Poland not getting enough recognition?

learn 2 ****ing know history.

god damn it.

edit: because we all know what Russia did after WWII.

they lived peacefully and happily...oh wait that didnt happen.
Ok Spicy, you win. Congradulations.

hahahaahahahhaha you ****ing newb,

lost? no more arguements? lets post pics!

hahahaahah. you fail dude,sorry.
You're the only one who failed and doesn't seem to know much about history. At all. We all know what America did after WWII don't we? Without Russia, WWII would've been lost. Stop trying to downplay their involvment. They obviously weren't the best in being...civil sometimes, but what country ever has?

Besides Sweden. And Switzerland.
edit: because we all know what Russia did after WWII.

they lived peacefully and happily...oh wait that didnt happen.

You're so retarded. Yes... Russia went on as an aggressor after world war II?

And your ****ing point is? IT DOESNT CHANGE THE FACT that russia kicked ass in WWII, against nazi germany. They are to be commended for their efforts.

See... what you FORGET... is that russian people didn't necessarily want to do all the shit Stalin and communist russia did. They merely were bossed around, just like the germans were by hitler and nazi germany. All the boys in the german army out fighting in WWII weren't nazi scumbags... they were young boys, and men... who had to fight or else they would be executed or imprisoned.

Same with the russians. They were all people like you and me... thrust into a war that they didn't want to have to take part in.
they kicked ass only because they didnt want 2 loose their own power, not because of freedom or whatever.If Germany didnt attack Russia do you think they WOULD HAVE given a shit If Germany pwnt the UK?

and of course they played the biggest role in ****ing up Germany where do I say that they didnt?
Spicy Tuna said:
they kicked ass only because they didnt want 2 loose their own power, not because of freedom or whatever.If Germany didnt attack Russia do you think they WOULD HAVE given a shit If Germany pwnt the UK?

I was going to reply with something intelligent, maybe something about how blindingly obvious what you just said was.

But no, I just can't take you serious anymore, with you using words like 'pwnt' and (seemingly purposefully) mispelling every other word, randomly capitalizing certain words, and just being a ****ing idiot. Looking at your posts is like gazing into the sun for hours on end.
wow, lost again? have a kit kat.

EDIT: funny how Raz manages 2 post a nice post and try 2 argue with me,you on the other hand....If you think Im so dumb and what not.Then destroy me with a good post.If you cant do that,then stop spamming and flaming.
Russia played the biggest role in the war because they were suicidal. Just like in the games officers shot anyone who retreated. Russia was the Viking of WW2, powerful but had no morals. And they sent my grandpa to Siberia when he was 6.
We detailed Eastern European fronts actually in the unit more than Western European battles. Had a big lesson on the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, too.
Alexferris said:
I was going to reply with something intelligent, maybe something about how blindingly obvious what you just said was.

But no, I just can't take you serious anymore, with you using words like 'pwnt' and (seemingly purposefully) mispelling every other word, randomly capitalizing certain words, and just being a ****ing idiot. Looking at your posts is like gazing into the sun for hours on end.
He is right though, they'd signed a non-aggression pact, and had agreed upon how to split Eastern Europe before Hitler launched into their territory.

They may have been ideological enemies but conflict with Germany was the last thing Stalin wanted.
Yes, but at the end of the day, they still fought for their nation and alongside the rest of the Allies, regardless of their ideology or motivation. Every Allied nation did something special in WW2, and I think a lot of people tend to forget that in favour of their own nation.

Montgomery and the British Empire was pinning Italy and Rommel down (and beating them) in Africa and endured the Battle of Britain, even when it was alone, but then there's the Normandy beach landings, Stalingrad and a whole host of other amazing achievements everyone accomplished. It's best for everyone that we all remember how each nation contributed in its own way. Even Luxembourg.
Without the soviets, all though they were Bastards, the Nazis would have won.
Kangy said:
Yes, but at the end of the day, they still fought for their nation and alongside the rest of the Allies, regardless of their ideology or motivation. Every Allied nation did something special in WW2, and I think a lot of people tend to forget that in favour of their own nation.

Montgomery and the British Empire was pinning Italy and Rommel down (and beating them) in Africa and endured the Battle of Britain, even when it was alone, but then there's the Normandy beach landings, Stalingrad and a whole host of other amazing achievements everyone accomplished. It's best for everyone that we all remember how each nation contributed in its own way. Even Luxembourg.
I'm not trying to lower what the Russian fighting men fought and died for. I'm just saying, it's horrible that Stalin isn't looked at on the same level as Hitler by most people when by all means he was just as bad.
It's hard for me to tell who was worse during and post WWII - the Soviets or the Germans. The Soviets fought alongside the allies, that's true. That doesn't, however, change the fact that Poland suffered alot because of them and their goals and ambitions. Let me give an example: Katyn

EDIT: What the hell? From the site: [NKVD- Narodny Kommisariat Vnutrennikh Del. If you are Polish NKVD means "Nie wiadomo kiedy wroce do domu. Impossible to tell when I will return home."]

