POTC 4: On Stranger Tides

Feb 24, 2005
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There's a Walt Disney convention happening in Anaheim right now; I didn't go because going to Comic Con is bad enough, it's hard to imagine me retaining my dignity after a number of days of Disney Con. But it turns out actual news is coming from the convention - and then being helpfully emailed to me by Disney marketing!

The first big bit of news: Pirates of the Caribbean 4 has a title, and it's called On Stranger Tides.

Some of you might recognize that title. There's a book by that title, and it's a pirate book. And it's the book that inspired the Monkey Island series of games, and you have to assume Disney legal knows this. So is the new movie based on Tim Powers' 1988 book?

The book was awesome and supposedly Tim Powers knows about this, but I highly doubt they would just use the Pirates brand and just slap it on Tim's story, but shittier things have happened in Hollywood to be sure.
Oh God.
I'm half-excited and half-filled with dread.
Oh for **** sake!

The first 2 sequels were bad enough. If they actually continue with that story about the fountain of youth I'll find the writers and kill them (it's only supposed to be a little extra to the story showing that captain sparrow won't stop his pirating days but what happened? everybody jumped onto the idea *facepalm*).
They're going to make another of these awful films? Yeah, that's right - even the first film wasn't that good.
They're going to make another of these awful films? Yeah, that's right - even the first film wasn't that good.

I think your pushing the boat out a bit by labelling them as films there...
Whoa whoa whoa



there's a Disney CONVENTION? How has this completely slipped under my radar? I need to go to this.

Also whatever, haters. The PoTC movies are awesome. How can you hate a series with a character like Davy Jones? I don't know about you people sometimes. Seriously, HOW can you hate someone like Davy Jones? Cthulu-faced pirate going around asking people if they fear death and making them part of his undying crew? Do none of you have a concept of what awesome is? The man keeps his heart in a box, has a massive fiddler crab claw for a hand, and made love to a storm goddess. HE FUCKED A STORM. Do you understand how pure awesome you have to be to have sex with a STORM?! And not just any storm, the goddess of every storm that rolls over the sea.

And every post above me is hating on these movies.

What in god's name is wrong with you people? Seriously, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? The last two movies were goddamn awesome. Especially the third one 'cause it was like all Davy Jones, all the time.

Also Chow Yun Fat was in it. Chow Yun Fat. As a pirate. Goddamn.
And every post above me is hating on these movies.

I'm not. I like them. And I'm glad someone else chose to focus on the pure awesome that is Davy Jones. Though you neglected to mention his most awesome trait: The voice.
"Do you... fear deeaa-TH?"
Kind of agree with Darkside here. The films may decrease in quality by order of sequence but even the last one was just 'mediocre', and not abject terrible poo poo.
They were all immensely entertaining, pretty much like Skulkdoods said.
They just decreased in quality as they went on.

Still had some pretty sweet ship battles though.
Kind of agree with Darkside here. The films may decrease in quality by order of sequence but even the last one was just 'mediocre', and not abject terrible poo poo.


Kind of looking forward to 4.
Davy Jones was great, and I even quite liked a couple of the other characters (Jack Sparrow, Lorington) and yes the movies were enjoyable, but I don't really consider them great either, and even if they were, we definitely don't need another one.
I don't really see why it has to be a potc movie. Why not just a pirate movie. I have always enjoyed a good pirate movie.
And Btw at worlds end sucked. It was rushed, half-finished garbage. Cool effects though.
Oh for **** sake!

The first 2 sequels were bad enough. If they actually continue with that story about the fountain of youth I'll find the writers and kill them (it's only supposed to be a little extra to the story showing that captain sparrow won't stop his pirating days but what happened? everybody jumped onto the idea *facepalm*).

Yeah, except you don't have any reason to assume that's what the next movie was about.


All movies were consistently enjoyable, and I like to think the first two were pretty good. Third was kind of garbage but has all that enjoyable nonsense Darkseid is ranting about.
First one was decent like Cutthroat Island. After that though it became ridiculous. I hate you empire disney.
Yeah, except you don't have any reason to assume that's what the next movie was about.

