Post your desktops here!!!

Hey yall have some cool skins for Windows. Where can I get some? Thanks
Ikerous said:
T_T Thats the last time i make out with you.
You told me to tell you it isn't beautiful!

Fine then!I got other bitchs to make out with.... :sleep:

You'll come crawling back to always do.You can't get enough of my lovin...
Yay I figured out how to pimp my desktop. Thanks MTV

EDIT: Omg can anyone tell me how to get the little yellow dude to be my icon for AIM? I cant find the icon anywhere and I cant stand the one that I have now (the icon next to mozilla). Please if someone could tell me how to change it to the proper AIM icon that would be awesome. Thanks
hi sorry i dnt really have any help to give you about ur problem but can u help me :D

what program did u use to do ur desktop like that? is it Aston Shell?

EDIT: if it is can u PM where u got it from :P
I'm looking at Aston Shell, it definitly looks good.
It takes some getting used to. But once it's all set up, I find it far more managable than the original Windows desktop. Lots of cool themes and plug-ins that make it look like sex as well.
CadetFrench said:
EDIT: Omg can anyone tell me how to get the little yellow dude to be my icon for AIM? I cant find the icon anywhere and I cant stand the one that I have now (the icon next to mozilla). Please if someone could tell me how to change it to the proper AIM icon that would be awesome. Thanks

I assume you're using Stardock Object Dock?

If so, what is it you need? The icon or how to change the current icon or both?

Icons can be found at

To change the current icon, move your mouse cursor over it, right click and select "Dock Entry Properties...". Next click on "Change image", and select your new icon. :thumbs:
Yes I know how to do that but I cant find the icon of the little yellow guy running for AIM. Its not a icon file in the AIM folders. I really want to have it for my dock. I also cant find it on, I can only find custom and default XP icons, not a third party program icon like AIM.
CadetFrench said:
Yes I know how to do that but I cant find the icon of the little yellow guy running for AIM. Its not a icon file in the AIM folders. I really want to have it for my dock. I also cant find it on, I can only find custom and default XP icons, not a third party program icon like AIM.

If you actually bothered to click the link i gave you above, you might notice that i'd even gone to the extent of searching for the icon you're looking for!!

I really don't know why i bother sometimes....... :frown:
Ranga said:
Cool I got it, I LOVE IT, beautiful. Im using SouLuna. It's my favorite one so far. I didn't know they had a free demo!

It has bugs on the favorites button, and when you reduce the size of full screen windows. It's really freaking out and you have to close the window to make it stop. Should I re-install? Does this happen only on the demo? I'll try a different windowblinds skin...

BTW at the bottom of the link, on the left you can download a
program to change the Windows XP boot screen.

Awesome. I've been wanting to do that, but it's really complicated and risky to mess with windows files, but this program will let you do it easily and safely. I recommend it
If you want a desktop like that your gonna need a few programs: Windowblinds, Object dock, Icon packager and Cursor XP.
This is the theme
Out of that list i used: theme, Object dock is this. Rainy is Glassy Calendar , Wallpaper
I used Icon packager but changed the icons to this.
And cursur XP i just used windows defualt which changed it to the one i have now.
And My tabs
You can find all the icons on wincustomize.
westie said:
If you want a desktop like that your gonna need a few programs: Windowblinds, Object dock, Icon packager and Cursor XP.
This is the theme
Out of that list i used: theme, Object dock is this. Rainy is Glassy Calendar , Wallpaper
I used Icon packager but changed the icons to this.
And cursur XP i just used windows defualt which changed it to the one i have now.
And My tabs
You can find all the icons on wincustomize.

Any idea how to install the glass calendar and the objectdock bar? I've unzip'd the files almost everywhere