Post a screenshot!

It took me 12 years to bring desolation to the communist pigs, but I did it anyhow. Thanks to Great Britain, Nationalist China, and the United States of America for their support.

I annexed about half of Japan, btw.

edit: Game is Hearts of Iron 2 by Paradox Interactive. HOI2 works better than HOI3, imo.
When you say things like "2x" are you saying you're using textures that are two times the size they originally were, or are you saying you're using 2K textures (2048px by 2048px). Because if you're using 2k and 4k textures, thats pretty retarded. Each texture will be using anywhere from 4 to 8 megs of your video memory (the ram on your video card). So if you're using a card with 256mb then you can load at max 64 2k textures. And no other textures. Otherwise you're overloading your card and will get laggy powerpoint slideshow style performance no matter what your other settings are at

I'm pretty sure he means 2 times or 4 times the size of the originals...
Yeah, the textures are 2048 x2048 and 4096 x 4096. I've got 512MB video card. I get over 100 FPS in many places (even outdoors), but it's a balancing act with the settings.

Actually I was going to temporarily disable the texture folder for Leaves and plants until I get my 2GB video card, because let's be honest, it's not that important, if it makes you drop from 100 FPS down to 30, which happens in some places.

I thought it would use the system RAM, but I'm not sure it can do that since the video card needs to process the textures itself. RAM can load the 'soon to be used' textures, and hold the 'recently used' textures, right?
Mass Effect 2 (spoilers):-





edit: Game is Hearts of Iron 2 by Paradox Interactive. HOI2 works better than HOI3, imo.

Well IMO HoI3 can give you a more realistic experience since you can choose to not be allowed to micromanage your military, thus meaning you can't use AI exploits the way you can in HoI2.

Besides, HoI3 allows for far more dynamic games than HoI2 IMO.

*Hardcore Paradox fan, owns -all- their EU(1+2+Asian Chapters+3+Expansions+Rome+Expansion) games and several of their others*

Nice job regardless in the game, but you better hope you didn't bite off more than you can chew!
Well IMO HoI3 can give you a more realistic experience since you can choose to not be allowed to micromanage your military, thus meaning you can't use AI exploits the way you can in HoI2.

Besides, HoI3 allows for far more dynamic games than HoI2 IMO.

*Hardcore Paradox fan, owns -all- their EU(1+2+Asian Chapters+3+Expansions+Rome+Expansion) games and several of their others*

Nice job regardless in the game, but you better hope you didn't bite off more than you can chew!

I only own HOI2 + DA and HOI3, which I got as a bribe. Paradox does have a fan base here, but their games are still hard to get.

Anyway, HOI3 is unfortunately buggy, and exceptionally harder than HOI2. Maybe I should give it another try.

And yeah thanks. :p I'm kinda having a hard time holding the front, and all my forces are deployed only in eastern Russia. I've got to Stalingrad, but can't make anymore advances from there. I've nuked them a couple more times, but they have way too many infantry.
I only own HOI2 + DA and HOI3, which I got as a bribe. Paradox does have a fan base here, but their games are still hard to get.

Anyway, HOI3 is unfortunately buggy, and exceptionally harder than HOI2. Maybe I should give it another try.

And yeah thanks. :p I'm kinda having a hard time holding the front, and all my forces are deployed only in eastern Russia. I've got to Stalingrad, but can't make anymore advances from there. I've nuked them a couple more times, but they have way too many infantry.

I can't think of a single Paradox strategy game that hasn't been a buggy p.o.s. at release to be fair ;)

Even the game that really rocketed'em to their huge fanbase(EU2) was buggier than a Derek Smart game at release!

But yes, HoI2 is fun, especially thnaks to the expansion that lets you 'realistically' experience the beginning of the cold war as well!

Anyway, to contribute to the thread, here's a taste of old-gaming goodness!


My kudos to whoever knows what game it is.:)
It's Dune, the first one, by Cryo Interactive. It was very fascinating.

Correct, the game was actually developed based off the official movie as far as I remember, ironically it turned out much better than the movie.
I can't think of a single Paradox strategy game that hasn't been a buggy p.o.s. at release to be fair ;)

Even the game that really rocketed'em to their huge fanbase(EU2) was buggier than a Derek Smart game at release!

But yes, HoI2 is fun, especially thnaks to the expansion that lets you 'realistically' experience the beginning of the cold war as well!

Anyway, to contribute to the thread, here's a taste of old-gaming goodness!


My kudos to whoever knows what game it is.:)

Yes, well. I'd like to wait around for a new patch. :p

Maybe I should try EU2/3 one day. If I can get my hands on it.

