Portal: ApertureScience.com (Possible Spoilers)

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Upps...quoted wrong person, was ment to quote solace

Where have you been the latest months?

I suggest you check out Steam Media....
by rearranging the letters in a geosyncronis polycryptic method, i came up with this:

Wake up, Shephard. Wake up and smell the ashes.
Steam media is the same as it always was...
by rearranging the letters in a geosyncronis polycryptic method, i came up with this:

Wake up, Shephard. Wake up and smell the ashes.
The character is new. Not Shepard.
Upps...quoted wrong person, was ment to quote solace

Where have you been the latest months?

I suggest you check out Steam Media....

lol i was teasing Mesz... go to page 13 and see why
by rearranging the letters in a geosyncronis polycryptic method, i came up with this:

Is that the method where you switch the letters around as much as possible and replace them with other letters to fit your needs?
So with 14+ pages of aperture science meddling what is the point of the website than saying that the cake is a lie, generously dropping hints its VALVe's 10 Anniversary and the game Portal and wasting our time but having fun?
Offtopic but has anyone else noticed most people are online and posting in this thread. Thats Valve games for ya! :thumbs:
It seems Portal is generating more interest than Episode 2 at the moment. It's because it's a new game, new character and a bit more of a mystery. Especially with this website.
It seems Portal is generating more interest than Episode 2 at the moment. It's because it's a new game, new character and a bit more of a mystery. Especially with this website.


but I completely agree. :rolling:
What I'm dying to know is how the two will be tied together. (Other than being part of the same world)
I just want to know who the heck is he and what he's doing there. That's all, is that too much to ask for? That and the plot of the game.
According to the code inside the SWF, that screenshot's fake since the only two passwords it will ever accept are PORTAL and PORTALS. BTW, the external .as file imported in the first frame of the .fla is called "c2A.as." Maybe, just maybe there's a bit more that can be deciphered according to the ames of the external files. I mean we already ApertureScience16.swf, c2A.as, and security02.flv. Then we have 50 questions, a certain amount of choices per question, etc. Maybe I'm obsessessing a bit.

whered you find c2A.as?? I can't find any reference to that in the actionscript and i cant find it on the site either...
I just want to know who the heck is he and what he's doing there. That's all, is that too much to ask for? That and the plot of the game.

We know from this website that the individual (you) works at Aperture Labratories (;)) and that no workers have been allowed to leave. It appears they may have been drugged to make them forget that they have not been allowed to leave as it takes a message from a co-worker to remind you. This may be how you get into the relaxation vault with no struggle. Perhaps related to the HL2 line "They put something in the water etc."
Apart from having a bald spot, and not being Adrian Shepard, your on-screen avatar appears to be wearing an all-in-one orange suit, similar to the ones seen worn in prisons. Whether this is a sort of uniform worn at Aperture Laboratories or whether he was placed in this suit for the experiment remains to be seen.
The people who put you into this situation don't seem to care whether you live or die and even provide a questionairre basically asking whether a friend or family member would investigate the facility in case of your death. They employ a calm female voice which is computer generated. This could mean they don't have an actual female capable of recording the voice hence your management could be of alien persuasion, incapable of English speech.
The architecture is unlike anything we've seen in the Half Life series before. Most certainly not Combine, yet a bit more elaborate than the human architecture seen in Black Mesa. Round doors, glass cubes and cushioned walls show an almost sterile environment, similar to a mental institute almost. The rising stairs seen in the trailer certainly imply someone went to great lengths to build this trap, beyond just rooms and platforms. The gun turrets aren't standard miltary as seen in Half Life and even look more advanced than the ones seen under Combine controls. Or they atleast have a nicer shape. :LOL: Combine orb sockets and orbs themselves are shown which, unless are a placeholder, must bear some relations to the ones seen in HL2+Ep1 especially if it is in the same universe. If it were mere coincidence, people would question why the orbs looked the same in the same universe.

Right... I think, by just using the information we've seen so far, that is a pretty good summary of some story points and the like. Perhaps some wild speculation, but I tend to do that when I start typing. I develop ideas on the fly. So if that post is longer and more rambling than I expected, I apologise.
We know from this website that the individual (you) works at Aperture Labratories (;)) and that no workers have been allowed to leave. It appears they may have been drugged to make them forget that they have not been allowed to leave as it takes a message from a co-worker to remind you. This may be how you get into the relaxation vault with no struggle. Perhaps related to the HL2 line "They put something in the water etc."
Apart from having a bald spot, and not being Adrian Shepard, your on-screen avatar appears to be wearing an all-in-one orange suit, similar to the ones seen worn in prisons. Whether this is a sort of uniform worn at Aperture Laboratories or whether he was placed in this suit for the experiment remains to be seen.
The people who put you into this situation don't seem to care whether you live or die and even provide a questionairre basically asking whether a friend or family member would investigate the facility in case of your death. They employ a calm female voice which is computer generated. This could mean they don't have an actual female capable of recording the voice hence your management could be of alien persuasion, incapable of English speech.
The architecture is unlike anything we've seen in the Half Life series before. Most certainly not Combine, yet a bit more elaborate than the human architecture seen in Black Mesa. Round doors, glass cubes and cushioned walls show an almost sterile environment, similar to a mental institute almost. The rising stairs seen in the trailer certainly imply someone went to great lengths to build this trap, beyond just rooms and platforms. The gun turrets aren't standard miltary as seen in Half Life and even look more advanced than the ones seen under Combine controls. Or they atleast have a nicer shape. :LOL: Combine orb sockets and orbs themselves are shown which, unless are a placeholder, must bear some relations to the ones seen in HL2+Ep1 especially if it is in the same universe. If it were mere coincidence, people would question why the orbs looked the same in the same universe.

