Psychedelic experiences.

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Sep 18, 2005
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This isn't a debate thread about drugs, it's a thread for people to share there experiences of experiences on psychedelics. Please don't bring any anti or pro drug debate into this thread or any drug advice into this thread as it'll undoubtabley turn this into a political discussion.
I myself have taken part in experimenting with DXM. I was in a darkened room and started to see everyone I know inside a bubble (one person to a bubble), there was a dark blue shade around everyone except this one female who had a red shade around her, it was one of the most amazing thing's I've ever seen, I had such a mind****ingly feeling of love for her at that moment. I will definitely remember it for my whole life, it was quite intense, she was so beautiful at that time. The rest of the trip was a bunch of random crap like seeing lots of cars on a motorway which had words written on them and then seeing an incredibly shiny sky which turned blue with black-ish triangles in it while the plants in the garden were 2D sprites.

and if you really want to express your thoughts on taking drugs please just make a thread in the politics section and keep it out of this one.
when I was younger (and I really regret this.. but meh, I can't take it back) me and some friends were experimenting with inhalents, I won't say what exactly, but anyway, I started tripping and thought I was about to pass out, and I closed my eyes.

With them closed I saw two pictures, one in each eye. The imagery was identical and in sync, it was a clock, the hands were spinning counter clock wise and were increasing in speed. Then out of no where, link from the legend of zelda games, jumped and downwards slashed with his sword, shattering the clocks and bringing me back to reality, I was sober after that, it was really weird.

Then another time, I tried mushrooms, nothing to amazing, colors seemed more vibrant, light seemed to pulse noticably, and I thought I saw a little gorilla come from a mouse hole in the wall (obviously the gorilla wasn't real, and neither was the mouse hole) and for some reason, the silohuette of this lamp looked like a dragon and startled me at first (not that I thought it was a real dragon, I thought it was a bust or statuette, but I knew that I didn't have one so it kinda freaked me out lol)
On the few occations that I got high on weed, I felt like my mind was so much more open about the whole universe. I felt like things made so much more sense and as if I were on some sort of super genius drug or something. It was pretty cool...
one time on DXM I closed my eyes and just bam right in front of me was Captain Crunch.

However it wasnt the cartoony captain crunch. It was like a realistic version of him, in his garb with his moustache but with real person's proportions and he looked like a regular person would. However I knew, 100% for certain immediately, that it was Captain Crunch. It was gone when I opened my eyes.

It was 100% realistic looking, he was just floating in a black void looking at me.

Continue as normal. I enjoy researching these things, to be honest. does not condone the use of illegal substances.

-Angry Lawyer
Drugs make some people act really weird...I already act in a way people think I'm on drugs...I don't DARE think what would happen if I took said drugs. D:
I remenber I saw a documental about drug use in the 60's

and our parents say we are the screwed generation does not condone, support, or acknowledge the possible use of illegal psychoactives by its users. In addition, by reading this thread, you agree and acknowledge that you understand that the information presented here is in no way, shape, or form truthful; this is hyperbole, fabrication, exaggeration, what have you. does not condone, support, or acknowledge the possible use of illegal psychoactives by its users. In addition, by reading this thread, you agree and acknowledge that you understand that the information presented here is in no way, shape, or form truthful; this is hyperbole, fabrication, exaggeration, what have you.

So them admitting to using illegal substances is REALLY them talking about having sex with their dog?
Probably the strangest thing that ever happened to me was when I tried Silvia. I felt like a peice of paper flopping around in a tron-like environment. Truely a once in a lifetime experience... not that it's a really good thing.

I haven't done anything in like 2 years now. I'm gona keep it that way.

Edit: Aw what the heck... *makes christmas advatar*
I assume you're referring to Salvia (divinorum, legal dissociative psychedelic), and from the sounds of it, extract. IIIIINTENSE.
^ and legal in the UK. :D

As regards actual halucinations, the only one I ever had was when I tried shrooms, and the clock in the room I was in slowly grew and grew until it was filling up the entire wall. It wigged me out a bit.
Probably the strangest thing that ever happened to me was when I tried Silvia. I felt like a peice of paper flopping around in a tron-like environment. Truely a once in a lifetime experience... not that it's a really good thing.

I haven't done anything in like 2 years now. I'm gona keep it that way.

Edit: Aw what the heck... *makes christmas advatar*

I've tried it twice and each time it was pretty weak, i just felt disconnected/slightly confused. No visuals.

But, my friends were transported to other universes for like 5 min, all of them had some sorrt of mind bending experience.....I felt jipped.

Won't ever do it again.

/EDIT: it's legal in Canada as well.
^ and legal in the UK. :D

As regards actual halucinations, the only one I ever had was when I tried shrooms, and the clock in the room I was in slowly grew and grew until it was filling up the entire wall. It wigged me out a bit.

Wha? Something like that is legal and weed is not?
I've tried it twice and each time it was pretty weak, i just felt disconnected/slightly confused. No visuals.

