Ppl talk like t1hs??111/1!1

Jun 30, 2003
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Take =1nfiltrat0r= for example. I can't believe people actually talk like this. I mean, some of us may talk like this, but only to make fun of people like CS players and other people.
But damn, look:
=1nfiltrat0r= said:
j00 guyz c that x-raded version of snow wite that shit was hawt even for a cartoon. why isnt it on the pole?? fantasia was stup1d there was no point to it and whats with the walking br00m?? lame. the music was lame 2.
Yeah, I know, I share your pain. I can't believe =1nfiltrat0r= hasn't been banned yet! He is such a lamo and talks of gibberish whenever he posts. It's not even funny.
Half the time I suspect that he's just an EvilEwok-oid person who's doing one big pisstake.
PeoPle ThaT wRiTe AnD TaLk LiKe ThiS FoR sOmE WeIrD ReaSoN aNNoY mE eVeN MoRe.
why do people talk like that, anyway ?? do they think it makes them look cool :borg:

EDIT: harij, that starts to give me a headache. im not used to focusing on different parts of a word, but the word on a whole. makes it look wrong.
in order for language like that to occur, there needs to be someone who speaks the language in teh first place- and its not just CS players who take pleasure in speaking bull****.

But really now, that is hilarious :LOL:
crushenator 500 said:
why do people talk like that, anyway ?? do they think it makes them look cool :borg:

Apparently, yeah... but it does the complete reverse once you grow old enough to realise it.
In fact, looking back at his posts, I have a hard time believeing he's serious. He seems to be an idiot, but he's also spelled words like "obligation" with no errors, and occasionally he forgets himself and makes a post with little or no leet speak...
You guys read Something Awful's Weekend Web? Some of the examples there are so terrible that your eyes hurt. Huge unparagraphed dumps of completely incoherent gibberish written by 12-year olds. And have you noticed how native English speakers are often the ones who write the most incoherent stuff? It's odd.
Cybernoid said:
Look at this for instance (the first post). Completely incoherent.
i just wasted 5 mins of my life, reading that. i use the term 'reading' loosesly. that mindless drivell (hehe, drivell) was one of th biggest pieces of shit ive ever read. i hope whoever wrote that was just joking, that CANT have been serious.
¥θц |<|\|0Щ ш|-|Λ7 ⌠'√\/\ Ģ0∩Л@ 57Ą®7 7Δ||<|ΠБ |_1|<|Ξ 7|-|15 ژỰ57 †Ө ¶¦55 jỔỔ ○₣₣!!!!!!!!!1
CrazyHarij said:
¥θц |<|\|0Щ ш|-|Λ7 ⌠'√\/\ Ģ0∩Л@ 57Ą®7 7Δ||<|ΠБ |_1|<|Ξ 7|-|15 ژỰ57 †Ө ¶¦55 jỔỔ ○₣₣!!!!!!!!!1
HOLY SHIT !!! wtf is that :x

/me dies of shock

you know what I'm gunna start talking like this just to piss you off?

man thats freaky that I could read that
OMG! w0t j00z tok1n aboot, dis 1s 4 pr0p3r l4ngu4g3 you f00kers.
1337 speak/d00d speak/CS speak BLOWS, if you have used it EVER (unless in the context of a joke) your parents should have considered abortion a long time ago, it is the lowest form of gibberish that the english language can offer, even lower than rap, Slipknot (they get their own category) and overall Rock like splitknot (you aren't artistic/being different or unique by liking them/being a goth)
It isn't a proper language...it's a mashed up version of english called engmush.
y0u 0nly j3l0us 4nd w15h y0u w3r3 45 k00l and 45 g00d @ h4ck1ng 45 u5.
A2597 said:

you know what I'm gunna start talking like this just to piss you off?

man thats freaky that I could read that

I know exactly how you feel..
My grammar sense already starts tingling when someone uses '2' instead of 'to' and 'u' instead of 'you' let alone full blown leetspeak. I tend to just ignore whoever is using it, unless it's used in a sarcastic fashion like OMQ HARIJ SI T3H HAX CS D00D.
Its ****ing anoying when people (CS NERDS) talk like that.
yeah, i'm looking forward to playing CS Source with that sort of crowd :|
Cybernoid said:
You guys read Something Awful's Weekend Web? Some of the examples there are so terrible that your eyes hurt. Huge unparagraphed dumps of completely incoherent gibberish written by 12-year olds. And have you noticed how native English speakers are often the ones who write the most incoherent stuff? It's odd.

bahhaha yeah those forum posts from aimgirl.com are friggin hillarious. i couldn't stop laughing reading through them...
The Mullinator said:
If I want to talk like those morons (to make fun of them usually) then I use these translators:

I am a stupid 12 year old CS kiddy

| 4|\/| 4 57|_||*1<| 12 */34|2 0|_<| cs |<1<|<|*/
1 4m 4 57up1d 12 y34r 0ld c5 k1ddy


| 4|\/| 5|*34|<1|\|6 4 |_|53|_355 |_4|\|6|_|463

I still can't read it, and I typed it in the translator!!!
The way we'll so effortlessly slaughter the English language like this really makes me despair about the human race sometimes. I just want to reach through my monitor and hit people who talk like that... I can't even bear it when people use 'u' or 'ur' or whatever shite they're trying to say. Sigh.
Abom said:
The way we'll so effortlessly slaughter the English language like this really makes me despair about the human race sometimes. I just want to reach through my monitor and hit people who talk like that... I can't even bear it when people use 'u' or 'ur' or whatever shite they're trying to say. Sigh.

lolz u sux d00d rotflmao

You know what else? This will also ruin our chances of contacting other intellegent life forms in space. How so? Well, when the aliens intercept our MSN messengers, Yahoo etc... they'll see we can't even use the language we invented right and avoid us.
itz 2 bda i cna teyp liek tis fluentli & stuf, lolz! i actuly tyep liek dis w/ 1 of mah frndzall da tiem, cuz u c we r0x & any1 who doestn teyp liek dis iz teh sux!!11 u gtetin mi drift?? :) :) :)

Honestly, lol, I've gotten to the point where I can type like that as fast as I can normally type.. I talk to a few friends like that on occasion, and it's really improved my ability to type like a moron :) It's a handy skill when you want to make people go away, you piss them off by your lack of brain power!
w3ll i 0nly typ3 l33t sumt1mes usualy i d0nt. but really ur a m0r0n if u cant underst4nd l33t its basic intern3t language get w1th it. there r diff lev3ls of l33t 2.

if u n33d a tr4m5lat0r 2 understand l33t u r pethetic.
=1nfiltrat0r= said:
w3ll i 0nly typ3 l33t sumt1mes usualy i d0nt. but really ur a m0r0n if u cant underst4nd l33t its basic intern3t language get w1th it. there r diff lev3ls of l33t 2.

if u n33d a tr4m5lat0r 2 understand l33t u r pethetic.

Are you trying to say something?

I'm sure you must do well in school. :D

[Edit]: Got another new sig, thanks Abom! :)

Abom said:
The way we'll so effortlessly slaughter the English language like this really makes me despair about the human race sometimes. I just want to reach through my monitor and hit people who talk like that... Sigh.