Post a screenshot!

Like Worms? Hardly. You must not play many games like this. It's more like Liero. I don't know about "wacky physics", the physics are advanced for what you'd expect of a 2d game like this. Everything interacts with each other, and everything is destructible, and it leads to amazing effects.

This gif says it all:

What game is this? It looks quite interesting...

Yep, as Somefool said, it's Cortex Command.

Quite fun... wonky controls. Not finished.

And yes that animated gif veggies made sums up the physics quite well. It's really quite impressive. Sometimes frustratingly so if a drop ship or something blows up in the sky and rains down heavy chunks of debris that ****ing crush all your dudes.

More satisfying when it crushes their dudes.

I only wish it had lan or internet support. Can only play multiplayer on one computer.
I tried cortex command a little while ago. The game itself was interesting but I stopped playing it due to the control issues, I found it even worse than clonk haha.
No way are they worse than Clonk.
I got the hang of the controls within minutes of playing.
I don't know what the hell you guys are talking about clonk controls being bad.

They're easy to use and master in my opinion. I always tell vegeta I forget how to play... but then he says it's like riding a bicycle and it just comes right back to me instantly... every little quirk about it.
Best freezecam shot I've had in the almost 600 hours of my life I wasted on TF2.
Yes, I paid to support a DRM I hate. I'm a bad man.

Assassins Creed 2




Demon's Souls, at the start of my first New Game +. I got cocky in Shrine of Storms and died not long after.
I still need to buy Demon's Soul, heard so many great things about it!
I love that helmet. You get that when you defeat Garl, right?
Yup. He's a pretty easy fight if you have the patience for a long haul, and have a flame weapon. His attacks are slow and he never moves UNLESS you get behind him, at which point he will go mental and destroy you. You could also just bow down Astrea, after which he will kill himself, but I couldn't bring myself to do that; it felt cheap and her dialogue is heartbreaking if you attack her. The whole level is so oppressively sad, especially when you know Astrea's history. In Pure White tendency you will find Garl again as a phantom, and he'll drop that obscene club of his.

The Dark Silver armour is my favourite in the game, with the Gloom Armour from Yurt a close second. I prefer it to the Brushwood set, which may offer the best protection, but is too bulky and ridiculous looking for my taste, not to mention the steep stamina burden.
Those Oblivion shots look really good Virus. What kind of gameplay mods do you play with?

Been playing some Freelancer lately:

That's Freelancer and god damn it you just made me fish out my CD.
Oh man look at this blurry-ass screenshot which gives little hint as to the actual gameplay NOSTALGIA NOSTALGIA BEMOANING CURRENT STATE OF GAMING

*reinstalls Deus Ex*
I'm playing it with the Flak88 mod. It changes the balance of the ships so they have better interplay with each other and so that there's no "best" ship anymore(aka, the Titan)
You can also fly every ship in the game, like the cruisers and transports. It's really cool.
There's also quite a few graphical improvements like custom shaders, improved view distances, better special effects and lighting and so on.
Lucid you should download it and play on the server with me. :)

Here's a couple more:
PvP Arena

Second shader set
I'm playing it with the Flak88 mod. It changes the balance of the ships so they have better interplay with each other and so that there's no "best" ship anymore(aka, the Titan)
You can also fly every ship in the game, like the cruisers and transports. It's really cool.
There's also quite a few graphical improvements like custom shaders, improved view distances, better special effects and lighting and so on.
Lucid you should download it and play on the server with me. :)

Here's a couple more:
PvP Arena

You wouldn't happen to know of any good SP oriented mods/mods that are fun in SP for Freelancer?
It isn't just about what you can be... It's what you can do, and how you can do it.

It is about as open ended as military sims get...but the learning curve is more of a cliff...

It is about as open ended as military sims get...but the learning curve is more of a cliff...

Actually it isn't called Armed Assault 2, it's just ARMA2, though some fans have failed to understand this.

Just a short while prior to the games release the lead dev even made a post explaining why they went from "Armed Assault" to "ARMA".

There you go.

By the way, I wouldn't say the learning curve is a cliff, perhaps a somewhat steep hill but definitely not a cliff.

If you want a cliff, go play Derek Smart's games.

Anyway, ARMA2 is great, definitely a big step above ArmA, especially in terms of AI.

Sadly my comp is too shit to run it with enjoyable performance, so I have a hard time playing it these days.
You look like you need a monkey.







Hey guys, I think I found Kaptain K. Rool...


...or at least his technologically superior brother.
