Post your favourite HL2.netters.

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All the hets and maybe skaadi....maybe.
Hetairians, the rest of you can go **** yourself. Actually i joke, theres many j'dore.

The other guys are, Vegeta, Anti-Anto, Short Recoil, bvagsm, riomhaire, bf2 lads (evo, shaker, cyberpitz, crazyjeepdriver etc), pomegranate and Munro (always good lad to me anyway).

And if Goethe/Henry is out there, get in contact soon, we must catch up sometime.
Hectic Glenn said:
Hetairians, the rest of you can go **** yourself.
I laughed, but not because it's true, just because it was so caustic. Which always sets me off.
el Chi said:
I laughed, but not because it's true, just because it was so caustic. Which always sets me off.
hehe, but now you've quoted it and drawn attention to it! We are London likely lads though, so cmon mate, i'll fooking poonch ya lights owt if ya try anythin'.

Pes no offense...i just don't know you, spam is difficult to learn a person from :shh: :laugh:
We can... see each other... personally.. if you want. Like... in my...teamspeak server the ip is
NO, i'm not falling for this trick again. Pressure told me it was humid and he was cooling down, and i got an eyeful...and the noises, grunting and groaning continually. Keeps me up at night. No place like place like home.

PS: You're welcome.
Oh and I totally forgot to mention Letters, who I enjoy calling Lettuce.

Oh and shit! Murray_H for just being awesome.
I was thinking about it, and to be honest, there's nobody here I don't like. You're all the man. Or, in a few cases, the woman. Anyway...

I forgot about jnightshade! D: and borgasm, and... and...

yeah, ok. I love everybody.
venturon said:
Oh and I totally forgot to mention Letters, who I enjoy calling Lettuce.
If you are going to include people who have left...

Stern - he is old and always owns people.
it wasnt my fault that i had to spell it wrong...'kamikaze' was taken :(

but the 'i' makes me more rememberable...*remembers that no one remembered him in this thread*

damn it...
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