Also, Dune? I've heard that it was a great game, for its time.
The only exposure to Dune I've ever had was through a (short term) friend from primary school who had it on his Commodore. I went around to his place one day, this being back when computers were still largely foreign and fascinating to me, and watched him play a few games.

Then I sat down and played some Commander Keen instead. :V

Then his mum kicked me out cause I wouldn't get off for like an hour. Heh.
Watch this before and after images of Oblivion (might take a while, just keep watching).

EDIT: here's another one:

Then, another guy did the same thing, replacing all of the doors, windows, trees, plants, flowers, foods, necklaces, and rings with better 4x textures. Shit looks immense when you are playing. I can't wait to get a new video card.

I'm about to install this insane looking sword mod:

... some other sick looking shit:


Before images look 100x better. The high resolution textures increase the contrast to nauseating levels, and makes the bump maps look ridiculously stupid.
The only exposure to Dune I've ever had was through a (short term) friend from primary school who had it on his Commodore. I went around to his place one day, this being back when computers were still largely foreign and fascinating to me, and watched him play a few games.

There was no official Dune game that was released on the Commodore series of machines, so it must have been a fan-made game.

The Dune adventure game(the first Dune game ever) was Amiga, DOS and Sega CD only.

The second one(The Dune 2 that was partly responsible for rocketing Westwood to fame) was Amiga and DOS and later received a 'remake' on the Sega MegaDrive/Genesis two years after the release of it on the PC.

So you must be thinking of either a fangame or simply a Commodore game that was just called Dune but had nothing in common with the series :p

Anyway, if you're into sci-fi, you should really get the Dune novels, they're grrreat!
There was no official Dune game that was released on the Commodore series of machines, so it must have been a fan-made game.
The Dune adventure game(the first Dune game ever) was Amiga, DOS and Sega CD only.

To be honest, Amiga was a Commodore machine.
To be honest, Amiga was a Commodore machine.
Well, sort of. The designers were certainly Amiga people. Besides, the point here is that when people say Commodore they think 64, with measley graphics. When you say Amiga they think 'best PC before 1996.'
Sort of? It was the Commodore Amiga.
Correct, the game was actually developed based off the official movie as far as I remember, ironically it turned out much better than the movie.

I think it was based directly on the book. It has the same atmosphere and stylistic changes consistent with Herbert's opus magnum...
I think it was based directly on the book. It has the same atmosphere and stylistic changes consistent with Herbert's opus magnum...

Agreed. Only the portraits of some characters were lifted from the movie (Paul Atreides and Jessica, IIRC).
Sort of? It was the Commodore Amiga.

Commodore was the corporation yes, but the Amiga was rarely called Commodore, Commodore was generally used to refer to the 6502-based platforms here in Sweden at least, and the same generally goes for the many amiga IRC chatrooms and forums I frequent.

I don't ever hear someone saying a game was "Released on the Microsoft" when speaking of a game released on the XB1 or the XB360. Do you?

In fact, in the US it was marketed as The Amiga from Commodore and never as The Commodore Amiga.

And once again, in all the big Amiga communities I never hear an Amiga referred to as a "Commodore" so I guess I'm just not used to it.

The term Commodore is generally used to refer to the 8-bit 'platforms' from Commodore, rather than the 16-bit/32-bit.

I think it was based directly on the book. It has the same atmosphere and stylistic changes consistent with Herbert's opus magnum...

It's hard to tell, since the game(At least the CD-ROM version) contains pictures of Princess Irulan from the movie amongst other things, as well as the official cover of the game using a screencap from the movie set.
In fact, in the US it was marketed as The Amiga from Commodore and never as The Commodore Amiga.

A marketing choice. In Europe it was the Commodore Amiga, and the Commodore logo was on the body of the machine. A lot of advertising described the Amiga as the successor to the C64.

EDIT: now, back to screenshots? :)
A marketing choice. In Europe it was the Commodore Amiga, and the Commodore logo was on the body of the machine. A lot of advertising described the Amiga as the successor to the C64.

EDIT: now, back to screenshots? :)

Fair enough, just as I said, I hang a lot in Amiga chatrooms and forums since I often play older games using WinUAE, and thus I never ever hear it referred to as "the Commodore", always "the Amiga", hence why when someone says "the Commodore" I naturally think of the C64 or C128.

Anyway new screenshot.


One of my fav RPGs of all time.
Correct, Matrix Cubed(The sequel)

I am planning on starting a new game in the first and completing it, since you can carry over the party from that to the sequel!

