Post a screenshot!

Just got this game, it's pretty cool, my first space battling game (I know there are lots like this, this is my first). You guys recommend any others? I want MORE!

One of the main reasons I want another is because I think this game is badly optimized, I have EXACTLY the system requirements except this game requires 2.2GHz, I have 2.6, yet I can't seem to run it smoothly unless I run it at medium... I want a better one!

This is Sins of a Solar Empire, by the way.


My big ass capital ship, with a fighter in front.

Going in to battle, Star Wars style.

Me vs. a Planet.
I thought it was really well optimized.
I've had games with well over a thousand ships on screen, running over a LAN with 5 people and the rest as computer opponents and we never had one bit of lag!

Great game though!
Sins has boring space combat, if you want exciting space battles get Homeworld 2.
Homeworld is based solely on space combat, so of course it'll be better.


Twas an unhonourable death. A throwing knife to the face, insta-kill.
Homeworld is based solely on space combat, so of course it'll be better.


Twas an unhonourable death. A throwing knife to the face, insta-kill.

Mount & Blade ftw!

Completely random and unintentional screenshots!


Heh, character looks like Ryu from Ninja Gaiden. :|
I actually forgot how good S.T.A.L.K.E.R. looks sometimes, not bad as the game is knocking on now:-





These are without that Weather mod, i tried it and thought it looked awful.
Very fantastic game, I wish they had a sequel.
Oreolek, that's the oblivion lost mod.
MTW2. Scots (comp) vs. Danes (me). It was just for fun, so the Scots were mainly rable. Pretty good fun blowing 'em up though.



heh, I'm "acquiring" that game now

how do you like it?
I like the battles in the TW series, but the campaign map thing is so stupid, I hate it.
I ****ing love the campaign map YOU SHUT THE HELL UP. One time in Rome: Total War I got every single province under my empire. **** yeah.

Campaign map is totally gay.. I don't want to freaking play checkers, I WANT BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!

BTW I only ever played Rome Total War, but I assume they are all similar.
haha, I actually liked the campaign map more than the actual battles which I would auto resolve most of the time.

That was awhile ago though, we'll see how it is with medieval TW
Campaign map is the best part of the ****ing game, the battles get boring after 200 turns of gameplay, though. I started using auto-battle more frequently near the end.
You are beginning to lack in funny, kenji.
**** off.

Campaign map is totally gay.. I don't want to freaking play checkers, I WANT BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!

BTW I only ever played Rome Total War, but I assume they are all similar.

Seriously, GTFO. The campaign map owns you.
Campaign map is too gay, wears assless chaps, puts on a strap on dildo and rapes the gameplay flow.
I have World in Conflict, I have the EXACT (and a little above) recommended system requirements, yet I can't run it at even medium without lag..

One of the VERY few (like maybe 5) games I actually bought (for PC), and it doesn't even work good.. I always get ripped off when I pay for games... I'm 'getting' games other ways from now on, no more buying.

Except Valve games, they deserve my money, everyone else can **** off.