PS3 Progress Report - Hub and Backwards Compatibility Undergoes Fine-tuning


Mar 22, 2006
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Positive reports are leaking out,claiming that the technology behind the PlayStation Network Platform, currently codenamed "PlayStation HUB", is undergoing polishing, and is about to begin its system's tests next month. The said project is billed to be the core of the upcoming console.
Another division of Sony UK - tasked to develop the said backwards compatibilty software - is making huge headways toward the project's completion.

According to them, a good number of PS2 titles are already playable on the PS3 prototype hardware, thus signifying that the complex trick of emulating the PS2's processors and systems is going on as planned.
Icarusintel said:
We have a catastrophic failure
pray tell, why? backwards compatibility for ps2 owners is good news. oh, nvm. posted in off-topic.
Revisedsoul said:
he was going off about wrong part of the fourm again :p
Yeah, figured I'd mix it up a bit, but this is actually pretty good news, I like backwards compatibility.
Testing...ok. I guess that's fine. Let's just wait and see what they have when the system actually hits before we get too positive/negative.
i guess this is to combat the recent news of how bad backwards compatability is, so close to launch.

poor sony, why are you so ?
I can't wait to see the Playstation online system... Though I won't be getting the PS3 day one most likely (if it's in the price range that's been rumored, I'll pass)...

About the BC though, I wonder what they consider a "good number" of PS2 titles... I mean we all knew that it was inevitable that all PS / PS2 games wouldn't be playable (a lot of them don't meet the TCR's... Everyone does something that's against the TCR's or little hacks to get more performance, etc etc...)

Anyways I can't wait until E3...
Iced_Eagle said:
I can't wait to see the Playstation online system... Though I won't be getting the PS3 day one most likely (if it's in the price range that's been rumored, I'll pass)...

About the BC though, I wonder what they consider a "good number" of PS2 titles... I mean we all knew that it was inevitable that all PS / PS2 games wouldn't be playable (a lot of them don't meet the TCR's... Everyone does something that's against the TCR's or little hacks to get more performance, etc etc...)

Anyways I can't wait until E3...
Hey I guess the PS3 is not that expensive since it will be launch at $399 USD that's what PSM stated.
mysteryman said:
Hey I guess the PS3 is not that expensive since it will be launch at $399 USD that's what PSM stated.
You ought to provide a link to sources, especially after your other thread where Oblivion was planned for release on PS3 was completely false. It would add quite a bit of credibility.

I won't say any names, but many on this forum were swearing that EVERY PS2 title would be compatible with the PS3, and that - come to find out, is totally false.
Hey I guess the PS3 is not that expensive since it will be launch at $399 USD that's what PSM stated.

I still need to start saving my money... I need to start requesting more hours, especially during the summer... I remember with the Xbox360 my bank account dropped FAST.

What I _might_ do is camp out the first night, then sell it on EBay for thousands :) Then do it again, and then check to see the price I could get on EBay, and then decide to sell it again or keep it.
mysteryman said:
Hey I guess the PS3 is not that expensive since it will be launch at $399 USD that's what PSM stated.
As far as I know, Sony hasn't announced a price yet, so Playstation Magazine must have been speculating - in the ultimately biased way that a Playstation magazine would. Go to their forums and you have about 150 pages of people speculating the price from anywhere between $400-600 US. Nobody knows.
VirusType2 said:
You ought to provide a link to sources, especially after your other thread where Oblivion was planned for release on PS3 was completely false. It would add quite a bit of credibility.

I won't say any names, but many on this forum were swearing that EVERY PS2 title would be compatible with the PS3, and that - come to find out, is totally false.
Here are the links you've asked:
Until it comes from Sony, I refuse to take it as fact...

It would be nice to have a price similar to the Xbox360 (though the Xbox360 is RUMORED to have a price drop, so the Xbox360 may end up being cheaper this holiday season, probably due to the lower-cost CPU and a few other hardware deals)... I was honestly expecting it around $600 just for the system, so I hope I'm proving wrong.