Provisions for HL2 release day

aeroripper said:
not really... you can take a lot of objects and rotate them 90 degrees and... omg! they look like a swatztika... omg nazi police come quick....... :-P
Well bubbly, first of all, it was an observation not a complain.
For all that I care he left it be.
second I typed: nevermind, stating that I(that'd be me) personally do not care about the point I made.

Btw, who puts god bless america magnets on their cars...unglaublich
Clavius said:
Btw, who puts god bless america magnets on their cars...unglaublich

LOL (unglaubich means unbeleavable in german for all of those who dont know :P )

1/4 oz of kind
12 pk of beer
2 pks of cigs
1 can Skoal mint
1 lg Hawaian Pizza
1 bg Cheese Doodles
1 Visine Long Lasting
1 pot of Hazelnut brewed
I have a case of Mountain Dew, some Sobe No Fear, several cans of mixed nuts, chips, cheez-its, doritos, might order a pizza, some Jolt Gum, and some healthy stuff. Hell, I'm going to eat a steak dinner the night of its release on Steam :D
How about those yummy bagel bites? Those things rule. Also, there must be some spicy chicken strips around; those things are the BEST and only about 45 seconds to microwave. :naughty:

How about pop? High caffeine pop I might add. Maybe some Bawls. :rolling:
I will take the 17th off just to make sure Steam is clear of any 1st day glitches. I will make some of my delicious Fried chicken and Bar-B-Que ribs with a gallon of Ice cold water and some special Trinidad hot sauce. Will also have salad as well. I will stop after 3 hours and relax and absorb the first hours of the game and then continue until I go to bed.
I'll be sure to buy some mini-microwaveable sausage rolls. About 10 or so of em. So when Hl2 is loading a map or cutscene or something i can run into kitchen, blast the sausage roll for a min or so and come back to pc and eat.

Also.. Crisps, chewits, cereal (in a cup with milk), chicken dippers and a sauce (i'd cook them during installation and eat as a snack during gameplay),...

Drinks? Not much of a drinker me, but i'd probs have a litre carton of fruit juice with me.
IX00 said:
...I will make some of my delicious Fried chicken and Bar-B-Que ribs with a gallon of Ice cold water and some special Trinidad hot sauce. ....

Hot damn that sounds delicious!
You have no Idea how delicious it is! If there was a release date party at a lan shop, I'd cater it.
Link said:
I have read many many threads on who is doing what on the 16th, but no one seems to have taken a serious issue into account. For those of us who have booked time off for the day (Or 3 days, as I have) we need to ensure that we have adequate provisions to ensure that we only need to leave the computer to go to the toilet.

So, we must compile a list of food and drink suggestions to ensure we can aquire what we need.

Food is broken down into 2 groups. Meals and snacks.

Chicago town pizzas. Tasty, and fast to cook.


12 pack(s) of beer (Or alcholic beverage of your choise) - For relaxing
12 pack of coke (Or sugary soft drin of your choise) - For energy fix
2 litre bottle of water (Or mineral water, or fizzy or whatever) - To help flush the above crap out in an orderly fasion

Something soft to rest forearms on (solid days at a PC can hurt arms)

As you can see this list is not of an acceptable length, so I appeal to you, the good people of HL2, to help me lengthen it. Remember, meals should be things that you cook (Hot food makes you play better ;)) but should be quick to cook. Snacks should be open and eat type foods. For drinks, don't say "Lemonades better than coke" or whatever, but we do need to think of any other value we can obtain from drinks, and an example of said ingredient provider.

Dude thats exactly what im doing the sweet thing is i got a fridge next to me comp. All i do is reach for everything.
I'm thinkin I'll get a couple of 6-packs of guiness, and a couple of packs of smokes.

Well, I will whatever day I'm done enough with school to play it.
I still haven't decided wether to take army days off, only for hl2 :|

I recommend a beer 5 liter KEG, the kind you buy at the local supermarket.

And coffee candies - caffein and sugar can never be bad.
Hmm need food that wouldn't get the fingers sticky....Maybe a bunch of fruits? Don't want to snack on crap all day. Also a six pack of bud light for sure.
I don't need much actually, I've learned from experience that all I need to do a marathon session of gaming are fags and coffee. :)
CB | Para said:
I don't need much actually, I've learned from experience that all I need to do a marathon session of gaming are fags and coffee. :)

and what exactly do you do with the fags?!?!

oh and sorry for the quote..but this was screaming for a reply
You are al forgetting the importance of the roll of aluminum foil to cover your windows and block out sucnlight with. Wouldn't want any glare now would we?
must be a european had me a bit worried there. :rolling:
cheese04 said:
you have just entered the new meaning of "how pathetically sad and desparate are you for hl2".

No need for that.

(what does your need to put someone down for no reason say about you?? the words 'pathetic' and 'sad' seem more apt in this situation)

//back on topic

I'm going to make sure i've got a drink handy (doesn't matter which), and that i'll have the flat free on release day :)

Will also clean my desk.

