Portal: ApertureScience.com (Possible Spoilers)

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People are having their own fun by going through and working things out on their own accord. I believe people are aware of the 'the cake is a lie' and are doing it anyway, because the tests are fun, just as the first 3 were, and the .php test. Let people have their fun and ignore them until everyone has established what they want to learn.

We can make a sticky after we find out what this all means. We had co-ordinates in Ukraine for ages, a username and password without a log-in screen, it usually all comes to something eventually, you just accidently bump into it.
The new one does not appear to give you the end screen automatically. You must use thecakeisalie at the command prompt to get to it. Before you could finish the questionnaire, also.
It's flash it seems, i couldn't get the download to work before, but just go to the end of the questionnaire instead.
sorry, i got it, never mind... im trying to convert it to an .avi but its a very stubborn file, it doesnt want to do anything... however i can do this the hard way and do it frame by frame... does any one want the video feed in avi? if no one wants it i wont even bother.
You're totally right. Figuring out the puzzles by yourself is a great deal of fun. I'll refrain from posting the rage, and continue not posting it until instucted to discontinue not doing so.
THEY CHANGED THE FLASH FILE. ApertureScience17.swf!! it changed from 16 to 17!
Interesting, so we can assume, it will keep changing until 'a supervisor walks by' do you think? Keep eyes peeled for a new version to be uploaded, and expect it to redirect us to somewhere else perhaps?
aw ghey they just made 2 changes... one was a case typo that they made and then the other was they changed it from

GLaDOS v1.06 (c) 1982 Aperture Science, Inc.

to v1.07

... lol i think its hilarious how we all thought the 16 in the filename actually ment something mysterious. turns out its just the version of the swf. i guess theyve been making fixes and changes to it regularly.
Hmm, I was going to investigate if thecakeisalie did anything on hl2.php, but that seems to be no longer accepting any input :eek:

Hmm, I was going to investigate if thecakeisalie did anything on hl2.php, but that seems to be no longer accepting any input :eek:

hehe i tried that too, neither does the log-in page. Yombi has been removed :(

The fact they are altering the site regularly means we need to keep checking things again, something will crop up!
acronyms for cake:

Chase, Attack, Kill, Eat (a lion's instinct)

Computer Aided Knowledge Engineering

thats what i found on acronymfinder.com
where was this confirmed, the Portal-HL2 connection?

you can't just say "yes".
aw ghey they just made 2 changes... one was a case typo that they made and then the other was they changed it from

GLaDOS v1.06 (c) 1982 Aperture Science, Inc.

to v1.07

... lol i think its hilarious how we all thought the 16 in the filename actually ment something mysterious. turns out its just the version of the swf. i guess theyve been making fixes and changes to it regularly.
They made another change. You no longer get the 'relaxation chamber' upon completion of the application.
Portal: Source said:
GI: You mentioned in the original presentation that Portal will take place in the Half-Life universe. Will that connection be made in Portal or Episode Two?

Lombardi: It happens while you’re playing through Portal. And you will play as a new character that we haven’t introduced yet that will have a role in Half-Life games in the future.
There are more, but I'm reeeally lazy.

Oh, and you can't get to the Relaxation chamber. And I entered the IP UIN[+L], but to no avail.
They made another change. You no longer get the 'relaxation chamber' upon completion of the application.

oh that was the fix they made in the case statement. line 856 in the actionscript said case 11 twice and they fixed it to case 10.
Ha! if you run aperturescience17.swf in a flash player and not a browser it fails to connect to the internet and just makes the UIN (+L) up slowly one character at a time.

oh and i wondered...: why not a large egret?
Ha! if you run aperturescience17.swf in a flash player and not a browser it fails to connect to the internet and just makes the UIN (+L) up slowly one character at a time.

oh and i wondered...: why not a large egret?

I wondered that too, infact I kept going through the list until I found a large egret. Put in the number hoping for something to happen :|
where was this confirmed, the Portal-HL2 connection?

you can't just say "yes".

it says on the wikipedia entry of portal (the valve game one...not the other 10) that doug lombardi comfirmed that it is in the half-life universe and that the portal character will be in a half-life game...(and he hinted towards hl2 episode 3)...i've been reading this for a while and id be happy to lend a hand to you guys hehe...
Can you see anything from the camera feed? I've left it running in the background for ages, checking on it now and again. The picture seems clearer to me, i can see a bed and perhaps a shower in the relaxtion vault. No supervisors though. Also from the p0rtal videos, the test arenas are called 'Enrichment Centers' as mentioned in that paragraph, all very odd...
Number of animals available for domestication...

Hi all...new here.

I've read thru and didn't notice if anyone already noticed, but...

The list of animals is incomplete. It has a gap. Numbers 2144 thru 2184 are missing. There are 41 numbers absent yet 63 per page. The letters of the alphabet not represented are U and V.

Ya think it means anything?

nothing else will ever happen on the video feed, its just a looping video clip, what you see, the camera going from left then back to the right, then it just starts over... nothing more.
I think all the questionnaire parts are purely silly and random 'the server', their purpose is to put you off but also reveil the hazy letters to make 'thecakeisalie'.

This video feed isn't changing, indeed, but someone mentioned it's version keeps changing so i'm expecting something to be different one time...maybe?

Anyway, theres no links on any Valve sites (steampowered, half-life2 & valvesoftware), but there could be in the not too distant future, when the Episode 2 & Portal site opens? http://ep2.half-life2.com
Hi all...new here.

I've read thru and didn't notice if anyone already noticed, but...

The list of animals is incomplete. It has a gap. Numbers 2144 thru 2184 are missing. There are 41 numbers absent yet 63 per page. The letters of the alphabet not represented are U and V.

Ya think it means anything?


nice catch. i didnt notice that.

it seems that its skipping a page in the list, because in the actionscript the animals are accounted for in the list. i think its just an error in the paging system they made...
The Portal entry on Wikipedia has it's links changed...

and you know how the security feed was gone? Now it's back.
whoa, just got on here, and wow, what a nice find. Hope valve is watching this and gives some more updates to the site :)
now for the important part that's not quite obvious that reveals how this somewhat plays into the Half-Life universe: He says they're working on twenty year old equipment. The DOS version says 1982, so we can assume this takes place sometime around 2000-2005. According to the Half-Life Saga Story Guide Timeline (http://members.shaw.ca/halflifestory/timeline.htm), this is the point in time after the events in Half-Life 1 where Gordon is in stasis! Particularly, if you want to take the dates precicely, it's when the portal storms occour. Interesting...

I really wonder what the next step is now. I don't want to wait. Then again this has to last until the release of EP2 so we might have to.
Has anybody else seen the green image that appears on the screen for less then a second? I've seen it a few times but can't get a screen in time.
ok, finally caught back up [damn 4 new pages] just to make sure that my idea hadent already been said

now i saw someone posted a quote about the char in portal possibly being in a future HL game. now this made me think "isnt there going to be a new character in ep2?"

so its possible that the character you play in Portal is the same character that you meet in HL2....eh?
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