Please discuss NEW HL2 Media HERE (when time come)

hehe i know i was just messin' around.. im not that worried really...i'd rather have the game itself anyway, these videos keep hyping it up to much :)
Originally posted by Infiniti
No vids today, it's official. We'll have them "soon"...
omfg , Im trying to be as patient as possible , after this second video they damn well should come easy.... I saw 0 problems and have heard of 0 problesm with the first release.. *sigh*

Originally posted by Innervision961
hehe i know i was just messin' around.. im not that worried really...i'd rather have the game itself anyway, these videos keep hyping it up to much :)

I kinda feel the same way , I dont want to overhype the game to myself and then be disappointed , but then I cant help myself when I watch the E3 stuff lol.
yeah i know what you mean! I say i don't want to over hype myself too but then i find myself watching the vids like 30 times a day and frame by frame to see everything i can lol
Man, the G-Man video sucked ass, what's impressive is the gameplay. I can't believed they didn't put a new vid out. A GOOD ONE. I want this game too much :(
Agreed, we need some gameplay video to show off this game what it WILL be like, not preset black rooms with scripted lines and close up cameras.
The G-Man video was the exact one I wanted most.

I really just wanted a good shot of him to make a background and sig.
i found the g-man movie real nice. I have patience, because how longer it takes to get a new vid, it takes shorter to get the actuall game :)

VALVe Ain't dumb :P