Please discuss NEW HL2 Media HERE (when time come)

ok i saw the first steam video and wow ... but what were the jaggedys on his neck? the were like 2 lines on his neck

Gman in full 1024x768 glory for anyone who hasn't got it yet.
It's just the Gman clip at the beginning, they're releasing a new part each day.
Ok, just watched it. Dissapointing. Impressive.. somewhat. It's just that the gameplay is what's really impressive.. environments, characters, weapons.. jesus I want to see that good shit.
Originally posted by Arby

Gman in full 1024x768 glory for anyone who hasn't got it yet.

the video is 1024x575 res actually ;)
Originally posted by High Poly
I hope the detail will be better with AA turned on...

AA smooths jagged edges, so, you see his ears? it would smooth those out.
It is an impressive video, but I'm disappointed we didn't get to see any gameplay footage.

So are we waiting until the same time tomorrow then?
Originally posted by symptom
It is an impressive video, but I'm disappointed we didn't get to see any gameplay footage.

So are we waiting until the same time tomorrow then?

maybe tomorrow, maybe the next day, maybe next week, we haven't been told when the next one will be, other than "when things calm down from this video"
The steam bandwidth is back at nominal levels, so I'm pretty sure that things did calm down. Those new 300 mbps servers had no trouble feeding us the media.
ansitropic filtering (AF) makes detail a bit better, not AA (anti aliasing).
The 2 minutes or so (not counted) file is 70MB for the GMan, so you can imagine that it is a good idea of Valve to release parts at a time!

Once a day is not a bad thing, if it happens, but Steam had no problems at all and was using 80% of my bandwidth - so all is hopeful.
I think they did the right thing choosing bink.
I mean, the quality is amazing, the movie is 1024x768 and the file size is only 68.6 mb
Originally posted by Wesisapie
ansitropic filtering (AF) makes detail a bit better, not AA (anti aliasing).

anisotropic only matter when you have a large map and you're looking across it, it would make no different in the gman video.
errrm it uses Bink, so .bik files but its not a .bik file hurrmm

I will go now (its not a mov files =) )

I wasn't disappointed because I expected it to just be the G-man clip and nothing else. In fact, I was indeed shocked when it ended up looking like not a video, but my damn computer actually playing Half-Life 2.

And I did also notice those jaggies on the neck, but I think that's because the camera is so close to the G-man. Let's face it, I never expected Half-Life 2 to have the most perfect graphics ever. I think they zoomed in on his face too. I dunno. I kept looking at his creepy eyes. They're really bright.

Can't wait to get some of the more actiony videos. I'll just sit there and pretend I'm playing HL2 myself.
I'm sure everyone at these forums is drooling in anticipation of the Barney street fight movie *drools*
I´m waiting for the vid with Ayx :cheese: and the last scene with the strider.
Are there any tools except radgametools offical converter for the .biks`?
Im looking forward to the [insert clipname here] scene!!
I'm thinking we'll get the tech demo today....
Then the "Technical Overview of the Sorce Engine" one tomorrow...

So we might see actual gameplay by Thursday, provided everything stays ok.
steam just updated again, but it's only downloading something under counter-strike.
damn "soon" means another two/three weeks wait, and only then will we get another 2 minute video! (not that the gman vid isn't fantastic, but im a fiend! I need more!)
easy buddy... take it nice and slow, everything's fine. It will be ok. :)