President Bush is in my town?! D:


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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So, yesterday I was driving to eat, and I noticed a whole bunch of black limos/SUVs. I figured someone important was here, like a senator or something, but why would the president visit a backassword pos place like JoMo? Pfft. He's going to be speaking at the university here..half tempted to go and just try to piss him off.

"So torturing terrorist huh? Yeah, In my opinion, that makes us JUST like them. Way to go Bush" or something, just to anger the Bush Lovers around here *Not too many actually*..

All in
-- "We pledge our nations resources and our allies resources to lift the tyranny of fascist terrorists that have infiltrated our democracy of MoJo"

*shoots self in head
lol! ..I highly endorse the above event and/or product
Gov. Ahnold was at the high school here in Eureka CA not long ago. Didn't know about it until after he'd already left, though.
he's joined the idiot side? oh solaris say it isnt so!
Gov. Ahnold was at the high school here in Eureka CA not long ago. Didn't know about it until after he'd already left, though.

Now the Governator I'd go see, because He's accomplished alot, and it's not a bunch of bad things either :P. Personally, I wish he could become president. We need a president who doesn't want to be president so either:
A.) Help family monies *bush, etc*
B.) Have shit tons of money, and do jack shit with it.

Arnold is already bloody rich, and he's freaking married to a Kennedy. The Kennedies get enough publicity because the ranks die, they get shit tons of publicity. So hey, it's a win/win with Arnold.
I saw Arnie on the news lastnight, driving a hummer, the reporter was like 'Mr Swarzeneger is so pro-green, even his humvee runs on hydrogen' ... Yeah, what about the other 10 hummers in his collection that he drives off-screen?

F***ing muppets.
I saw Arnie on the news lastnight, driving a hummer, the reporter was like 'Mr Swarzeneger is so pro-green, even his humvee runs on hydrogen' ... Yeah, what about the other 10 hummers in his collection that he drives off-screen?

F***ing muppets.

The phrase 'Pro-Green' bothers me...
stand next to the retard and take pic/s of em.
bring a sniper rifle

When he was at the gas station yestderday, how easy it would have been to just chuck a pipe bomb 15 feet under his vehicle, and blow them ALL up.
I remember when Clinton visited Elmendorf airforce base in alaska. My uncle was in the air force, so we got to go visit the hangar that he was staying in. It was really crowded with a bunch of security and metal detectors.

Pretty cool experience it was.
CyberPitz is going to have government agents knocking on his door and aiming pistols at him in a few minutes.
When he was at the gas station yestderday, how easy it would have been to just chuck a pipe bomb 15 feet under his vehicle, and blow them ALL up.

Yea ok....a secret service guy would have just shot your ass plain and simple
Yea ok....a secret service guy would have just shot your ass plain and simple

He'd have to be pretty damned quick to shoot me when I'm in a vehicle, and I really doubt he'd have time to pull out a pistol and shoot me when he wasn't paying attention to me in particular, for the pipebomb to go lobbing out of the window.

They are freaking superhuman

Yeah, lets win votes by fear mongering, great way to keep the peoples faith up in him. Have you seen his approval rating recently. Apparently not, failure.
Yea ok....a secret service guy would have just shot your ass plain and simple

yet an obviously psychotic John Hinckley was able to walk up to reagan and fire off a number of rounds hitting 4 and nearly killing 2 people including the president before being taken down point blank range no less've been watching one too many episodes of 24
yet an obviously psychotic John Hinckley was able to walk up to reagan and fire off a number of rounds hitting 4 and nearly killing 2 people including the president before being taken down point blank range no less've been watching one too many episodes of 24

I still can't believe that guy survived after being shot through the brain, without turning into a complete vegetable. :O
CyberPitz is going to have government agents knocking on his door and aiming pistols at him in a few minutes.

The Secret Service showed up at my dad's door to have a chat with him because he suggested on his website or blog that Bush should be tried for war crimes and, upon conviction, hanged.
President Clinton was visiting here in, I think, 1994. Lots of security, metal detectors and stuff, but people could be in the square where he appeared at one point, see him, and so on. President Bush visited last spring - the city's centre was locked down, fences with lots of police, citizens advised not to go anywhere near there if they can help it. Mind you, wasn't even possible to get within a few districts unless you live there. Now he'll be appearing again at a summit in 3 weeks, and the security will be even worse...
The Secret Service showed up at my dad's door to have a chat with him because he suggested on his website or blog that Bush should be tried for war crimes and, upon conviction, hanged.

There's 2 pieces to this.

1.) you're lying.

2.) they are abbusing their power. Freedom Of Speach. I can say whatever the hell I please about the shittiest president we've had in years. I agree with your dad about trying him for war crimes. If they come to my door wanting to have a "chat" with me, they better have a reason like, "Uh...The RIAA sent us. >_<"
There's 2 pieces to this.

1.) you're lying.

2.) they are abbusing their power. Freedom Of Speach. I can say whatever the hell I please about the shittiest president we've had in years. I agree with your dad about trying him for war crimes. If they come to my door wanting to have a "chat" with me, they better have a reason like, "Uh...The RIAA sent us. >_<"

Not lying, though I can't really think of a way to prove it. They didn't seem all that concerned about it, more like it was just routine--making sure he wasn't planning to take the matter into his own hands.

They didn't even ask him to remove the statement, if I remember correctly.
Not lying, though I can't really think of a way to prove it. They didn't seem all that concerned about it, more like it was just routine--making sure he wasn't planning to take the matter into his own hands.

They didn't even ask him to remove the statement, if I remember correctly.

Lol, scare tactics.
Living in the state of New York, the most liberal state of the united states with the highest taxes & what not; It makes you want to vote for a 3rd party & forget about democrat or republican for a change.

I hate Clinton as much as I hate Bush.
Living in the state of New York, the most liberal state of the united states with the highest taxes & what not; It makes you want to vote for a 3rd party & forget about democrat or republican for a change.

I hate Bush as much as I hate clinton.

Eh, I never pay attention to that republican/democrat thing. Whoever has the best plan gets my vote.
Lol, scare tactics.

None of them sat down, either, for the hour or so they were here. Could be for security reasons (easy to defend yourself from a standing position), but my guess is that it was more for intimidating effect.
None of them sat down, either, for the hour or so they were here. Could be for security reasons (easy to defend yourself from a standing position), but my guess is that it was more for intimidating effect.

People sitting down seem friendly. People standing seem "I'm gonna kick your ass"ish.

And when Bush left, he took the backroads, and everybody on the main road waiting for him in the 50 degree nothing.

Mean gesture IMHO.
People sitting down seem friendly. People standing seem "I'm gonna kick your ass"ish.

And when Bush left, he took the backroads, and everybody on the main road waiting for him in the 50 degree nothing.

Mean gesture IMHO.

Or...attempt at not being assassinated?
They should change Bush's title to "The Administrator of the U.S" then he should wear a cream colored turtle neck sweat shirt with a tan suit & grow a gray beard, then use fancy words to make him like Dr. Breen.