Post a screenshot!

Unless I missed something no not really. Ryan's Amusements level covers some of the construction of Rapture, though only a little bit.

Me and my Tauren Friend.
He's been hanging around whenever I do my dailies, he's always managed to match the same time I fly around there for the past week. I wave to him, he waves back; it's cool.
Pff, night elves...




Also appearing in: Operation Raven Lift

Bah sindragosa. Our server has been going through serious lag issues. Haven't raided for a week :/
Just had our first crack at her (in 10 man that is). Got her into phase 3 on our best attempt then our hunter's power cut out. :B

So, not really a screenshot, but I just took advantage of a deal on (actually my first purchase there, the two on the left were free), and uhh...


I think the universe is telling me to smoke a bowl and make some ****ing cat conveyor belts.
Just had our first crack at her (in 10 man that is). Got her into phase 3 on our best attempt then our hunter's power cut out. :B

So, not really a screenshot, but I just took advantage of a deal on (actually my first purchase there, the two on the left were free), and uhh...


I think the universe is telling me to smoke a bowl and make some ****ing cat conveyor belts.

Get high and play TIM? Sounds like a kick-ass few hours.
Just had our first crack at her (in 10 man that is). Got her into phase 3 on our best attempt then our hunter's power cut out. :B

So, not really a screenshot, but I just took advantage of a deal on (actually my first purchase there, the two on the left were free), and uhh...


I think the universe is telling me to smoke a bowl and make some ****ing cat conveyor belts.

Goddamn game of my childhood.
FemShep is so bad ass.

I tried getting that Charlize Theron Aeon Flux thing going on with her.

AvP Marine Single Player shots, dark and spoilery:-











Aliens Versus Predator Pred Campaign:-

Spoilers inside.






SotC is one of the worst performing games on the emulator. I have a Q6600, HD4850.

Get the beta 1888 version from their site and use these settings:

D3D Internal Res - Check Native to start with and up the res later. Windows and 8-bit checked, rest not.

EE Sync - 2x Cycle Rate
EE Misc - INTC Sync Hack, Enable IOP 2x Cycle Rate, Idle Loop Fast-Forward
VU Hacks - Status Flag Hack, VU Cycle Stealing 1 position from left

It'll lag at the starting point - when looking right at the building from the outside especially, but that's because there's tons of bloom etc there. It should be 60fps when looking towards the area you're supposed to go to for the 1st colossus and more than playable FPS everywhere else.
Damn, wonder how it'll run on my crappy comp, C2D E6600 and a GeForce 7900GS 256MB :(
What's with the rainbow-face guy, and why are you showing us some crappy zoomed picture.
What's with the rainbow-face guy, and why are you showing us some crappy zoomed picture.

Whats with the rainbow-schemed avatar and why are you so negative?

Let the man have some fun with his over-pixelated zoom shot,jeez.
There are like 2 colors in my avatar. Where do you see a rainbow?
Theres some green, teal, red, a peach-like color, off-white, and black.

Your avatar is colorful enough.
I don't really see your point though. It's an avatar. It's not some dude's face with random colors for no apparent reason.
Whats with the rainbow-schemed avatar and why are you so negative?

Let the man have some fun with his over-pixelated zoom shot,jeez.

Back off! If you mess with Vegeta, you mess with every user that's ever been with Vegeta.

Or something.
I don't really see your point though. It's an avatar. It's not some dude's face with random colors for no apparent reason.

Point is, its just some random thing. Theres probably no apparent reason for the guys rainbow face, it just simply exists. Or does it?

Back off! If you mess with Vegeta, you mess with every user that's ever been with Vegeta.

Or something.

You're lacking the necessary pics and/or vids that prove you have had relations with him.
Color face guy is level 2. I just messed around with the color sliders, I thought it looked interesting.

It doesn't really matter what he looks like because on the PC version, you can change anything at any time:
Anyway, the idea behind starting this character was that I wanted to try to create a character that would do everything right when it comes to the stats and leveling system, and negating his "weakness to magick 100%" curse with up to 100% absorb magick enchantments, if I'm lucky. (mid-high level quest armors and dropped loot)

The other thing I'm attempting is to get the x5 bonus for all 3 stats on every level up. (known as a 'perfect level'). This turned out to be more challenging than I thought so I had to start over - hence the hastily thrown together face (that I will change later).