NKVD actually means People's Commisariat for Internal Affairs . I don't know what that guy was smoking.
RakuraiTenjin said:
I'm not trying to lower what the Russian fighting men fought and died for. I'm just saying, it's horrible that Stalin isn't looked at on the same level as Hitler by most people when by all means he was just as bad.
Yes, Stalin have more deaths in his mind than Hitler, but to be honest, if it wasn't for him and Soviet, the whole Europe would've been under Nazi control, rather than, as happened, having the eastern part under communist control. But Hitler was too greedy and attacked the USSR, so they lost the war.
WaterMelon34 said:
Russia played the biggest role in the war because they were suicidal. Just like in the games officers shot anyone who retreated. Russia was the Viking of WW2, powerful but had no morals. And they sent my grandpa to Siberia when he was 6.

Hey same here. His story got worse. He saw both his parents die in gulags, and was conscripted into the army in 1939 as a way of "reprieve".
Winston Churchill famously said he'd fight alongside the devil if it meant beating Hitler.
I have a book entitled "Great Men of the Century" and it has Stalin on it. :/
RakuraiTenjin said:
I'm not trying to lower what the Russian fighting men fought and died for. I'm just saying, it's horrible that Stalin isn't looked at on the same level as Hitler by most people when by all means he was just as bad.

Stalin was a very bad man...

However I don't judge the Russian's in the war based on Stalin's behavior, just like I don't judge all the germans based on Hitler's behavior.

You'd be in the exact same boat as those citizens turned soldiers, if a world war broke out today.
Russia did play a major part in the fall of the Third Reich, but you can't possibly say their military strategy "rocked". They basically threw wave after wave of men at the Germans, and if anyone turned back they were shot by their own commanders. Perhaps if the Russian army had some better strategists and not a psychopathic leader they could have defeated the Germans without losing 20 million troops in the process.

Russia defeated Germany because of a couple of simple facts: They had a (much) larger army and Russia is a cold place in the winter.
mortiz said:
Russia beat Germany because of one simple fact: They had a (much) larger army.
Don't forget the Russian winters and the strain of having to fight on multiple fronts. :thumbs:

sorry for ot
mortiz said:
Russia did play a major part in the fall of the Third Reich, but you can't possibly say their military strategy "rocked". They basically threw wave after wave of men at the Germans, and if anyone turned back they were shot by their own commanders. Perhaps if the Russian army had some better strategists and not a psychopathic leader they could have defeated the Germans without losing 20 million troops in the process.

Russia beat Germany because of one simple fact: They had a (much) larger army.

The Russians did alot more than just throw man after man at the germans... you need to do some historical WWII warfare research, about the eastern front.
Raziaar said:
The Russians did alot more than just throw man after man at the germans... you need to do some historical WWII warfare research, about the eastern front.

Please, you can't just say that and then not provide any evidence. If I'm wrong provide sources to say I'm wrong, just don't say "You're wrong", it makes you look like an idiot.
mortiz said:
Please, you can't just say that an then not provide any evidence. If I'm wrong provide sources to say I'm wrong, just don't say "You're wrong", it makes you look like an idiot.

So what you're saying then, is that the entire war effort put on by the Russians was just a bunch of ramshackle tactics, and using the human wave?

Raziaar said:
So what you're saying then, is that the entire war effort put on by the Russians was just a bunch of ramshackle tactics, and using the human wave?


So you don't have any evidence? So you're whole argument is based on what exactly?

20 Million Russians died during the German invasion, I think that's evidence enough of the (poor) Military tactics.
mortiz said:
So you don't have any evidence? So you're whole argument is based on what exactly?

20 Million Russians died during the German invasion, I think that's evidence enough of the (poor) Military tactics.
Whats your evidence?
Russias climate helped beat the Nazis.
The Russians also had some of the best tanks in the entire war. The shermans sent to them by the allies broke down before they even got to the front..
Eg. said:
Hey same here. His story got worse. He saw both his parents die in gulags, and was conscripted into the army in 1939 as a way of "reprieve".

My nan was shipped off to a gulag with the majority of her family. Most of them died on the train.

-Angry Lawyer
mortiz said:
So you don't have any evidence? So you're whole argument is based on what exactly?

20 Million Russians died during the German invasion, I think that's evidence enough of the (poor) Military tactics.

Your ignorance is ASTOUNDING.

