Playstation HOME Launching Dec. 11 (That's tomorrow!!)

Ecco is the best game to have as a child. I got scared alone by how immersive that game was.
Damn the music, damn it!
Genesis was just too good. Sega was just too good. You know the reason Sega didn't win out in the end?


The desperation of the Gensis/Sega fanboys. I left your kind crying in my wake in the playground ;)

Not a bad list of games (I LOVED General Chaos), but it would only take a few mintues to put together a snes compilation that laughs at it! Ha! As for DC exclusives - they were there, but nothing that stood up to the big guns of OoT, GE/PD, M64 .....

Oh, and Sonic Adventure was shite. Utter shite. An affront - it was 'Mario Sunshine' * 100 in getting Sonic wrong. How'd you like them apples??!
Oh my god. Seeing the Vectorman art almost brought tears to my eyes. So good ;(

The desperation of the Gensis/Sega fanboys. I left your kind crying in my wake in the playground ;)

Not a bad list of games (I LOVED General Chaos), but it would only take a few mintues to put together a snes compilation that laughs at it! Ha! As for DC exclusives - they were there, but nothing that stood up to the big guns of OoT, GE/PD, M64 .....

Oh, and Sonic Adventure was shite. Utter shite. An affront - it was 'Mario Sunshine' * 100 in getting Sonic wrong. How'd you like them apples??!
You're just too wrong, dude. Also how'd you leave "my kind" crying in your wake? I had all the systems, son, ALL the systems. Why would I go home and cry about something I already had? You must understand, I speak from the perspective of having owned every console from the 2600 through Playstation 3, with the exceptions of 3DO, Jaguar, and CD-i. (But I had access to those three, so I played their games as well)

Anyway, you can laugh, but you actually never provided any game that's better on SNES or had a better draw for the SNES. You can't even refute that multiplats were done better on Genesis than SNES. Come on man, Rocket Knight Adventures vs. Sparkster? Contra 3 vs. Hard Corps? The Magical Quest starring Mickey Mouse vs. Mickey Mouse in the Castle of Illusion? Warbie, don't kid yourself bro. Mortal Kombat on Genesis vs. Mortal Kombat on Super Nintendo? ENJOY YOUR SWEAT AND NO GORY FATALITIES. What else...I already mentioned Jurassic Park and Aladdin last time.

And not just multiplatforms, but whole genres of games were better on the Genesis. The only one I will concede is RPGs, mainly because Nintendo had friggin' gems in the jRPG department. Phantasy Star IV might be a masterpiece but it doesn't edge out Nintendo's selections. But platforming, action games, fighting games, sports games, racing games, puzzle games...the Genesis stops, dude. Genesis does what Nintendon't. And I had both of 'em so I know which one was getting more use. Friends come over? "Do you guys want to play Battletoads and Double Dragon or Streets of Rage 2?" You KNOW the answer already.

Plus when Sega CD came out, "You guys wanna get in on some Spider-Man or Popful Mail? Dude let's just play Sewer Shark."

Now to address the N64, too laughable dude. Nintendo had a few great exclusives, to be sure. But it only had a handful. A handful. The Dreamcast's entire library was pure gold. Smash Brothers? Hi, they call me Power Stone 2. Mario Party? You heard of this game called Ooga Booga? I only mention it because I don't want to say "Penpen vs. Mario Party" and make you weep woman tears. You had Pilotwings, I had Aerowings. What fighting titles did N64 have? I hope you enjoy Mortal Kombat 4 and Killer Instinct. I'll just be over here playing a perfect port of...well, a perfect port of nearly every 2D fighter ever. Oh shit, N64 has that new Midway fighter Mace: The Dark Ages? Wait, what the heck is Mace: The Dark Ages? I'm sorry I was too busy playing Soul Calibur to notice.

You like shootan games? N64 has none. Meanwhile, Ikaruga.

You want RPGs? N64 has Ocarina of Time. Not dissing it, wonderful game. You also have Paper Mario, which I enjoyed. Name one other. Name one other RPG off the top of your head without trying to scour Google. Actually go ahead and scour Google, I'll wait. This isn't Jeopardy, you aren't being timed. I will wait.

Nothing yet? Rough break bro. Come on over and we'll play SKIES OF ARCADIA, Grandia 2, Phantasy Star Online, Evolution Sacred Device and Evolution Far Off Promise, we'll play ourselves some TIME STALKERS and I've got Elemental Gimmick Gear, you might enjoy that.