It's actually turning out to be really fun - a challenge all in itself. You have to be careful not to level up certain things at certain times, like I might not be able to heal or use my armor, or I might have to kill everything with just a blade, or just destruction magick.

So far so good. x5 x5 x5 - level 2.

I'm not cheating or anything, just reloading if I screw up. I think I will need to turn the difficulty way up.
Can you explain the unfiltered zoomed picture of that girl?

One thing that annoys me about it is that you picked a bad scale to zoom, 3.5x means that each pixel in the original is going to try to be sized up to a 3.5x3.5 pixel block, which of course is impossible, so you get some that are 3x3, some 4x4, etc. And it leads to a slightly distorted image.
Can you explain the unfiltered zoomed picture of that girl?

One thing that annoys me about it is that you picked a bad scale to zoom, 3.5x means that each pixel in the original is going to try to be sized up to a 3.5x3.5 pixel block, which of course is impossible, so you get some that are 3x3, some 4x4, etc. And it leads to a slightly distorted image.
It's nothing special. I just zoomed out until her face could fit in the screen. 3 was too small, and 4 was too big. I actually just took a screengrab of a screenshot. (so I had no special tools and very limited zoom options)

I noticed it looks much more pixelated after I made it a jpg. Anyway, just lazy. I liked the way she looked in that picture is all.
I noticed it looks much more pixelated after I made it a jpg.

Err... Uh... what? That doesn't make any kind of sense. You must have been looking at the preview window which was scaled down or something, and then looked at the final result JPG which is actually what it is.

What did you use to zoom it? MS Paint?
Err... Uh... what? That doesn't make any kind of sense. You must have been looking at the preview window which was scaled down or something, and then looked at the final result JPG which is actually what it is.

What did you use to zoom it? MS Paint?

Actually, you're right. I guess I just didn't remember it being so bad. I just compared it to the bmp, and they are virtually identical.

I simply took a screenshot in the game. So then later when I viewed the screenshot with my image viewer, I clicked zoom a couple of times, then took a screengrab.

I felt like Decker in Blade Runner. "Right there; give me a hard copy."
The other thing I'm attempting is to get the x5 bonus for all 3 stats on every level up. (known as a 'perfect level'). This turned out to be more challenging than I thought so I had to start over - hence the hastily thrown together face (that I will change later).

It's actually turning out to be really fun - a challenge all in itself. You have to be careful not to level up certain things at certain times, like I might not be able to heal or use my armor, or I might have to kill everything with just a blade, or just destruction magick.

So far so good. x5 x5 x5 - level 2.

I'm not cheating or anything, just reloading if I screw up. I think I will need to turn the difficulty way up.

AFAIK getting 5x bonuses is easy...if you don't sleep to raise your stats when prompted, you will keep raising your stats towards gaining the multiplier bonus for when you DO sleep/level up.
AFAIK getting 5x bonuses is easy...if you don't sleep to raise your stats when prompted, you will keep raising your stats towards gaining the multiplier bonus for when you DO sleep/level up.

Bonuses don't carry over for the next level.

What you are remembering is the fact that you can store multiple level ups if you haven't slept.

Here's how it goes:

1) It takes 10 major skill advances to level up.
2) It takes 10 skill advances to get a 5x bonus.
3) It takes 30 skill advances to get three 5x bonuses.

So, if you set all 3 skills that rely on endurance - Block, Heavy Armor, and Armorer as Major skills, it will be impossible to get a 5x bonus in more than one area. Say you get 10 skill ups in endurance - that's your 5x on endurance, but that would also trigger a level up since they are all major skills.

So creating a custom class is required.

EDIT - Didn't see this post, which goes into more depth on the subject:
Actually within the general Elder Scrolls community it's known as "Efficient Leveling" :)
Some of those screens are really disgusting.

Me and Pitz going at it in StarCraft
