Post your favourite HL2.netters.

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Pah! Only mentioned once!

*goes off and slits wrists*:rolleyes:
The funnest thing to do is fake your own ban.

(User was banned for this post (Reason: He's too smart for this forum.))
If you want to discuss disrupting another forum, do it somewhere not on this site.
A whole load of people. I refuse to make a list! But especially, everyone who mentioned me, natch.

It's funny that when we had that 'who do you hate' thread (the first time) it was actually really civil and ended up with several declarations of love pending mansechs.
Sulkdodds said:
A whole load of people. I refuse to make a list! But especially, everyone who mentioned me, natch.

It's funny that when we had that 'who do you hate' thread (the first time) it was actually really civil and ended up with several declarations of love pending mansechs.

Is there a thread on this forum that doesn't end up with several declarations of love pending mansechs?
Done this loads of times before, so I'll just take the easy route and say you know who you all are. Especially those who mentioned me explicitly! That'd be Polaris. He's my favourite forum person now.
I <3 everyone in this forum in a healthy non-homosexual way unless you are a girl. :E

But some more than others :p
Skaadi said:
Still hates ya!


Still loves ya!

*hugs back*

score! <.< >.>

oh shi- you editted the post! :O! *image is forever tarnished*
Skaadi said:
You do know I'm a man right?

Oh yes. :smoking: ...Last night was wonderful.

It's official, you do last second edits far too often. >.>... now I'm going to take a nap.
xlucidx said:
Oh yes. :smoking: ...Last night was wonderful.

It's official, you do last second edits far too often. >.>... now I'm going to take a nap.

*blows kiss*

How does ye know about me edits?
Bodacious, Gh0st, Sgt_Shellback, KngHenry ...oh wait that's my dislike list

my fave members: everyone not mentioned in this thread (you know who you are)
im the besterest smartesestest and cleverestestest of all the HL2netters.

and that is why i never speak. :|

Kamikazie said:
well, none of us ever speak on the forums...
I distinctly remember some fun Skype conversations. Like the one where Shodan dropped his digital camera on his head. I'm sorry, there's just something funny about a guy with a strong british accent whining "aw, ****, i've gone and dropped a camera on my head... and shit i'm bleeding, ah damn.."
Ennui said:
I distinctly remember some fun Skype conversations. Like the one where Shodan dropped his digital camera on his head. I'm sorry, there's just something funny about a guy with a strong british accent whining "aw, ****, i've gone and dropped a camera on my head... and shit i'm bleeding, ah damn.."
You were there when that happened? I thought I was the only American. So then, you've heard my solid oak keyboard eh? :laugh:
I love, like, 99% of the people on these forums, but I especially love Que-ever and Sulkdodds. *smooch* Sweet Jesus. This is a gay thread. Ah well. I! AM SO! GAYFORQUEANDSULKS!
I forgot some names :o
So, I love these members and maybe some others...
Kupoartist, Samon, Angry Lawyer, ríomhaire, Mechagodzilla, kirovman, A True Canadian, Rizzo89, Darkside55, clarky003
kirovman: You my favourite memeber for long, long time ;)
CptStern said:
Bodacious, Gh0st, Sgt_Shellback, KngHenry ...oh wait that's my dislike list
*Gasps* Oh, you're thutch a bitch!
But actually I wholeheartedly agree with you.
/adds el chi to possible dislike list ...errr sorry, like list, my mistake

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