You like the beat 'em ups? N64's got Fighting Force, that's a pretty cool game. You can break off just about anything in the environment and pummel people; I had fun with that one. You know what else I had fun with? Nightmare Creatures II and Berserk, son.

You like Ecco the Dolphin? Holy shit Man's Nightmare is insane what is this goddamn level stop polluting the water assholes.

Dude I haven't even hit on the ballsier games like Jet Set Radio, Space Channel 5, Chu Chu Rocket, Crazy Taxi, Bomberman Online, Blue Stinger, RE: Code Veronica, Gundam Side Story, Slave Zero (fuck year you KNOW you had fun with Slave Zero don't even try to say you didn't or you don't remember it, EVERYBODY remembers that shit goddamn I'm 20 stories tall and I just picked up a bus and threw it at another robot this is so awesome), Virtual On Otorio Tangram, Virtua Fighter 3 perfectly ported...

I haven't even said Shenmue yet. Oh, there. I said it. That's the killer. Bring on ALL your N64 games, bring 'em all on. Maybe they'd like to play a game of Lucky Hit against my man Ryo.

And that's not even half the Dreamcast's library, bro. Look at all those games I named. Not even close to half. N64 got play on Mario 64, Smash Brothers, 4-player Star Fox (tread in hell landmasters), a little bit of Conker, a whole shit ton of Goldeneye, some Jet Force Gemini, and sometimes Mortal Kombat 4 would come out. Those were the games played with friends. Singleplayer you were playing Zelda and Mischief Makers. Maybe you played some Pilotwings. Oh, and sometimes when your friends came over you might've said, "Let's play Rush."

That's what, 11 games? 12 if you throw Perfect Dark in that list, if you decided to play that instead of Goldeneye? 12 games on an entire system? LOOK at all the Dreamcast games I named. And I honestly didn't even scratch the surface, because I didn't really touch on fighters. Literally EVERY fighting game. A whole crap ton of shmups. You had beat 'em ups, RPGs, platformers, party games. The N64 and the Playstation got put away when the Dreamcast came out. Out of all my old systems that's the only one I never sold and never will sell. All the others? Gone. All I've got now is my Dreamcast and PS3, and Dreamcast STILL gets more play (PS3 no gaems).

I'm telling you man, N64 had great games. Don't think I'm not saying that. A lot of fun times were had on N64. But you're wrong. You're just plain wrong. Dreamcast had the better exclusives, the BEST exclusives on any system for all time. Until a system comes out that can produce a library where there are absolutely no shit games, no filler games, games you'd bring out today when you get a bunch of friends together and want to throw down, there will be no system that can claim the title of "Best Exclusives" except for Dreamcast.

You're also just plain wrong about Sonic Adventure, because


Yeah, that's stuck in your head now. Manually. You're welcome.
Funny post, actually bit my lip and read through all of it. Both N64 and Dreamcast both had phenomenal runs, that's for sure.

I realized just now I left out Banjo in N64's run. That was an unjust oversight on my part. Throw Banjo in there.

Also, if anyone's wondering why I left Turok out, because it wasn't as good as everyone thinks. It was fun on multi for like five minutes before you started hearing, "Knock it off with that cerebral bore shit

Yeah I know. But nobody talks about Turok 1. I assumed everybody would understand that I was referencing 2 just by mentioning the bore. Turok 1 was know what? I actually have almost no recollection of Turok 1. What the hell went on in that game? I don't even remember.

Turok was a shit franchise anyway. Lame Valiant comic and not-too-fun video games. I liked the series a lot more when it was called DINO-RIDERS.
Turok 1 felt pretty brutal for it's time. Playing it recently the game felt a bit more ridiculous with the amount of fog and BS jumping puzzles, but I remember having a great deal of fun with it when it was released.
Fog. That I do remember. But yeah, nothing aside from that. I'd have to play it again to pass judgment on it.
Like this thread sadly... least until there are more significant developments with HOME.
Entire argument is made void by the fact the Dreamcast failed. I bought one, so it was inevitable really.
Entire argument is made void by the fact the Dreamcast failed. I bought one, so it was inevitable really.

IMO PS3 is the best console this gen and it is last.
I'm no PS3 hater, but given all the time I've spent with it, I can safely say it's not the best, or even very good.
I hated my Sega Genesis. The controllers took the term "garbage" to an entirely new level. I probably went through at least ten of them and had to open them up and fix them continuously. As far as games go, I fondly remember less than a handful. Of course I didn't have someone buying me every single game I wanted, whenever I wanted them so my games catalog probably left a lot to be desired. Of all the consoles I've owned over the years, this one takes the back seat.