There's nothing wrong with making an effort, and savouring the moment. I do the same for movies/books/music that I love too.
MoD said:
I still haven't decided wether to take army days off, only for hl2 :|

I recommend a beer 5 liter KEG, the kind you buy at the local supermarket.

And coffee candies - caffein and sugar can never be bad.

5 liter Keg? You are going to spend more time urinating than playing the game.
Link said:
I have read many many threads on who is doing what on the 16th, but no one seems to have taken a serious issue into account. For those of us who have booked time off for the day (Or 3 days, as I have) we need to ensure that we have adequate provisions to ensure that we only need to leave the computer to go to the toilet.

So, we must compile a list of food and drink suggestions to ensure we can aquire what we need.

Food is broken down into 2 groups. Meals and snacks.

Chicago town pizzas. Tasty, and fast to cook.


12 pack(s) of beer (Or alcholic beverage of your choise) - For relaxing
12 pack of coke (Or sugary soft drin of your choise) - For energy fix
2 litre bottle of water (Or mineral water, or fizzy or whatever) - To help flush the above crap out in an orderly fasion

Something soft to rest forearms on (solid days at a PC can hurt arms)

As you can see this list is not of an acceptable length, so I appeal to you, the good people of HL2, to help me lengthen it. Remember, meals should be things that you cook (Hot food makes you play better ;)) but should be quick to cook. Snacks should be open and eat type foods. For drinks, don't say "Lemonades better than coke" or whatever, but we do need to think of any other value we can obtain from drinks, and an example of said ingredient provider.

I took 4 days off my job, but i forgot provisions, thanks!!!

Without you i'would have had to face The outside world !!! :(
Neutrino, your bunker is so amazingly cool. I wish I had room in my back garden to dig one... could I come and share yours by any chance?
hand lotion...or other various types of lube..... :O
for some...
actually my girl wants to watch me play maybe ill asign her a job while i play ;-) :naughty:
Luckily I'm free from school the 16th. Actually I'm free the 15th too so it'll be a long wait. Sadly I'm not free the 17th. Anyway let's just say I won't be leaving my house that tuesday.

Oh, and Neutrino, I don't want to spoil the fun or anything but I believe that hole has been filled with water for about half a year now.
commando said:
ok im being very noobish.....

what is "RE-BOOTING£ mean?

re format is completly restarting computer to fresh.

but Re-booting is????
You are... kidding right?

Why would you reformat your computer?

Don't you know how to shut down your computer?

Maybe he was formatting to have a clean install for HL2.

Actually I probably wont eat anything. I'm more of a boredom eater than a hunger eater.
cheese04 said:
you have just entered the new meaning of "how pathetically sad and desparate are you for hl2".

hahaha thats one for the sig!!
ZeroG said:
hahaha thats one for the sig!!

It would be if it was actually worded correctly and not a snide and totally unnecessary comment.
Warbie said:
It would be if it was actually worded correctly and not a snide and totally unnecessary comment.

goddamn, this is the most PC forum i've ever been on. this forum is straighter than john kerry's stump speeches.

u guys gotta be kidding me tho, read this topic. "provisions for hl2." why dont i just make a thread that reads, "how many shits are u gonna take the day hl2 comes out?" or.. "what will you wear the day hl2 comes out."
My GF has been informed that I will be severely distracted for several days from the 16th and understands and is resigned to her duties.

1:Bring/Refill Coffee.
2:Bring/Refill Whiskey, freshen ice.
3:Bring food (her only insistance is that she only brings nutritious foodstuffs. Only 1 bag of chips allowed until I am mobile again).
4:As required, empty the bucket.
cheese04 said:
goddamn, this is the most PC forum i've ever been on. this forum is straighter than john kerry's stump speeches.

u guys gotta be kidding me tho, read this topic. "provisions for hl2." why dont i just make a thread that reads, "how many shits are u gonna take the day hl2 comes out?" or.. "what will you wear the day hl2 comes out."

I think I'll use charmin toilet paper, wake up on the left side of the bed, brush my teeth with my right hand, take off the plastic from the top side, open the box from the bottom, wear a blue shirt and some camoflauge pants, walk down the stairs starting with the left foot first, step on my dogs tail twice, use the bathroom 5 times, shoot 64 combine soldiers on the release day of HL2.
Didymium said:
Luckily I'm free from school the 16th. Actually I'm free the 15th too so it'll be a long wait. Sadly I'm not free the 17th. Anyway let's just say I won't be leaving my house that tuesday.

Oh, and Neutrino, I don't want to spoil the fun or anything but I believe that hole has been filled with water for about half a year now. he tried to play off that awesome bunker as his own?

I see...
cheese04 said:
goddamn, this is the most PC forum i've ever been on. this forum is straighter than john kerry's stump speeches.

u guys gotta be kidding me tho, read this topic. "provisions for hl2." why dont i just make a thread that reads, "how many shits are u gonna take the day hl2 comes out?" or.. "what will you wear the day hl2 comes out."

The thing is, unlike most pc forums this is actually quite a nice place to post.

The mods do their job well and, on the whole, everyone gets along just fine :)

Maybe I was too critical - but it's generally shitty comments and little digs ppl make at each other that are the reason most forums are so crappy in comparison.