Post a screenshot!



Crysis on my new Vid card....I really can't get enough of that foliage, roll on Warhead.
Guess I'll put some TF2 up here too, seems barely anyone posts in that thread.


Ill get some of my CoD 4 screenies down later :D
Not just a screenshot, but a sequence of screenshots. Sorry for the bigness.

Thought i'd do me some fishing. With me as the bait.


To go a-sailing, punch a handy boat into the water then jump in. Crouch, and punch the front or back of the inside of the boat to 'row'. Careful not to punch the side or you will capsize. Have fun :D
Not just a screenshot, but a sequence of screenshots. Sorry for the bigness.

Thought i'd do me some fishing. With me as the bait.


To go a-sailing, punch a handy boat into the water then jump in. Crouch, and punch the front or back of the inside of the boat to 'row'. Careful not to punch the side or you will capsize. Have fun :D

Haha awesome, does that actually happen when you do that ?
Yep, go too far out and you'll be attacked by a shark :)
Haha awesome, does that actually happen when you do that ?

It does, and it did - those screenies are the real McCoy. The Cry-engine is probably the best I've ever played, despite the flaws in the storyline and naff ending, the attention to detail and realism is astoundingly good. Crickets and birds even go silent for a minute after a grenade goes off, ffs. I love this engine.
got banned from 6 servers in 4 days, 5 of them I've been playing regular for 5+ months.
Shitty Clanfags can't handle Hill being on top all the time.
got banned from 6 servers in 4 days, 5 of them I've been playing regular for 5+ months.
Shitty Clanfags can't handle Hill being on top all the time.

I just cannot believe so many players take the games so seriously

Yes, there was a combat shrine just around the corner... Mephisto got stoooomped! :p
Uncharted: Drakes Fortune

you can see the interlaced lines from the refresh.
Oh snap, more Age of Conan

lvl 61 bear shaman:
Ohhh, 2 levels ahead of me! My BS has better facial hair though.
Mmm, Conan looks so damn pretty sometimes. It's too bad I got bored after level 20 and canceled before my first payment. I may resubscribe when they streamline the game a bit and at least beat the leveling game.

From Tomb Raider legend with next gen mode on. Pity the game is a bug fest with this activated, with features missing that are in the normal mode because it looks ****ing lovely at times.
four Crysis screenies at native resolution





and a couple of really big ones, and believe it or not, suprisingly playable in most areas which is news to me :O

No offence Clarky, but those screenies look pretty bad, due to lack of AA and AF, why don't you turn them on?
Uhh...probably because it would make the game unplayable in most areas lol. And I don't think they look that bad.
Well yeah exactley, even with a 3 gigahertz core duo and an 8800 gtx that i'm running it with, in combination with maxed out settings any amount of AA or AF in combination kills the framerate. I'd rather have a decent framerate and the fancy effects and shaders over high levels of AA and AF, just because it's not exactley a noticeable thing when it's all in motion and your sitting the proper distance away from the screen.
Why do you need a high framrate to take a screenshot?
xD you don't, I took those a while ago while I was playing. Who can really be arsed to crank everything up and go take new ones just for the purpose of posting screenshots anyway.
Found two good examples of spy revenge in my screenshots



Plus I pwnzored tonight:

Devil May Cry 4 screenies, all in engine, not fmv:-