Regarding the actual subject matter of the thread, I still haven't even bothered trying home. I dl'ed it, but haven't had the urge to install it and check it out. The reviews are certainly less than stellar. Maybe in a year or two the content will catch up to the idea.
IMO PS3 is the best console this gen and it is last.
I also own a PS3. And the PS3 hasn't failed, it's still in production, games are still being developed and sells quite healthily, just not as much as the 360. The Dreamcast on the other hand simply dropped out of the competition entirely.
I speak from the perspective of having owned every console from the 2600 through Playstation 3, with the exceptions of 3DO, Jaguar, and CD-i. (But I had access to those three, so I played their games as well)

I was similarly afflicted, yet also paid good money for the Jaguar. For better or worse - at least it had the best version of Doom!

You can't even refute that multiplats were done better on Genesis than SNES. Come on man, Rocket Knight Adventures vs. Sparkster? Contra 3 vs. Hard Corps? The Magical Quest starring Mickey Mouse vs. Mickey Mouse in the Castle of Illusion? Warbie, don't kid yourself bro. Mortal Kombat on Genesis vs. Mortal Kombat on Super Nintendo? ENJOY YOUR SWEAT AND NO GORY FATALITIES. What else...I already mentioned Jurassic Park and Aladdin last time.

I wasn't going to go down the multiplatform route - it's a slippery slope one upmanship - but can see there's no prisoners being taken in this console war! The snes more than held its own. Really, who gave a **** about Mortal Combat when the only fighter worth discussing - THE definitive fighter - was clearly so much better on the snes. An accidental omission on your part, or a bout of strategic memory loss??!. SF2. The daddy. Possibly the heighest point of arguably the best generation gaming has seen. Sure, the genesis eventually got its own version (just like Mortal Combat on the snes eventually found the gore), but with poorer gfx, sound, and let down by a training wheel of a d-pad. Not even the 6 button pad with it's teeny tiny buttons could save the day - genesis fans were buying a snes just for SF2! There's others - Super Ghouls 'n' Ghosts, smash tv ... but we're better than this, Darkside. Multiplatform games didn't make either of these consoles great (well, perhaps SF2 did ;)). The exclusives did. They're what fuel this, the last of the great console wars. Mario vs. Sonic ...

And not just multiplatforms, but whole genres of games were better on the Genesis. The only one I will concede is RPGs, mainly because Nintendo had friggin' gems in the jRPG department. Phantasy Star IV might be a masterpiece but it doesn't edge out Nintendo's selections. But platforming, action games, fighting games, sports games, racing games, puzzle games...the Genesis stops, dude.

You really want to go to platforming? You really want to match Sonic 1, 2 & 3 against Super Mario World 1 & 2 and Allstars? It pains me how much better the Mario games were. How great they still are. How you can still play Yoshi's Island on an old crt and cry with joy at the beauty (there is no place for Mickey Mouse in this glorious fight - don't cheapen this, Darkside!). And racing games?! Mario Kart and F-Zero. You must be on acid my deluded friend. And how quickly you dismiss the Nintendo RPGs and clutch to Phantasy Star IV as though it was only just 'edged out' by Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 6, Link to the Past, Breath of Fire 1 & 2, Earthbound, Super Mario rpg .... oh the list goes on and on. Sports games? Super Tennis, IIS? Adventure/rpg Goemon the Warrior, Actraiser? Does the raping ever stop?

"Do you guys want to play Battletoads and Double Dragon or Streets of Rage 2?" You KNOW the answer already.

Yeah, they wanted to play SF2 ;) Ill give you scrolling beat-em-ups, though. Shooters, despite the mighty Gunstar, i'm still not so sure about. Parodius, UN Squadron, Cybernator, Gradius, Star Fox ...

Now to address the N64, too laughable dude. Nintendo had a few great exclusives, to be sure. But it only had a handful. A handful. The Dreamcast's entire library was pure gold. Smash Brothers? Hi, they call me Power Stone 2. Mario Party? You heard of this game called Ooga Booga? I only mention it because I don't want to say "Penpen vs. Mario Party" and make you weep woman tears. You had Pilotwings, I had Aerowings. What fighting titles did N64 have? I hope you enjoy Mortal Kombat 4 and Killer Instinct. I'll just be over here playing a perfect port of...well, a perfect port of nearly every 2D fighter ever. Oh shit, N64 has that new Midway fighter Mace: The Dark Ages? Wait, what the heck is Mace: The Dark Ages? I'm sorry I was too busy playing Soul Calibur to notice.

