Possible 'gold' party today?

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Originally posted by Feath
Think about it. Why would Microsoft be having a party?

Answer: Half-LIfe 2 has gone gold.

Why would Microsoft book the Cinerama in Seattle everytime a movie opens there? Cause they're greedy bastards. They're always renting space out for something. Once I couldn't get into my local Borders because Microsoft had reserved it. Reserved a bookstore!
Originally posted by spitcodfry
Why would Microsoft book the Cinerama in Seattle everytime a movie opens there? Cause they're greedy bastards. They're always renting space out for something. Once I couldn't get into my local Borders because Microsoft had reserved it. Reserved a bookstore!

Thats pretty funny. I guess they do whatever they please...the whole State is teeming with microsoft employees.
Originally posted by Homer
I saw a bunch of kids in the park near my house having a rather large party today. They had one of those inflatable rooms and a clown. almost certainly a halflife 2 gold party. plus, there was cake.

LoL......what kind of cake?.....chocolate?
Didn't Gabe at one time work for Microsoft? And now they're having some hugh party (one that lasts on an hour mind you) in the smae building. Doesn't seem quite right to me, but eh. Could just be a coincidence.
Maybe you need a key to access the floor via the elevator. Turn it, then press the button. Something like that perhaps.

Read on a gamespy preview its the second floor...as soon as you get off you can't miss the valve logo with an arrow pointing down the hall.

If theres an arrow directing you down the hallway, I doubt you have to use a key to get to that floor. THey'd have to rent the entire floor, and if there did that, was isn't the reception area right there when you get off?
Originally posted by ImportLightning
If theres an arrow directing you down the hallway, I doubt you have to use a key to get to that floor. THey'd have to rent the entire floor, and if there did that, was isn't the reception area right there when you get off?

No, the reception area is down the hallway...at least that's what the preview said...heck, they might've changed their layout since then.
Thats what Im saying, if you have to be directed to the reception area, Valve doesn't rent the whole floor (mostlikely), and hense, can't require a key to get to the second floor.
Originally posted by ImportLightning
Thats what Im saying, if you have to be directed to the reception area, Valve doesn't rent the whole floor (mostlikely), and hense, can't require a key to get to the second floor.

They probably have Barneys waiting for unsuspecting fanboys...or Combine soldiers...heck, maybe they keep a small headcrab pen for such an occasion.
the receptionist : "Sure you can come in. . ."
hits red button followed by a loud BEEP
Headcrabs fall from ceiling.

so thats why she was behind glass!
Okay, every1 plan an attack on that office. No kidding. Lets all break in at midnight, and see what's going on. Please, we must coordinate!
hey nobody has even considered that maybe its a Half-Life 2 delay party! or maybe even a half-life 2 cancellation party :cheese:
hehe they were just partying because they successfully tricked millions of people is all
LOL, I just read through the whole thread, it was great till about the 15th page. Then, strangely, it got really dumb. School must have gotten out.....
Originally posted by TheWall421
LOL, I just read through the whole thread, it was great till about the 15th page. Then, strangely, it got really dumb. School must have gotten out.....

How dare you
hehe they were just partying because they successfully tricked millions of people is all

Or we break into an empty office only to discover that Valve never exsisted in the first place...
Ok this thread is big. Can someone please summerise it for me. I have to go out for a little while and I'm busy :( Please please please.

Is Valve having a Gold Party? (confirmed?)

Has Gabe replayed back regarding this?
No, to all of your questions. I have no idea why this thread of all the rest expanded to 20 pages in the matter of a few hours. Maybe we just have nothing better to do. Me, I just like the attension. =)
The party in there was a MS party? Hmmm...troubling.

They are just probably happy they secured the deal for an exclusive Xbox release. Full un-interupted developement on Xbox begins now, and PC version is immediately shelved. Nice.:flame:
now, with the post saying 20 i've got 21 pages
why don't you get dressed as a hedheog and go to the front desk saying "gabe asked for me"

arrived a little late didn't i?
well anyways...HL2 should be going gold anytime know...
Originally posted by Sunbeam
The party in there was a MS party? Hmmm...troubling.

They are just probably happy they secured the deal for an exclusive Xbox release. Full un-interupted developement on Xbox begins now, and PC version is immediately shelved. Nice.:flame:

yes...bungie/halo comes to mind....but that will NEVER happen. At least we won't see it dissapear a week before its supposed to be shipped ala dreamcast half life.
21 pages lol
Anyway chances are we wont get to know when it goes gold
We will all show up on the 30th and there it will be that magical box!
What the hell? 21 pages?

I was reading page 4 and I thought that was the last page lol...

I don't gonna read all that flaming and spam....

Any news from Valve HQ?
All isn't gold that glitters! haheho

Well to sum it up, there was actually no gold party but some Microsoft thing. To prevent further undeserved attention, I will now suffocate this thread by cutting its vital supply of fresh posts.
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