I have provided you evidence... go pick up a mother****ing book on the tactics and strategies of the russian war machine.


There's a tiny bit of info. If you did some searching, instead of assing around trying to hide behind this veil of "ohhh, you cant provide evidence so i *WIN*". Fact is, YOU cant provide evidence of the so called pathetic, shitty tactics you think the russians had during the war.

Maybe if you did some of your own research, you'd read about the huge, terrible and fearsome artillery bombardments the russians set up, with katyusha and all sorts of rocket propelled artillery, firing at defensive positions of the germans.

You let your ignorance shine through, when you say stupid things like, "20 million people died, therefore their tactics sucked shit!"

My proof to you... Pick up a book, watch a ****ing documentary. The Russians were fierce warriors. Their green conscripts might not have been, but the russian army sure was.

EDIT: Not to MENTION the incredible usage of the anti tank rifles the russian's practiced.


In destroying German tanks, Russian antitank riflemen follow a set of directions, which are given here in condensed form as a matter of information:

"1. Show daring. Let the enemy tanks come within 200 yards or closer. The best range is 100 to 200 yards. Don't let the enemy fire lead you to open your own fire too soon.

"2. The antitank rifle can fire 8 to 10 rounds per minute, if the gunner and his assistant use teamwork. The gunner opens and closes the breech, aims, and fires; the assistant, lying on his right, cleans and oils the shell and places it in the chamber.

"3. Remember that for a distance of as much as 400 yards, the effect of the wind need not be considered.

"4. Remember the deflection correction for the movement of the tank. At a speed of 22.5 miles per hour, a lead of 1 yard is required for every 100 yards of range.

"5. Aim for the rear of the turret—the gunner and ammunition are there. If you hit the ammunition, you can blow up the tank.

"6. Fire at the center of the rear half of the tank—the motor and the fuel containers are there. If you hit either one, you will put the tank out of action.

"7. A well-camouflaged gun crew can put any tank out of action with well-aimed shots, and can block a road to a whole column of tanks."
Solaris said:
Without the soviets, all though they were Bastards, the Nazis would have won.

The Americans/Brits *let* the Russians take Berlin. If Germany hadn't invaded Russia, we would have just fought them on different ground, and most likely, won.

Any of these three events would have led to the defeat of Germany:

• Normandy landing
• Allied victories in Italy / Africa
• Stalingrad

None were "more important".

Poland fought bravely in WW2. The end.
Spicy Tuna said:
they kicked ass only because they didnt want 2 loose their own power, not because of freedom or whatever.
As if any of the Allies were 100% just. Britain and France took their time with all their appeasement and the Americans didn’t declare war until their own soil, or ‘power’ if you will was attacked.
you are right,thats what the whole war was about power,the UK didnt want 2 loose power, neither did the US.

its not good vs. evil as some put it.
Spicy Tuna said:
you are right,thats what the whole war was about power

And now you understand how everything in the world works. Good job. Now do something productive with that knowledge.
Alexferris said:
The Americans/Brits *let* the Russians take Berlin. If Germany hadn't invaded Russia, we would have just fought them on different ground, and most likely, won.

Any of these three events would have led to the defeat of Germany:

• Normandy landing
• Allied victories in Italy / Africa
• Stalingrad

None were "more important".

Poland fought bravely in WW2. The end.

the only reason why western allies could "invade" france was because Germany was spread to thin over the eastern front.The more I read the more I find you learn history by playing CoD it seems,you should read more.

edit:here you go again,all you do is flame,why dont leave the thread its obvious you dont know jack shit.
Spicy Tuna said:
the only reason why western allies could "invade" france was because Germany was spread to thin over the eastern front.The more you the more I found you learn history by playing CoD it seems,you should read more.

...what? I didn't say anything about France. And I haven't played CoD. Infact, the only WW2 game I have played is Day of Defeat. And the more I read your posts, the more I tend to realize your mind prefers to skip over crucial verbs, utterly destroying any point you wanted to make. I'm starting to like your subconscience, it's as if its trying desperately to prevent you from infecting the minds of anyone else.
Spicy Tuna said:
you are right,thats what the whole war was about power,the UK didnt want 2 loose power, neither did the US.

its not good vs. evil as some put it.

It wasn't about losing power, its about losing their ****ing countries, their livelyhood.

It was good vs evil in the case of hitler. Hitler had plans to nuke britain endlessly as a punishment to the people, until they were weak and surrendered. Thats what he was going to do when he finished developing his nukes, and its not a mystery or a question. Its a fact.
hahahaah see, thats all you can do.why dont you just shut it instead of trying 2 insult me.big deal english isnt my first language.at least Im trying 2 make a point.and yes you did mention france "Normandy landing"