So blinkered! The Dreamcast will always be the arcade daddy, but that's where it ended. Fishing rods, light guns, dance matts. It will always be traditional gamers party machine of choice, but up against the might and sheer quality of the N64? Golden Eye says no! Perfect Dark says no! Mario 64 doesn't even need to say no, it just laughs and holds hands with Ocarina of Time, which is also laughing. These games are timeless. They apear in every top 100 games list ever, and usually in the top 10. Even the merely great N64 games like Starfox, Jet Force Gemini, Conker's - you know them well enough - easily stand head to head with the best of the DC. I'd argue more than 12 great exlcusives, but 12 truly great exclusives is more than any other system can boast. Sure, there's Shenmue, Rez, Jet Grind, Powerstone, Samba etc, but the rest (Crazy Taxi)? Album Fillers and novelty my friend.

You like shootan games? N64 has none. Meanwhile, Ikaruga.

You forget another of Treasure's gems, Sin and Punishment? Bangai-O, too. More selective memory loss me thinks. Sure, neither were quite an Ikaruga, but then again, Ikaruga wasn't quite a Radiant Silvergun either!

You want RPGs? N64 has Ocarina of Time. Not dissing it, wonderful game. You also have Paper Mario, which I enjoyed. Name one other. Name one other RPG off the top of your head without trying to scour Google.

Do I need to? Both were leagues ahead of Skies, Grandia, and the like. PSO was a shining star, i'll tip my hat to that.

You like the beat 'em ups? N64's got Fighting Force, that's a pretty cool game. You can break off just about anything in the environment and pummel people; I had fun with that one. You know what else I had fun with? Nightmare Creatures II and Berserk, son.

No Mercy? Easily up there with Powerstone 1 & 2. But yeah, 2d wise the DC will always be the daddy.

And Sonic Adventure still sucks the fat one. Look inside, play the original, you know it to be true!
It begins. Too forum giants quotebattle eachother. Get out of here. Now.
Regarding the actual subject matter of the thread, I still haven't even bothered trying home.
Don't. Save yourself twenty minutes of, "So that's it?"

And now the battle with Warbie begins!

Let's talk Street Fighter 2. See, I will, wholeheartedly, 100% no-arguments-to-the-contrary-given agree with you on this point. Because Street Fighter 2--in all its incarnations--was a beautiful thing on SNES. And Genesis couldn't handle that. Now while the Genesis had some good fighters, and some better versions of fighters that were on both platforms (you ever play the TMNT fighter, Warbie?), Street Fighter was king on SNES.

Now the only thing I can say to that is that me, personally, I'd be playing SF2 in the arcade rather than on home console back in that era. But when Street Fighter 2 did come out, shit got real. So I shall not even try to refute that because even I know it's 100% correct.

Now, platformers. Did you NOT see that I posted Ristar? :laugh: Ristar is just too far beyond anything SNES did in the platform genre. Comix Zone. The Shinobi games. And come on, Sonic and Knuckles versus Mario All Stars? That isn't a fight that's a giant tower of power coming down on Mario. You plug Sonic 3 into Sonic and Knuckles and it's game over. Everybody knew that Mario couldn't hang with Sonic. Sonic was the better platformer all around. Casino Night Zone in Sonic 2, Warbie! Can you fight this with meandering around the worlds in Yoshi's Island? Could Super Mario World REALLY trump the Chemical Plant Zone? You you think that the feather could stand up to the spin dash? You know what game everyone was playing, man, come on. Nobody wanted to hang with the fat plumber, they wanted the 'hog with the shades and the radical 90s attitude. And it was the better game. It had the better platforming mechanics. Better scrolling. It had the better music, you can NOT argue that point. You still remember all of Sonic's music. In fact I bet a lot of you people in this thread probably remember Sonic's music. Now if I ask you, "hum world 4-1 for me," you couldn't. But if I was like, "Underwater Sonic tune!" You'd be all like, "Doot doot doot..."

And did you SERIOUSLY just diss the Mickey games. Oh man. Oh man, did you ever play them? Castle of Illusion was GOD TIER, Warbie. Back then all the Disney platformers were still gold in a box. Maui Mallard, dude. Maui Mallard.

