Prey Demo June 22!

VirusType2 said:
Yea, it's almost assuredly high rez/uncompressed textures, but I don't know for sure, since there may be things that are different for this console ... different texture formats, etc.

Actaully, according to IGN:

Having played the PC demo, the Xbox 360 version doesn't quite match up. Textures aren't quite as sharp, though the framerate seems roughly comparable. However, that largely depends on what kind of PC you're running the game on. The framerate in the Xbox 360 version hasn't stuttered so far, but on higher end PCs you'll be treated to a smoother overall experience, with better textures to boot.
Played the demo, loved it ! bring on the full version!
So fun after long time in FPS!

For all the peps who can't put the widescreen res ;
same for all doom3 games:
edit the preyconfig.cfg in base folder to :

seta r_customHeight "1050"
seta r_customWidth "1680"
seta r_mode "-1"
seta r_aspectRatio "2"

and put the read only on this file after you edit it.

offcourse this is resolution for my screen, you put your own resolution.
I wasn't that impressed with the demo. Some areas are excellent, others are distictly average. Take away the neat portals and gravity effects and you're left with some pretty ropey 'Doom 3' style combat.
ElFuhrer, got a link to that IGN review of the demo? I don't see it there. I'd like to read the whole thing.

Prey "Beyond the demo". They played about 6 hours of the near-final build. I didn't read the whole thing, I just skimmed over it to find the part about the texture quality because people were talking about it on the 3DRealms forums and I wanted to know if it was true. So there could be spoilers, I don't know. The part I quoted is on the second page right before the last picture.
ElFuhrer said:

Prey "Beyond the demo". They played about 6 hours of the near-final build. I didn't read the whole thing, I just skimmed over it to find the part about the texture quality because people were talking about it on the 3DRealms forums and I wanted to know if it was true. So there could be spoilers, I don't know. The part I quoted is on the second page right before the last picture.

These screenshots are really f'n sick:
okay, it seems like a pretty good game and i think it will do well, but it's not quite for me.

the graphics are really good and runs flawlessly on x360 but i'm not a fan of the story, the level design is good in alot of parts, especially with all the crazy wall walking, gravity switcheroo things, portals and what not.. also, i don't like his commentating, especially the swearing and that.

spirit walking is pretty cool/fun.

i think mp could really take off, especially on pc and i think this game will be popular, especially on pc with mods.

i'll rent it and finish it though i don't think i'll buy it.. unless mp gets incredibly popular and has little lag.
destrukt said:
okay, it seems like a pretty good game and i think it will do well, but it's not quite for me.

the graphics are really good and runs flawlessly on x360 but i'm not a fan of the story, the level design is good in alot of parts, especially with all the crazy wall walking, gravity switcheroo things, portals and what not.. also, i don't like his commentating, especially the swearing and that.

spirit walking is pretty cool/fun.

i think mp could really take off, especially on pc and i think this game will be popular, especially on pc with mods.

i'll rent it and finish it though i don't think i'll buy it.. unless mp gets incredibly popular and has little lag.
You don't like the swearing? lol. :D

I thought you had played it on the PC already didn't you?

Hmm, well, the main reason I wanted it was because my computer can actually run it, and because I'm familiar with the game engine - meaning I could modify the game how I want it. It's really a pretty good, if not great game, but .. I don't know.. my computer is trash. It really doesn't run that well on a PCI card, meaning I have to play it with almost everything on lowest. :barf:
VirusType2 said:
You don't like the swearing? lol. :D

I thought you had played it on the PC already didn't you?

Hmm, well, the main reason I wanted it was because my computer can actually run it, and because I'm familiar with the game engine - meaning I could modify the game how I want it. It's really a pretty good, if not great game, but .. I don't know.. my computer is trash. It really doesn't run that well on a PCI card, meaning I have to play it with almost everything on lowest. :barf:
haha, i don't swear and i put up with it pretty much every day but i felt like complaining about it in this demo, especially after the part where he says f like 3 times in about < a minute. :P

nope, i'm waiting for the parts for my new pc so all i have is my laptop which it wouldn't run on.. so i had to wait for it to finally be released for x360 on live. :x

upgrade, fool ! ;)
destrukt said:
haha, i don't swear and i put up with it pretty much every day but i felt like complaining about it in this demo, especially after the part where he says f like 3 times in about < a minute. :P

OH. That was my favorite part of the demo. :D I don't know why.

I mean, if that happend to me, I would be saying the exact same things as he did in the game (in fact I said it almost at the same time as he did, "****!" )

You can turn profanity off in the options (at least on the PC version), if I'm not mistaken, I thought I saw that option, so more than likely you can do that on the 360 version.
Prey the full game on DVD leaked @ private P2P sites. so expect it to be public soon 2night, dam thats fast.

Still I think its worth buying this game. I'll wait for reviews first.

edit: some Rar files are missing, 3 days left for a fix. WTF
Weird, I read that some people started playing it.
Gorgon said:
Prey the full game on DVD leaked @ private P2P sites. so expect it to be public soon 2night, dam thats fast.

Still I think its worth buying this game. I'll wait for reviews first.

edit: some Rar files are missing, 3 days left for a fix. WTF

That is so lame. Maybe if developers used digital distribution and released it to us as soon as it went gold we wouldn't have this problem of honest fans having to wait while warez kiddies get to play first. Then if people wanted the "Art of Prey" book, the DVD, and the pewter figurines they could print out a proof of purchase and bring that plus $10 to the game store and get the LE box when it arrives.
I'm getting this on 360 even though it looks better on my rig.
Nothing. I just liked the feel of the controls more.
Why do so many people want to get it for 360 even though their PCs can run it? If not enough people buy it for PC the publishers and devs will start to think PC versions aren't profitable enough, and will make the sequels console-only. This is what seems to be happening with Call of Duty.

Edit: If you like the controls more, you can hook up a gamepad to the PC. I didn't see your response because I was typing mine.
As stated above, I liked the controls better on the 360. Felt better.
Cerpin said:
As stated above, I liked the controls better on the 360. Felt better.

mostly depends what your use to imo keyboard is mouse is more comfortable for fps gaming
I prefer controllers in fps for singleplayer gaming, but I can't stand it in MP.
Well, am getting it now, and there are no RAR files missing from this release.

Will buy it if the quality of the demo keeps through the game.
Cerpin said:
I prefer controllers in fps for singleplayer gaming, but I can't stand it in MP.
You know you can hook an xbox 360 controller up to your PC right? Just get the wired version. It's designed to be universal.
i don't think all the developers will suddenly stop developing fps for pc if prey manages to sell more on 360 . . settle down. :P
VirusType2 said:
You know you can hook an xbox 360 controller up to your PC right? Just get the wired version. It's designed to be universal.

Nah, I have the wirelesss ones, plus I have no problem playing it on the 360 :)
destrukt said:
i don't think all the developers will suddenly stop developing fps for pc if prey manages to sell more on 360 . . settle down. :P
No, but there could be no Prey 2 for PC... just like there is no Call of Duty 3 for PC.
I think i'll rent the game because it seems like one of those games that will only be great once over.
i just played mp with 2 friensd and whoever joined, soo fun; 4 guys jumping around, 2 wit the acid gun and some crazy guy hurls himself at all of you from the roof firing rockects and so on.. you get the idea. ^_______^
I'm yet to try the MP. Really need to do that after i finish this assignment....and close this forum window. Damn addictive forum.
Funny how Tommy so quickly adjust to seeing aliens and his Grandfather soon after watching him die, but then cannot beleive his bird is still around.
Final Gold Beta Of Prey Leaked On Torrent Sites Now, Still Some Bugs That May Be Fixed In Final Version But Full Game..

Btw Caps Lock Is Cruise Control For Cool!

Kyo said:
Funny how Tommy so quickly adjust to seeing aliens and his Grandfather soon after watching him die.
Haha, I thought the same thing.
Nice find eraser :D your message gave me a heart attack =p
Yep, d/led overnight. Just woke up and extracting/installing.

Impressions/screens to follow.
AmishSlayer said:
Yep, d/led overnight. Just woke up and extracting/installing.

Impressions/screens to follow.
Could you make a new thread for that, so we can still talk about the demo here without any spoilers? I haven't even looked at the official screenshots, I don't want to see any more monsters, scenes, vehicles, weapons, etc. until I get the game.
ElFuhrer said:
Could you make a new thread for that, so we can still talk about the demo here without any spoilers? I haven't even looked at the official screenshots, I don't want to see any more monsters, scenes, vehicles, weapons, etc. until I get the game.
I think that could be perfectly in order, unfortunately I can't make it because of the horrible speed on this torrent. :|
sorry to tell ya's this but i dont fink its following the rules if u post unfished/unreleased content on this forum. A site admin may have to correct me if im wrong.
Saketi said:
sorry to tell ya's this but i dont fink its following the rules if u post unfished/unreleased content on this forum. A site admin may have to correct me if im wrong.

they arent posting locations all there saying is get it from torrent
vegeta897 said:
Wouldn't it fall under discussion of warez?

Yes it would, and people who are downloading the game are lame.