Post Useless But Fun/interesting Trivia Here!!!!!!

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O.K i'll start...

what is the difference between a town and a city?

a city has a cathedral...a town has a church

now you guys do yours!
A duck's quack does indeed echo. It's just very hard to hear.
ATI4EVER! said:
O.K i'll start...

what is the difference between a town and a city?

a city has a cathedral...a town has a church

now you guys do yours!

What if you are protestant?

Pwned. ;)

The difference is based on size.
GunFridge said:
You can't lick your elbow.
At first I was like 'pfffft no', but now I believe you. ****!

Oh, forgot my bit of trivia... ummmm... most cats bury their poopoo in their box, but some don't. Lazy effers!
I read that fact about the elbow in my High School Agenda.

-Britney Spears is crap.
I would've said Britney Spears sucks, but then, some of you guys would start saying, " Oh yeah, she sucks...she sucked my cock!".
Tredoslop said:
I read that fact about the elbow in my High School Agenda.

My high school agenda doesn't have neat facts like that. All it has is pictures with crappy captions. June 9 -- picture of kangaroo in a field -- caption: "Kangaroo Standing on Grass" :|.

But anyways...
About 100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens each year.
Tredoslop said:
Hit me baby one more time!
That's more like it!

And I wonder how people choke on ballpoint pens?

*Letters tries something


Mmmmm, iiiink...
Asian people have no molars.

*edit* rememberd a few more

Egypt is actually the largest country in the world.

Panima have never been involved in a war.

The moon has more craters than mars and saturn put together.

there are 10x3563e^10 stars in the sky.

*Edit again* this is fun

The planet uranis spins on its side because its ring is half iorn and half balsa wood.

Napolean 1st was 3 feet and 1 inches tall.
Letters said:
That's more like it!

And I wonder how people choke on ballpoint pens?

*Letters tries something


Mmmmm, iiiink...

Aha! I WIN!

.... hmm...
In West Virginia, only babies can ride in a baby carriage.

[edit] ^^^According to my school newspaper, that is. Who knows if it's really true or not...
The sentence "Madam, I'm Adam" is a palindrome!
My High school agenda commited suicde because I never used it.
More money is printed daily for the game Monopoly than money printed by the US treasury.
The band guns and roses is actually a tribute to the meat puppets.
The duckbill platipus is venomous. This one is true.
FictiousWill said:
...or 74, according to imdb.

He was 40 when he came to america from france in 1934, he lied about his age and said he was 20 to get more work.
Every 13 years there is a massive migration of scorpians south from arizona to mexico, they return 3 months later. Nobody knows why they do this.
The only two countries not to have signed the UN-children convention are the US and Somalia.

And yes...water-whirls goes clokwise in the northern hemasphere and unclockwise in the southern. Or was it the opposite?
On the equater water doesnt spin at all, often leading to cloggs in sinks that can be fixed by carrying the sink several miles north or south.
Homer said:
On the equater water doesnt spin at all, often leading to cloggs in sinks that can be fixed by carrying the sink several miles north or south.

Yes, that's pretty fun...but I think some hundred metres should be enough. :rolling:
Chimpanzees have been known to capture and eat human babies.
The_Monkey said:
And in Tucson?
3.2 feet

Jimmy Carter once killed a hooker with a hammer because she called him "Historys greatest monster"
there is a rumor that Napolean was very small (3feet something i think) but later they found out that the french "foot" was longer than the "standard" foot, which is 12 inches, 30cm. napolean was normal sized.

Man never went to the moon. All the proof is real:

if u have real player you can watch the foortage...from Nasa an another psace company...pawned. Nasa lied.
NOW, tell me neptune aint cool!


Neptune's moon, Triton, is slowly getting closer to Neptune. Eventually, it will get so close that it will get torn apart by Neptune's gravity and possibly form rings more spectacular than Saturn's.

The strongest winds in the Solar System have been recorded on Neptune, at speeds of up to 2,000 kilometres per hour.

Neptune has dark spots similar to the Great Red Spot on Jupiter. These are areas of high atmospheric pressure which force clouds of methane gas high up into the atmosphere, appearing like cirrus (thin, whispy) clouds on Earth. However, these spots disappear and reappear on different parts of the planet, unlike Jupiter's spot.

Neptune sometimes orbits the Sun further away than Pluto making it the most distant planet in the Solar System. It returned to its usual position as the second furthest planet away from the Sun in December 1999.

Triton orbits Neptune in the opposite direction to the planet's rotation. It is the only large moon in the Solar System to do this.

Neptune has four faint rings. Some parts of these rings are brighter in areas than others and appear like arcs orbiting the planet. Maybe they are still forming.

Since its discovery in 1846, Neptune has not yet completed a full orbit. In fact, it takes 165 years for the planet to go around the Sun.

Neptune was discovered when scientists noticed something peculiar about Uranus' orbit, believing something to be pulling it in the opposite direction to the Sun's pull of gravity. They calculated the position of a planet and soon afterwards, discovered Neptune.

The coldest temperatures measured in the Solar System (-230°c) have been recorded on Neptune's moon, Triton.

Pluto, a planet which has an orbit which sometimes crosses Neptune's, may have been a moon of Neptune which escaped the planet's pull of gravity, but being prevented from escaping the Solar System by the gravitational pull of the Sun.
heres my two pence, i think we did go to the moon. but i dont think the footage we get shown is actually what happened.
think about it, if something went wrong - NASA would look like real poncies.
especially with the tension between the USA and russia and the race to space n'all...
so mebbe somethin Fked up, coz if u have a look at that site they got some good points.

but.. where did the moonrock come from? :D
LoL, these moon landing people are great.
Why does this rock have a letter 'C' on it? There is also a 'C' on the ground in front of the rock... The use of the letter C on film props is well known by the people in Hollywood and is used to show where the centre of the scene should be.
One sceptic on the Bad astronomy sceptics web group has even said it is a hair??? on both the rock and ground... Now who's trying to cover things up?
apparently the idea of a shadow is beond these people.