As for side-scrolling shooters, Thunderforce. Aeroblasters. Ranger X. Zero Wing. ;)

Look, I didn't want to have to do this, but...FORGOTTEN WORLDS. I'm sorry, Warbie. He who wields Forgotten Worlds wields an awesome power that can destroy any argument put forth against the Genesis's domination in this genre. It isn't a power I like to use without reservation, but I do not wish to drag this on with you. I play the Forgotten Worlds card, and thus I have won all arguments in shooters.

Now, as for the Dreamcast vs. N64...perhaps we two are just far different in what we consider the master of exclusives. For me, I'm a fighting game fanatic. To me, the Dreamcast is the epitome of the fighter. Never will there be another system to compete with the Dreamcast, neither in the past nor in the future, for the Dreamcast took the very heart, the beautiful, wonderful heart of the Sega Saturn, the FIGHTING GAME, and it said, "Behold. I will carry your legacy inside me, and all that you have done in this genre I will keep, and expand to limits you could only dream of, my little brother."

Dreamcast WAS an arcade gamer's dream. It was a party gamer's dream. To me, Dreamcast is the king of exclusives based on how much fun was had with the damn thing. That's what we play video games for. "How much fun did I have with this marvelous machine?" The Dreamcast destroys everything in that respect.

Sure I spent countless hours playing against my friends in Goldeneye. Yeah, I loved dogfighting with Star Wolf. I smashed a few bros in my day on the N64. Mario was great, JFG, all those games. But at almost every point that a couple of us friends got together, everybody wanted to play the Dreamcast.

I used to hang out at a video game store (all my friends worked there) and they got the import Dreamcast when it came out in Japan, and man, that N64 that had been playing Smash almost nonstop? It went away. It wasn't spoken of again. Nobody wanted to even look at the N64. Mario was fun...but I keep saying man, you're wrong about Sonic. YOU ARE CHASED BY A WHALE IN THE FIRST LEVEL AND PLANKS ARE EXPLODING BEHIND YOU. You are going so fast it is ridiculous. And who here, who among you Halflife2.netters will truly say, "I don't like Open Your Heart?"

You can't say that.

You'd be a liar.

Plus, the thing is, Dreamcast had a plethora of games. Variety. Sure you could play the same N64 games over and over again and have a good time, but on Dreamcast you could say, "Let's break out this new game." You know nobody did that on N64. Nobody was clamoring at the Blockbuster to rent Flying Dragon. Nobody wanted to pick up Clayfighter 64. People would rather play Blue Stinger than Winback.
This thread is like a Friday Night Fight. The main event: Darkside vs. Warbie, coming in with long posts, multiquotes, and lots of words!

The secondary event: Blackthorn and Sheepo, with no words spared between them, only weapons of incendiary power!
It will not be a challenge, not by any definition!

It was I who wanted this battle, I know no regret, and I know nothing but victory.

/switches to sticky bomb launcher

Your mistake.

I'm so nervous, I'm so tense
My heart can't forget about this self defense
The air is so hot and my breath comes fast
I thumb the cool blade but I know this can't last
I thumb the cool blade but I know this can't last

Outside, outside the world
Out there you don't hear the echoes and calls
But the steel eye, tight jaw
Say it all, say it all
But the white paint, plastic saints
Say it all, say it all, say it all

FYI? Yo ass about to die!
Your mistake.

I'm so nervous, I'm so tense
My heart can't forget about this self defense
The air is so hot and my breath comes fast
I thumb the cool blade but I know this can't last
I thumb the cool blade but I know this can't last

Outside, outside the world
Out there you don't hear the echoes and calls
But the steel eye, tight jaw
Say it all, say it all
But the white paint, plastic saints
Say it all, say it all, say it all

FYI? Yo ass about to die!

Man, it's a shame Cake started sucking :D
Indeed. Doesn't matter though, they're the only band I can listen to exclusively for any amount of time. They're old stuff is enough.
And now the battle with Warbie begins!

Ah, the players change, but the battle never ends!!

Let's talk Street Fighter 2. See, I will, wholeheartedly, 100% no-arguments-to-the-contrary-given agree with you on this point. Because Street Fighter 2--in all its incarnations--was a beautiful thing on SNES. And Genesis couldn't handle that.

I'm not sure if you're trying to throw me off balance with this concession. Nevertheless, I salute you.

(you ever play the TMNT fighter, Warbie?)