You are in for some serious retro-gaming, man. I could do the same.

EDIT: I could fullfil my dream and play Worlds of Ultima: Martian Dreams. I always loved the U6 engine.
You are in for some serious retro-gaming, man. I could do the same.

EDIT: I could fullfil my dream and play Ultima: Martian Dreams. I always loved the U6 engine.

Ultima: Martian Dreams is absolutely great, you should play it, one of my fav RPGs ever, the storyline is just awesome!

And yes, I'm a big retro-gamer, these days I probably play more retro-games then I do modern.

In my DOSBox virtual harddrive alone I have over 40 full games installed, including ofcourse all the Gold Box games(same engine as Buck Rogers ran on), the X-Com games and many more!

I also always try to not get copies from abandonware sites, but rather try to get copies of the original disk images if possible, since often the abandonware versions(such as the ones on abandonia) have been altered in various ways!

For example, the Buck Rogers on Abandonia doesn't include the pre-made team but rather the uploaders custom team he made(which sucks) iirc.

It's nice having the 'original' untouched games as well for collection purposes!

Heck, I even own some really old games as ORIGINALS, for example F117 Stealth Fighter 2.0 from Microprose! It has those large old 5.25(or whatever) diskettes!

Here comes another DOS game, the educational simulation called "Wolf", me being a huge Wolf fan I can't help but love this game!


I mean its a great game, it teaches you a lot about how wolves behave, how they interact with eachother etc.

Overall, if one has a liking for wolves, one really should give this game a try!

I'm sorry for making so many posts about these old games but I just love'em so much and they're sadly lost to the 'modern' generation of gamers who only really think about SNES when they're talk about "old games".
I'm sorry for making so many posts about these old games but I just love'em so much and they're sadly lost to the 'modern' generation of gamers who only really think about SNES when they're talk about "old games".

You are welcome. I love old PC games, and some young gamer could learn one thing or two from these gems.
Before images look 100x better. The high resolution textures increase the contrast to nauseating levels, and makes the bump maps look ridiculously stupid.

If you don't like the specific textures, fair enough, it's a matter of preference.

Or are you saying you don't like high resolution textures and bump mapping? Maybe you like everything smooth?

Sometimes I like that look, but this guy created replacement textures for probably a thousand surfaces, including bump maps, and offered them for no charge. FREE. At the very least, it refreshes the game, and if you cared, you could pick and choose which locations will have them. I personally love it, but do agree that in some places the bumps are too strong.

Well anyway, here's a couple screenshots from Oblivion using a half-sized version of that texture pack. The one I linked to is actually 4x the size of the default textures. (But obviously doesn't look great in the massively compressed .gif image.)

Also I'm using the reduced size version of his bump maps -

Despite that, I think it looks amazing. It makes the completely flat door and wood to appear to have a very rough and pseudo 3D surface, thanks to light sources -

Compressed version:

Here again, the ground is actually flat, but thanks to bump mapping, the shading from the sun can cast shadows on the individual tiles - not only are the tiles shaded, but cast shadows.

Compressed version:

It's cool. It looks pretty real to me.

But you don't have to use bump maps, in which case, the Gamebryo engine will just generate a flat surface, and things will be considerably less realistic. The tiles will fail to create the illusion of 3D, and may even appear to embed into the ground, as opposed to appearing raised. I'm not sure, I haven't tried it.
Did you forget to post the images or something?

Edit: Why are you posting PNGs? That's needless filesize. Save it as a JPEG with very little compression, it will be indistinguishable. Who wants to go through some free file host site just to get an image...
I uploaded PNG images to imageshack, and it wrecked them. Really bad compression. So I tried zshare and it did the same thing.

So I don't know. I'm tired. I uploaded them to "" ****ing ridiculous. I'm not pleased.

If nobody downloads the pictures, they won't know what the hell I'm talking about, and almost nobody is going to download the pictures. :flame:

The links are there now, at least:

EDIT: Added the compressed versions too. You get the picture.
Some of the bumpmapping is just stupid. All that contrast just makes it look like a photoshop ink filter or something. Real life does not look like that.
Edit: Why are you posting PNGs?

I didn't want them to lose quality, but I guess 1.75 MB is just too big for the internet!

Save it as a JPEG with very little compression
Well, it does look better than what Imageshack did to it. You're a genius.

Some of the bumpmapping is just stupid. All that contrast just makes it look like a photoshop ink filter or something. Real life does not look like that.
I find your lack of contrast disturbing.