial features, almost everything else you only get a few things to choose from. The room customization options were even more limited. I could only change the wall paper to a few bland colors, and a few ridiculous 60s/70s designs. There were only 1 or 2 pieces of furniture in each category (Which should I choose, cheap looking short table or cheap looking taller table? Decisions, decisions!), and I didn't see an option to change the furniture color from white.
Why would someone feel the need to flame a product they haven't bought for in the first place? It doesn't affect them.
But I own a Playstation 3 and was in the Home closed beta. It affects me. I'ma flame the shit out of this.
The PS3 is not exempt from criticism. Currently looking at last months numbers, this year was supposed to be the PS3's year to dominate the console race. I'm still hearing 'potenial' and 'you'll see' arguments.

in b4 butthurt.
Tried it today round my cousin's.

We both yawned then went to play some CoD: WaW Nazi Zombies.

And for the record, the console with the best exclusives was the N64.
Not enough great ones either ;)

I love the DC, but please, don't even go there!
I agree, N64 had the most good exclusives, many of those belonging to Rare.
Played it at my friends house for an hour. The most sad and simultaneously hilarious thing ever. We ended up just running around abusing people over mic because there is literally nothing else to do. At all.
My opinion changed a little bit. I still think it's pretty useless, but playing the minigames and the Namco Museum beta to unlock new shit is pretty rewarding. Much more so than just trophies/achievements. I like that aspect of it as well as the idea of a steady stream of new playable content. Even if most of it is little minigames that don't amount to much, I do like the novelty.
N64 has the most generally kickass classics/must-haves of any console IMO. Super Nintendo gives it a run for its money though.
For some reason I'm entirely happy knowing I entirely skipped the whole Nintendo thing.
N64 has the most generally kickass classics/must-haves of any console IMO. Super Nintendo gives it a run for its money though.

Pretty much summed up my feelings on this. I own around twenty n64 carts, and I still play them ALL.
N64 is great. I'll never forget Pilot Wings, Goldeneye, Banjo, Perfect Dark, Mario 64, Diddy Kong Racing, Star Fox 64 and many moarrrr
Super Nintendo gives it a run for its money though
Hey what up, Genesis here, just dropping by to laugh at the idea that Super Nintendo had better exclusives in the 16-bit era.


You guys just don't know. I love N64, don't get me wrong--all the games that BHC already named, plus games like Waverace, Jet Force Gemini, Conker, Paper Mario, Zelda, Killer Instinct, motherfucking MISCHIEF MAKERS...I loved N64. But "best exclusives?" Lol no. Dreamcast slaps on every single system in terms of exclusives.

And I owned an SNES as well. I bought the Donkey Kong package on November 21 of 94; I remember the date to this day because I was so jazzed up about that shit. I've played nearly every Super Nintendo game from Phalanx to Breath of Fire II. I know Super Nintendo, so trust when I say Genesis was infinitely better.

Also any multiplats in that era were done better on Genesis; Jurassic Park? On SNES it was a shitty top-down adventure game. On Genesis, holy fuck this is one of the coolest platformers ever I'm a velociraptor clawing your guts out. Contra 3? HARD CORPS, SON. Aladdin? Isn't this the same game on both systems? Oh shit it isn't damn why is this so much better on Genesis?

Genesis was just too good. Sega was just too good. You know the reason Sega didn't win out in the end? Shitty timing and marketing decisions, which in turn led to no 3rd party developer support. If it weren't for that Sega would still be king, because by the time Dreamcast rolled around they'd perfected the idea of "exclusives that WILL make you want this console." N64 had ballsy games that provided countless hours of fun, especially with friends. But Dreamcast just slaps on it. Sorry Nintendofriends, your nostalgia and fond memories aren't wrong, but the assumption that the system had the best exclusives is.