Oh yes, good times. Turtles in time was also rather fantastic (and a snes exclusive I believe ;))

Now, platformers. Did you NOT see that I posted Ristar? :laugh: Ristar is just too far beyond anything SNES did in the platform genre.

This has to be a bad joke! Trying to knock me off balance, lull me into a false sense of security!

Comix Zone. The Shinobi games. And come on, Sonic and Knuckles versus Mario All Stars? That isn't a fight that's a giant tower of power coming down on Mario. You plug Sonic 3 into Sonic and Knuckles and it's game over. Everybody knew that Mario couldn't hang with Sonic. Sonic was the better platformer all around.

Lies, filthy lies!

Better music?! Better gameplay mechanics?! You draw me in with SF2 then play dirty while i'm vulnerable! If SMW 1 & 2 weren't so disgustingly good, so genre defining, so majestic, I may have faltered. But luckily I just have to turn to z-snes and there it is, the truth shining for all who have eyes to see. Sonic gave us great platform games on the genesis, but the Mario games were, nay, are, works of art!

And did you SERIOUSLY just diss the Mickey games. Oh man. Oh man, did you ever play them? Castle of Illusion was GOD TIER, Warbie.

I have a soft spot for Castle of Illusion (actually bought it for the genesis and game gear!), but up there with the best? Close, but not quite. You would have struck a mortal blow with Wonderboy. Lord help me I don't know why, but I love that skateboard riding little cave boy. It 's no Mario, but it is the reason I feel in love with video games.

As for side-scrolling shooters, Thunderforce. Aeroblasters. Ranger X. Zero Wing. ;)

Fair enough, the genesis has better scolling shooters. Damn you!

Look, I didn't want to have to do this, but...FORGOTTEN WORLDS. I'm sorry, Warbie. He who wields Forgotten Worlds wields an awesome power that can destroy any argument put forth against the Genesis's domination in this genre. It isn't a power I like to use without reservation, but I do not wish to drag this on with you. I play the Forgotten Worlds card, and thus I have won all arguments in shooters.

I anticipated just this! Reserves kept back, out of sight. A 16-bit gem to turn the tide. Such a shrewd move would have bested a lesser opponent, but you see, I also held back. While other 2d adventures quake in Forgotten Worlds' shadow, one stands easy. Perfectly balanced, utterly unphased, Samus slowly rises to her full height. Super Metroid is, perhaps, peerless. The time for holding back is now over - Megaman jumps into the fray along with Super Castlevania (and don't even bring Bloodlines into this - it isn't man enough!). Cybernator crashes onto the screen and ends this charade.

Now, as for the Dreamcast vs. N64...perhaps we two are just far different in what we consider the master of exclusives. For me, I'm a fighting game fanatic. To me, the Dreamcast is the epitome of the fighter. Never will there be another system to compete with the Dreamcast, neither in the past nor in the future, for the Dreamcast took the very heart, the beautiful, wonderful heart of the Sega Saturn, the FIGHTING GAME, and it said, "Behold. I will carry your legacy inside me, and all that you have done in this genre I will keep, and expand to limits you could only dream of, my little brother."

This cannot be disputed. The DC is, and always will be, king of the fighters. The PS2 and GC killing the DC will forever be a testament to how tasteless most gamers are!

Mario was great, JFG, all those games. But at almost every point that a couple of us friends got together, everybody wanted to play the Dreamcast.

This is perhaps where the DC both rose and fell. Great party games, but lacking I feel in single player. I just doesn't have the repertoire of the N64 - which gave deliously good multiplayer, but also single player games that moved the entire industry forward by years.

The DC gave the better arcade epxerience - perhaps it's fitting it died with the arcade - and for that alone it should have been a huge success. Had it lasted I could well be joining your ranks against the N64.

YOU ARE CHASED BY A WHALE IN THE FIRST LEVEL AND PLANKS ARE EXPLODING BEHIND YOU. You are going so fast it is ridiculous. And who here, who among you Halflife2.netters will truly say, "I don't like Open Your Heart?".

Ok, that was cool :) But why did they put him into little towns, with little people and cars?! That voice! Where was the abstract goodness of Green Hill Zone? Nintendo did the same with Sunshine - before rapidly realising their mistake! Let's chalk that one down to taste. Anyways, this naysaying of the DC has made me feel wrong inside. The snes vs. genesis is a glorious and just fight, but there are no winners in N64 vs. DC ...

And now I must rest. I salute you, Darkside, you are a worthy adversary!