Please discuss NEW HL2 Media HERE (when time come)

[14:26] <Spudman> !8ball will the videos comout today?
[14:26] <ChanServ> Spudman: Yes.
SPUD, lol, they didn't come out on the 12th. WTF, did you just make that up or are did they really say that??
He asked the 8 Ball... :dozey:
I wouldn't exactly call that a reliable source.
[13.29] <sharp> Will the "new" hl2 media come out this day?
[13.31] <Gabe Newell> Probably never. They got some problems with steam. I think they wait till september...

oke you guys no new media :)
Originally posted by sharp
[13.29] <sharp> Will the "new" hl2 media come out this day?
[13.31] <Gabe Newell> Probably never. They got some problems with steam. I think they wait till september...

oke you guys no new media :)

Only flaw I see there is that spaces aren't allowed in IRC, so it should be Gabe_Newell :p
First of all Gabe never goes on IRC. And even if he did, his name would be "gaben"
Guys, you heard anything about file format?
avi, mov, mpg?
The new videos will be in BINK format, probably as a self-running .EXE file.

Remember the Duke Nukem Forever Trailer from E3 2001 ?
That was a BINK video.

Most of the Blizzard trailers have been released in BINK format too.
Never heard of BINK format, but as long as it looks good, I don't care.

... does it look good?
bink compresses the video insanely so people can download it at higher res.

Edit: Blue-shift trailer was also in bink :D.
No frame by frame analysis for us :(. Unless someone is willing to wait 2 days and extract the video into another format.
Aawww, that sucks =(
btw, all sites where you have to wait to downloads sucks too :flame:
Edit* **** fileshack just grab this link i found on instead...
Originally posted by BWMASTER
No frame by frame analysis for us :(. Unless someone is willing to wait 2 days and extract the video into another format.

when you compile the bink into the exe you can give it advanced controls that allow more than just playing the video, hopefully valve does that, but i somehow doubt it.
You know where do get an extraction tool =\
edit: lol found that one too..

It extracts the warcraft bink movies in 3 seconds :eek:
Lol , I never saw that video , I know the game is never coming out , but 3Drealms is the top of comedy gaming. "When its done" , best part of the whole movie , I htink the HL2 movies are gonna look great.
I wonder how long we'll have to wait before the games start looking as sweet as blizzards movies *sigh*
HL2 already looks like a real movie.... no matter how you look at it.... it goes as close as REAL people.... but as they said they made it REAL but not REALLY real u get the idea lol....
Originally posted by 3DDuL
You know where do get an extraction tool =\
edit: lol found that one too..

It extracts the warcraft bink movies in 3 seconds :eek:

that works well, extracted the duke trailer, encoded it to Xvid and Divx, it was a snap.
see, just give them some time, fix these annoying bugs

July 16, 5342......

I'd guess by Midweek or so. I still think all those steam servers need to be nearly maxed out so we can get more bandwith...
Originally posted by Xtasy0
that works well, extracted the duke trailer, encoded it to Xvid and Divx, it was a snap.

How did you encode it =\
"The first Half-Life 2 movie will be released later today" -- Erik Johnson
Stupid geeks.

How many ****ing times have we heard that it's going to be released today?
First :
They always say : "not tomorow, but the day after that seems better chances" , "Soon" , "Maybe Today".

Second : They Got A Great Bandwith : 1350.00Mbps

Ok .... Geek.

J/K... Greenmachine is the geek.... heck, we are all geeks for waiting impatiently for a stupid video of old footage.

... wooot.. just noticed, i am no longer a headcrab... I am now a zombie...

All my spamming has finally paid off... shesh, I have no life :dork: