President Bush is in my town?! D:

They should change Bush's title to "The Administrator of the U.S" then he should wear a cream colored turtle neck sweat shirt with a tan suit & grow a gray beard, then use fancy words to make him like Dr. Breen.

I don't think bush has any fancy words in his vocal repertoire. I don't even think he can pronounce repertoire.
I've Fed-exed you the Sniper Rifle. You should be able to make it through security if you don't assemble it.

Just remember to get a good concealed spot to assasinate him, and wear some rubber gloves whenever handling ANYTHING so you don't fingerprint stuff.

Wait, no, I can't mail you the rifle, it costs to much to ship.
Kung-fu him

Oh, btw, the President's Limbo is like a moving bomb shelter. Have fun trying to pipe bomb that thing
he's joined the idiot side? oh solaris say it isnt so!

No, the Right side. Mwhahahahaha.... Come join the Right side, my comrades!

CyberPitz, if you dislike Mr. Bush, I suggest you boo him in the middle of the crowd. Loudly.... And uh, try not to be seen.
There's 2 pieces to this.

1.) you're lying.

2.) they are abbusing their power. Freedom Of Speach. I can say whatever the hell I please about the shittiest president we've had in years. I agree with your dad about trying him for war crimes. If they come to my door wanting to have a "chat" with me, they better have a reason like, "Uh...The RIAA sent us. >_<"

I'm very inclined to believe the poster - very recently, the Secret Service went to have a chat with a 14-year old girl for a "Kill Bush" picture on her MySpace. News story:

From what I understand, the SS is simply obliged to check every possible situation which can be perceived as a threat to the president. It can get a bit ridicilous, but I'm not at all surprised at them visiting people who write things related to Bush's deaths online.
I'm very inclined to believe the poster - very recently, the Secret Service went to have a chat with a 14-year old girl for a "Kill Bush" picture on her MySpace. News story:

From what I understand, the SS is simply obliged to check every possible situation which can be perceived as a threat to the president. It can get a bit ridicilous, but I'm not at all surprised at them visiting people who write things related to Bush's deaths online.

Heh. "Julia has replaced her "Kill Bush" website with one calling for world peace."
Heh. "Julia has replaced her "Kill Bush" website with one calling for world peace."

Irony? She's trying to stay under the radar until she has the capacity to actually Kill Bush. Smart girl.
Remember, if Bush dies, Cheney is next in line for his job. Do any of us really want THAT?
Dick Cheney is John Howard.

You never see them in the same room.
From what I understand, the SS is simply obliged to check every possible situation which can be perceived as a threat to the president. It can get a bit ridicilous, but I'm not at all surprised at them visiting people who write things related to Bush's deaths online.

SS troops....ironic.
I want to a create a kill bush webapge

and if mans in black come to my house I will tell them to suck my dick
I want to a create a kill bush webapge

and if mans in black come to my house I will tell them to suck my dick

I don't think they would be visiting you over a webpage if you're not in the US.
That's a similar story to the one about Numbers when he used to be pro-Kim Jong-Il.


Actually, come to think of it, about 6+ years ago, I liked North Korea..... :/

Must have grown up.

Actually, come to think of it, about 6+ years ago, I liked North Korea..... :/

Must have grown up.

Dear Leader is saddened by your change of heart. Perhaps in time you will see the glorious nature of the great successor to the revolutionary cause once again.
Bush was in my city this past Sunday to promote one of our congressmen. I was working at the time, otherwise I would've been home ignoring the fact that he was here.