Post Your Desktop

That's funny, I have like all the same programs and games almost right now. Funny to see a similar desktop. :) May I ask what the wallpaper is from?

it's a screen cap from:
Portal...I just realized that posting that may of given away the b
I don't know, I got it from Smoke. All I can tell is that it's in a western European country (due to the Cyrillic letters) and that there's protesting in action :p

btw here's the original, I only have it in 1024x768 :(

What does her headband say anyways? What does Mozhem mean?
Small ressurect, but anyway.


Is anyone else obsessive about icon placement?
Apparantly you aren't, because you're obscuring the water...
Thats awesome Qonfy, can I get the original?

Mine right now is the water nuke i posted in the image dump.
Dozens of icons on desktop = FAIL

Quonfused win
Yeah I wish I didn't have all these icons obscuring my awesome self-made wallpaper.

I really like it Vegeta, and I'm a hater of the things you love, namely those synthesizer thingies.

Old wall but constantly reminds me to get some BF2 practice in.
Ahh that's awesome.

You stretched it again though, didn't you.
You mean the ones at the top? They're RocketDock icons, not proper icons.
oh, heres my openSuSE desktop
Well I just finished making this, it's my first wallpaper so its really kinda simple:

Thought we already had one of these. My desktop's a bit messy so I'm not posting it :p