POST YOUR PICS (v. June 19, 2006)

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Dude seriously? It's my command station, I rule over many mortal's petty existances from mine, what do you do with yours?

Speaking of which, you look kinda like Tom Petty in that picture.

I took teh ubAr dark shotz.

A portrait of Captain Stern as an "angry punching panda":

CptStern said:
..too much Fascism/totalitarianism makes Stern a sad panda (occasionally an angry punching panda)

where did you take that pic? I thought I made sure there were no witnessess

btw where do you live? and are there any other witnessess, errrrr people living with you?
where did you take that pic? I thought I made sure there were no witnessess

btw where do you live? and are there any other witnessess, errrrr people living with you?

I saw it happen, hell, all of us at saw it!

hmmm I wonder if Munro will change my name to something less conspicuous SgtStern or CaptainSternn or my fave: the Artist Formerly Known as Stern
me in varying states of being drunk, grumpy and/or posing. I don't have any good pictures of me! i swear the second one doesn't even really look like me, lol.


^theres not actually something on my chin...thats just a dirty mirror and an odd pose that seemed to work at the time. Don't ask.
I'm just interested as that is the girl that Rambler once made a thread about how he sexed her up and she was in the Gaurdian supplement that day.
Yes. THATS who he looked like! Why could I not remember it. And I was wrong saying actor... singer, yes, singer.

Wow, not too cruel. :naughty:

I should have moved the camera back like 10ft.
i've been unbanned, apparantly it was a mistake. anyway i'm not sure but i think all my posts may have been automatically deleted, so i'll post this again:

these are terrible posey, drunk or grumpy pictures. i don't think anyone ever has good pictures of themselves though do they?

lol, my 15 minutes! or, i guess it depends on how long you took to read it, lol.
what's busted? was it the thing about henrietta barnet?
what's busted? was it the thing about henrietta barnet?

Haha, hello there IAMMAGPIE ;)

Anyway, I would post my picture, but that would be mockery of everything I stand for (which is very little).
oh right yeah, that's my name on the lionhead forums, i tried to change it but they cant do that on those forums apparantly.

i don't see why that makes me 'busted' though.
They said it. So its true. You're busted.
oh right yeah, that's my name on the lionhead forums, i tried to change it but they cant do that on those forums apparantly.

i don't see why that makes me 'busted' though.
nah it was something else
solaris said not to tell so I won't
shut up pretty boy, i was the one who ate your brownie. whatcha gonna do?
watch it now ..someone might pop your cherry :naughty:
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