Post a screenshot!

If this is a pedo joke, I don't even know what to say.

Mass Effect 2. MAJOR F*CKING SPOILERS. You've been warned. Also, 1920x1200 because f*ck yall low res mofuggas.












Loving that first shot, moody as ****.

My favorite is the last one. Badass pose with alien strippers and explosions along with the dark cityscape. Thats when I decided to go renegade with that character.

Pask, why is your FOV so ****ed up?
My final batch of AvP until the full game is released:





To anyone who says there is no skill involved in quick kill, you don't set up this kind of ambush by circle straffing and tapping E.


don't why they're so small oh well at least Kinetic won't complain about it.:dork:
I also have Mass Effect 2!

Unfortunately I have to run it at 1024:768 to get it to run well on my laptop, and then it goes and letterboxes during all the cinematic scenes. Still looks pretty though.

I love the atmosphere in this mission.

I also love the cryo blast power!

I was so busy taking this screenshot, I forgot to actually ask her.

Paragon Shepard: Time to save the world.

Renegade Shepard: Not if I can help it!

(both shots taken at the same exact spot, just changing the side of the box I was looking at)

Paragon Shepard: :(
I love the singular colour we've got going in this game. I mean... look at it! It looks so....... good! I mean I really think this game has TOO much colour in it! Seriously, those yellows and browns and yellows and somewhat greys and yellows and browns mixed and yellows and browns and a little splosh of green.

That game looks sooooooo good!

/sarcasm post of the day.
I love the singular colour we've got going in this game. I mean... look at it! It looks so....... good! I mean I really think this game has TOO much colour in it! Seriously, those yellows and browns and yellows and somewhat greys and yellows and browns mixed and yellows and browns and a little splosh of green.

That game looks sooooooo good!

/sarcasm post of the day.

Of course, your sarcasm post might actually be funny if those shots were not taken from the lightest corridor in an otherwise darkened map. Or if there were not screens or videos from other maps set purely in the day time flying round the net.
It was funny.

Why are you such a butt in this thread.
I thought it was funny too.

And wait, you're saying there would more color when you're in the darker parts? What.
Actually, yeah, I was being a bit of a butt then. Though everything I said to Vegeta earlier still stands :p.
Time for some TF2 pics.

So embarrassed dying with my uber charged, but that goddamn pickaxe is so lame!

I decide to take out my anger on another medic.

This time I did use my uber in time.

Was it really worth it to waste a teleporter just to make the stairs a tiny bit harder to climb? (for both teams since allies clip with it when it's positioned like that)

Got a 10-kill streak and broke my sandvich record. :)
Actually, yeah, I was being a bit of a butt then. Though everything I said to Vegeta earlier still stands :p.

Colour aside it still doesn't look that great. I'm failing to see what other people are seeing in any of the media that's been released. The models and animations are nice but that's the only positive thing I can say about the visuals. The rest is just average, that isn't to say it looks bad but as I've said I'm failing to see how it looks awesome.
You're too kind Kyorisu... the thing looks like complete ass, and I can tell just from the stills that it's horribly animated too. It's got "cheap" written aaaaall over it.

It's funny, the pictures of AvP next to the Mass Effect 2 ones in this thread... you'd think the games came out 5 years apart. :p
You're too kind Kyorisu... the thing looks like complete ass, and I can tell just from the stills that it's horribly animated too.

Wow, your good if you can comment on animation quality from a still image. You must never need to watch game videos as you can tell everything about it from screenshots. That's a true talent my friend.
Christ there's nothing that irritates me more than people who try to offer definitive criticism of a game they have not played.

Colour aside it still doesn't look that great. I'm failing to see what other people are seeing in any of the media that's been released. The models and animations are nice but that's the only positive thing I can say about the visuals. The rest is just average, that isn't to say it looks bad but as I've said I'm failing to see how it looks awesome.

Couldn't disagree more. From the thermal vision of the pred, to the dynamic lighting, it may not be the best looking game out their but it certainly captures the look and feel of the movies that influence it.
AvP3 looks great. And what's important, it's fun. Mass Effect 2 has huge color scheme issues (only issues you also consider AvP3 visuals an issue), suffering from washed out blues and grays and over the top dramatic color fills (like during Jack's mission, where the whole level is basically a red fill).

It's simply a style, a style some people may not like.

Letters, you're clearly just wrong. 1) those stills that Stemot was kind enough to post portray a great looking graphics engine: beautiful textures (textures that have been lowered in quality because of making it a small enough file for a demo release), great models, and excellent shader rendering. 2) The animations are as smooth as butter. Watching the alien walk around on ceilings makes me crap my pants. The predator dances from rafter to rafter, his cloak revealing only a small portion of green. The marine is, well, a marine. But no less artfully crafted.

I've played ME2 and AvP3 and they're both beautiful games. Hardly a huge gap in modern visual standards as you so hyperbole'd. They both fit their gameplay very well, and anyone who skimps out on a fun game because of visuals is a tard.

Not that it matters as a marine (the only real class) because it's basically Doom 3 in terms of how much you actually see.
Doom is the impression I got from the demo. Did they just randomly decide to choose the worst map they have or what? The demo level and I'm just talking about the demo don't get crazy on me is terrible. The marine handles like arse and there are so many things I could comment on but I'll leave that to other people. It's not my type of game so I'll just avoid it.
The only thing I don't like is that every creature and character looks like they have some kind of ambient lighting on their shader that just destroys any of the contrast in their textures.

EDIT: Actually, it looks like its just when you're playing Alien? I dont like it at all, but when you're the human everything looks fantastic.
Here's some screenshots from Human Error (warning spoilers):

It's a beautiful, sunny day.


More APC goodness. There's also flames from molotov thrown by a resistance member.

Combine's latest destructive weapon: an ice cream van.

Apparently the resistance members have hackers.

Hackers at work. You must defend the generator in this area.

University is taken over by the resistance.

You have to control manhacks to in order to beat puzzles.

You must protect this guy.

The control room.

Your co-workers: Larson, Eloise, and Noah.

Eloise in action.

"Cops don't like me. So I don't like cops."
The only thing I don't like is that every creature and character looks like they have some kind of ambient lighting on their shader that just destroys any of the contrast in their textures.

EDIT: Actually, it looks like its just when you're playing Alien? I dont like it at all, but when you're the human everything looks fantastic.

The effect you speak of is the new Alien vision that increases the contrast on the dark areas so you can pick anything out. They replaced the alien negative vision with it so you only ever need to be in the one vision mode. I prefer it but your right, it does make the dark areas look a little strange.

DThe marine handles like arse

Really? I found it to handle just as a typical fps as the marine. Though some say enabling V-sync or having the settings up to high for your machine could make the controls lag a little. Not that I'm saying you don't know what your doing, just a suggestion :).
Shivering Isles

"The Museum of Oddities". It's kind of cool because when you find something weird, she'll give you some cash and put it on display there. I've found about 3, but it looks like there could be 30.


This is the most interesting looking house I've seen - some little cottage in the middle of nowhere. This guy is bad-ass too. Who in the **** looks tough in suspenders. Nobody but him. He says some people hung his sister up on the hill! Maybe I can help him avenge her death.

Who else looks tough in suspenders?!
How dare you.


edit: I guess I'll add some screenshots too so as not to derail the thread into a Firefly discussion.





A few shots from Bioshock 2 SP. No major spoilers but I hid them anyway:-









The ****ing game just crashed on me and I lost the entire Siren's Alley progress.

Does Bioshock 2 have any other quantum mechanic references? I can't recall the first one actually explaining the tech advancements.