Right... I think, by just using the information we've seen so far, that is a pretty good summary of some story points and the like. Perhaps some wild speculation, but I tend to do that when I start typing. I develop ideas on the fly. So if that post is longer and more rambling than I expected, I apologise.

I already knew that all, but thanks for the summary anyways. ;) What I really meant is I would like to know his name and if this character is at all apart of the half-life universe related to the one Gordon's in, I would like to know maybe what he's doing there? Is he talkative at all? quiet? monotone? You know something a little more specific than just: oh he's got an orange jump suit and he's bald! And he's trapped in a huge puzzle! hooray!
I already knew that all, but thanks for the summary anyways. ;) What I really meant is I would like to know his name and if this character is at all apart of the half-life universe related to the one Gordon's in, I would like to know maybe what he's doing there? Is he talkative at all? quiet? monotone? You know something a little more specific than just: oh he's got an orange jump suit and he's bald! And he's trapped in a huge puzzle! hooray!

I know. Everyone knows the same amount as everyone else. But I was just speculating. The fact that we will be able to see his face will be a first for the HL series.
Nice Summary Reginald....

Whoo...Portal does seem sweet ad teasing. Which one to play first? And then TF2. Oh God they keep spoiling us. Even if they asked 100$ I'd be happy to pay for it.

Im anxcious in knowing how it all fits together. Portal and HL and how it will mix in in future episodes ;)
Wouldn't it be cool like in the end of HL2Ep2 Gordon falls to a certain death but suddenly at the moment of impact a portal is opend beneath him and you see a glimpse of our portal-character, maybe a lot older and worn down...

Mmm... no. On the other hand, those who got EP1 should get a discount for EP2. The primer certainly wasn't worth the $19.99.

It freaking was. It cost the same as a cinema ticket and drink. I'd much rather have 8 hours of Half Life-y goodness (once with commentary and once without) than two hours of sticky-floored, potentially crappy celluloid-tainment.
Mmm... no. On the other hand, those who got EP1 should get a discount for EP2. The primer certainly wasn't worth the $19.99.

Oh, I'm neither obsessed nor a geek, but I think even The Kleiner Speech alone was worth it.

Edit: On a second thought, i might be a geek.:)
I don't regret have buying it, but I just wish something else was bundled with it. EP2 will definitely fill that void.
i doubt that the picture [about falken] is real, why would he remove the taskbar?

He didn't remove it. He pressed alt + print scrn. When you use the alt modifier, it only takes a screenshot of the current window. When the window is maximized, it also gets a few pixels of the task bar.
I think EP1 is definately worth $20 (£12 to the Brits), and i'll pay anything to be playing EP2.
Yes. In the advent of crappy consolesque PC titles offering shallow plots and gameplay, Episode One is a small, but glittering jewel in the crown VALVe wears collectively.
hey guys, first post, came here because of the ARG. a few things.

I noticed that the UID+L you get when you type IP at the main prompt does not appear to change no matter how long you stay there or what you do. This could be significant. Also, I know there is a php link which you can use to submit answers to questions. Has anyone tried submitting an answer to a question with it using your UID+L that you get with the IP command to see what it returns? Also, if you could figure out what the question ID is for the one where it asks you your UID+L, you could manually answer it, using lowercase letters since it's case sensitive, and possibly that would work.

That's sort of what i'm working on right now. If I come up with anything else i'll holler
why are we still going though this, the only things that we have yet to find are:

other drives

the 1 file on the B drive

what exatly the things in the "shoping list" are

who hacked/wrote the message at the end

and wtf an animal malfuntion is

these are all things that can not be found out throught this flash becuse the file was decompiled and evey script writen for it is posted on a perivouse page and as some one said before, there is no other screen, tabs, choices, etc... this is the end entill/enless it its updated with new content... the only thing know is to simply discuss what we already know...
Knightmare, an IP is your computer's 'name', identification number in the net, and that's why it does not change.

And animal malfunction is an euphemism for a, for example, dog biting off your pe... finger or perhaps a cobra bite.
Knightmare, an IP is your computer's 'name', identification number in the net, and that's why it does not change.

Yeah, but on ApertureScience.com, typing "IP" returns your UIN+L number rather than anything having to do with an IP address.
I've just been messing around for ages, i've not seen this before though.

Any ideas on the answer? I've seen several letters glowing. A 't' previously and a 'h' on that page i screenshotted. I'll wait until another brain confirms my answer.

edit: Those glowing letters seem to be spelling something out, i've been answering lots of questions and so far i have 'T H E C A', maybe it's going where i think its going :)

edit2: Cake obsession...http://img356.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cakeyf4.jpg
It's already been said, not that I blame you for not wanting ot read through 16 pages of shart.

I believe it was confirimed by a few people that is thats "The cake is a lie"
i'm going through the apply process, and i keep seeing flashing binary cakes.
It is now ApertureScience17.swf and it is reported that the GLaOS version number has changed accordingly. Thanks to Aeron3 for pointing this out to me.
16 is still up, checking for differences now.

Sorry, but this rampant, repetitive speculation about the glowing letters fills me with the rage. Anyways, I heard that the S in thecakeisalie was, in fact, on that page, which has since changed to put in that part about not liking the letter S. But that's just rumor, and I'm too lazy to check.

That's it, I'm going to see if I can get a FAQ stickied.

[e] Wow, I got ninja'd not once, not twice, but three times when posting, and one of the posts concerned something that's already been exhaustively dicussed. Man, this thread's brimming with reasons for the rage.
i'm sorry for being too blunt or anything, but did anyone confirm that portal and hl2 storylines are even connected...
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