Possible HL2 release date

Someone's looking for a slap.

I second TAS' motion.
Yeah, I was also tricked, PLEASE someone lock this.
Just stop posting asking people to stop posting.. you're the ones bumping the thread. If you don't want to read it don't post in it :) If you want to view the news in order simply view the news page.
But Munro, I don't care about the order, what happens to me is I look at the forums and see the "New's and Announcements" latest posts is "Possible HL Release date" and so I think YAY! Possible HL Release date!! only to find out that it is a very old old old news post... again.

And yes, I realize that I am bumping the post by saying "don't do that," but its really the first person to bump it that does the damage. And I don't think its neccasary for all of the other people to back me up.

Whats the matter, you lock like thirty threads a day anyway, why not just lock this one, because its news? (Sorry if I sound like I'm telling you how to do your jobs, its just a request.)
eyes see thread...

happiness rising...

eyes reading read...

head hits moniter...
Can it be.....True?

On computerandvideogames.com I found this and other HL2 fans sites have this as wel.l

Valve's Doug Lombardi seems to have confirmed that the most eagerly awaited PC title of this, or indeed any other year, is finally done.

According to Lombardi, Half-Life 2 will be passed on to publishers Vivendi "within days" for final mastering and duplication, well within Valve's target August delivery date - he has added that the game will hit retail mid- to late September.

Half-Life 2 for September it is then and we're going to hold them to that ...Unless of course anything else changes.

I guess we have to wait and see until more then one source as the same information. :borg:
Dind't amazon say Half-life 2 comes out in 1974 or some crazy date. And that the hl2 guide was already out. And I'm sure that Amazon dindd't get the doom 3 date right off the bat. They probably updated as soon as it went gold.

Point is Amazon isn't always right, and the official word is summer 2k4. So anything else is a rumor.
Do not trust anyone except Valve

I wouldn't trust any vendor or anyone else except for Valve/Sierra/Vivendi. They are the ones who will tell us the release date. I have read that the date will be November 1, November 6, Sept. 2, 3, 22, 23. And all these dates came from Vendors trying to get me pre-order the game. If Doug Lombardi said that they were looking to release it this summer, then that's what I would hold them to (although time is running out for that release). I think Valve will release the game as close to the date Lombardi gave in February, but like I said before, trust no one but Valve or Sierra or Vivendi on release dates.

Fingers crossed for Sept. 2nd though!
i just read on amazon that the release date for half life 2 is going to be on November 16...woo hoo
dustershorty said:
i just read on amazon that the release date for half life 2 is going to be on November 16...woo hoo

Your a fast one :sleep:


the game was announced as gold yesterday and that it will be released on the 16th worldwide.

every gaming site thats even semi updated had that posted within 20 minutes of valve saying that.