Post a screenshot!

Today in Fallout 3 I made my way to the top of Tenpenny Tower, killed Tenpenny point blank with a shotgun, threw his body over the side, kicked a load of elitist sons of bitches out and moved some ghouls in to take their place. Just to show my passion, I dragged his body from where I dropped it over the edge, smashed it into little bits and neatly placed them all in the fountain out front.

But you didn't align each limb to a different point of the compass...
I topped tenpenny and threw his body off tenpenny towers myself i then also went on a big killing spree and moved the ghouls in aswell. Killing stuckup assholes who think they are something sure does feel good:)
I tried everything to get the bigots to agree to have ghouls as neighbours, and all but 2 agreed. Even Tenpenny himself said he would be ok with it if they all agreed. But because of those 2, the quest wouldn't advance further. Is it possible to convince them all? and why should those 2 stuck-up fartknockers influence the whole situation? In the end I just let Roy and his ghouls shred them all.
Washington DC in Fallout 3
About Fake Factory mod, can you remove the replace character models? some of them look ridiculous, but HDR and such im all for.
mm more mirrors edge please, I'm interested :)
I'm seriously considering buying Mirror's Edge for the PC. It's not something I would've paid full price for on consoles, but the reduced price and better graphics on PC make it very appealing indeed.
I'm seriously considering buying Mirror's Edge for the PC. It's not something I would've paid full price for on consoles, but the reduced price and better graphics on PC make it very appealing indeed.

I'll say something for it, after all the horrible ports recently (GTA4 and Saints Row 2 especially) it refreshing to see a game run at 60fps on my system while also running maxed out except for resolution.
I'll say something for it, after all the horrible ports recently (GTA4 and Saints Row 2 especially) it refreshing to see a game run at 60fps on my system while also running maxed out except for resolution.
I'm sold.
I'll say something for it, after all the horrible ports recently (GTA4 and Saints Row 2 especially) it refreshing to see a game run at 60fps on my system while also running maxed out except for resolution.
That only uses pre-baked lightmaps though, doesn't it? Like HL2.

GTA4 uses fully dynamic lighting and shadows.
That only uses pre-baked lightmaps though, doesn't it? Like HL2.

GTA4 uses fully dynamic lighting and shadows.

That may be, but GTA 4 should run a hell of a lot better than it does, if it runs on x-box at 30fps it should run on my PC at the same settings at better fps.
It's just a fact that this game is extremely well optimised on my PC.
Most times, better optimization kicks better graphics' ass.



Just booted up a new game, going pure stealth as always.

/me waits for everyone to re-install.

P.S. I was surprised that a game this old had 16:9 (1366x768). It was kind of weird to see, it's perfect for this screen.
Thermonuclear missile launcher (of death)


Meeting with a caravan

Transversing the capital wasteland

Investigating a dead robobrain

Jessi impersonating a Stalker

Alone in paradise

Detaining Tenpenny


Enclave arriving to arrest the Andale citizens


Another transversing the wastes picture

T-51B armour D: which I don't even use after all the effort (gave to Clover)

At the gates of the ivory tower

What mod are those FO3 screens from?
Not any single mod in particular, I use as many mods as I possibly can before FO3 crashes.
New hair, eyes, faces. Greener world, Classic Fallout weapons, Caring and sharing companion mod, Bittercup as companion, Jessi and Mika companions, Clover retexture, Rivet City house, MK23, FAL, Desert Eagle, G36C, Enclave commander mod and a whole load of others that I can't remember right now.
Mirrors Edge has some lovely views...

This one not so much though :D
JESUS CHRIST the Antialiaising and Anastrophic Filtering on those F3 pics are the most horrid ones i have ever witnessed :O