I did say if, plus there are certainly rumblings that is what it is going to be about.
Oh dear- I liked the third one best. Hiding in my cardboard box.

I look forward to another one.
Pirates of the carribean 4 - On stranger tides

Now, i love the first three films. Great fun entertainment. Love Bill Nigh as Davey Jones.

Different director, Orlando Bloom and Keira "goddamn sexy bitch, look at her bitey sexy grin" Knightly will not be in it.

Rob Marshall is the director (Chicago, Memoirs of a Geisha).

I hate hyping myself for films for the inevitable letdown. I didn't see any of the originals at the cinema but watched them one night on DVD and found them to be great.

Anyone suspect a flop?
Lets check the stats:

1) Different director
2) None of the actors in the last movie are in it (is Johnnie Depp in it?)
3) The director has only made chick flicks

Result: Not a Pirates of the Caribbean movie. I think I'll pass on this unless the trailers are OMFG awesome (though I suspect this may be straight to DVD)
Apparently the book it's based on is pretty classic so it has the potential to be decent.

Yep looks like a pretty classic piratey kind of story.

But a different director is going to be interesting. It's going to change the whole feel of the series.

News recently that Johnny Depp has lost a bit of motivation for playing the part of Sparrow again due to a Disney exec retiring (or being fired). Depp has not seen the script yet and when he agrees to that it's go ahead.

I'm pretty sure Barbossa will be back played by Geofrey Rush.

And a question to you fine gentlemen, when has a fourth movie in a series been awesome and eclipsed the rest or has been a fantastic end?
Not often, but it's bound to be better than POTC 2 or 3 at least. I fail to see how it could be worse.
I am not entirely sure how it's possible for them to screw this up. It's going to be difficult to make something worse than POTC 2 and 3.
I felt 1 and 2 were bloody entertaining. And felt 3 was utter crap. So yeh I fail to see how they could make it worse than the third, and I'm glad Bloom and Knightly aren't in, they just annoy me now.
I am not entirely sure how it's possible for them to screw this up. It's going to be difficult to make something worse than POTC 2 and 3.

I'm pretty sure this will be plagued by all the same problems as the originals, but with the added bonus of not having a good cast. Say what you want about Depp, Bloom, and Knightley - you also had Geoffrey Rush, Jack Davenport, Jonathan Pryce, and Bill Nighy.
God, they're actually going to go through with this? :|
I'm glad Bloom and Knightly aren't in, they just annoy me now.

Bloom and Knightely were ever in a place where they didn't annoy you? I mean not only did they embody shitty characters, but as actors, too, they're just awful.
Bloom didn't annoy me when he appeared in Extras.
Well the first three films managed to be somewhat entertaining for a while, even if I can't watch them now without getting bored. One thing I will say for them though, is they positively drip atmosphere, and I'm a sucker for that kind of stuff. Games like Thief and Morrowind, and movies like POTC that can make me want to live in the places they are set in, are always pretty good in my mind.
Say what you want about Depp, Bloom, and Knightley - you also had Geoffrey Rush, Jack Davenport, Jonathan Pryce, and Bill Nighy.

yeah its amazing how such crap can be made with such brilliant actors :|
Bloom and Knightely were ever in a place where they didn't annoy you? I mean not only did they embody shitty characters, but as actors, too, they're just awful.

You have a point come to think of it, I actually can't pick film a film I liked Knightly in. I felt Bloom played Legolas well in LOTR films, and as someone mentioned, he was funny when he appeared in Extras, but thats mainly because of a great script written by Gervais and Merchant.
Just read another bit about this one on Yahoo and I cannot stress enough how great a book it is. Say what you will about the first 3 POTC movies (I will say they went steadily downhill from "great" to "pretty good" to "not so good at all"), but I am not sure that they will be able to screw this one up. I guess it really depends on the screenplay of course because the source material is pure ****ing gold.