But, my friends were transported to other universes for like 5 min, all of them had some sorrt of mind bending experience.....I felt jipped.

Won't ever do it again.

/EDIT: it's legal in Canada as well.
Were you smoking leaves or extract? Leaves tend to only induce threshold effects unless you smoke a WHOLE LOT in a very short time, not so easy on the lungs. Extract (5x, 10x, 12x, 20x, etc) is much more potent and tends to create breakthrough effects. The weird thing about Salvia is that at low doses it's entirely innocuous and and high doses it's one of the most powerful, terrifying psychedelics that humanity has encountered - comparable to DMT.
Wha? Something like that is legal and weed is not?
Salvia divinorum is fairly new to the government's attention, and the cannabis prohibition laws don't make sense anyway.
^ and legal in the UK. :D

As regards actual halucinations, the only one I ever had was when I tried shrooms, and the clock in the room I was in slowly grew and grew until it was filling up the entire wall. It wigged me out a bit.
Mushrooms really give me a mind**** if I eat the right dose - I've seen the stone tiles on the floor twist and slide to a point in the center and then bend/warp/refract into the ceiling. I've also watched a tree's leaves disentigrate into a glistening whirl of spinning, wet fractals.

The thing is, though, that on real psychedelics, the mind load totally overrules the hallucinations - I'm generally too busy being confused and overwhelmed and amused and terrified to really hardly notice the visuals a lot of the time.

It's legal?
How do you obtain it?

Online, or in headshops. The type of shops that sell glass "water pipes" and whatnot for "tobacco" tend to carry salvia.

I wouldn't experiment with it, if I were you. It's probably one of the most potentially terrifying drugs mentally out there, and you can't underestimate it's power.
It's legal?
How do you obtain it?

Hemp shops, places that primarily sell marijuana products usually have Salvia( in Canada that is).

Were you smoking leaves or extract? Leaves tend to only induce threshold effects unless you smoke a WHOLE LOT in a very short time, not so easy on the lungs. Extract (5x, 10x, 12x, 20x, etc) is much more potent and tends to create breakthrough effects. The weird thing about Salvia is that at low doses it's entirely innocuous and and high doses it's one of the most powerful, terrifying psychedelics that humanity has encountered - comparable to DMT.

I don't know, but 5 other people did it along with me and their experiences were much more intense.
My favorite salvia trip was when I actually gained visibility into my very essence and got to examine my own DNA at an absurd magnification. I saw how its properties were analogous to the very universe, and it dawned on me (in typical drug-like fashion) that man and the universe are one, and the manifestation of reality can be altered through the change of the self. Man is his own god. Later, amidst all the impossible shapes and floatation, I actually sat down and had a conversation with different shades of my ego.

DXM has always been a real trip for me. I honestly can't remember 80% of the shit that happens, but snippets do remain. Falling through endless, square holes. Watching light from my TV or computer flood the room and graft itself onto the surroundings. Exiting my body onto the bottom floor of my house and floating upwards to see myself in third person. Experiencing complete disconnection from reality and forming close, intimate connections with people fabricated by my mind. It is one of my favorite drugs. I take it every Sunday with new episodes of Adult Swim.

I've done a lot of other hallucinogens and other drugs, but not a lot are what I would consider "psychedelic". Twisted, warped, frightening, or just plain cool. But not that sort of euphoric experience of getting completely lost. Acid left me running from my house almost-naked onto my driveway under the delusion of being chased by bats. Very interesting and powerful, but not psychedelic.

And yes, salvia divinorum is legal. Head shops usually carry some, or you can order over the internet. You just gotta be mindful of what you get. I initially bought the dry leaves and they did jack shit to me, but inexperienced users in general might be better off getting them. Extracts can be incredibly powerful by comparison.
Do you guys like...drink a whole bottle of robotussin for DXM?

I've had tablets of pure DXM, but yes, I also do the bottle-chugging or capsule-popping route as well. Achieves the same effect. The active ingredient is still DXM, even with all the inactive stuff (none of which is going to make the drug any more dangerous). The main shit you need to watch out for are products containing guaifenesin. That will make you sick as a dog, and could very probably kill you.

Taste is an issue brought up. That can be avoided with the capsules, but those give me an awful gag reflex. Syrups stick to your throat and generally are just a shitty consistency to deal with. Liquids are the easiest for me by far, and I've grown accustomed to the taste.
The way people describe the trips they had with DXM makes me think about trying it, but I really just can't get over the taste...I hate the taste.

And swallowing pills and tablets just isn't something I can do.
Do you guys like...drink a whole bottle of robotussin for DXM?
Depends on dosage, if you do make sure it does NOT have acetiminophen in it (tylenol) as it will kill your liver and you WILL die slowly and painfully.

Buy the gelcaps. One or two bottles. Take all of them. 20 pills per bottle. Each gelcap contains 15mg DXM.

If you take 20 gelcaps you'll get the base experiences of DXM (300mg total) after about an hour and a half to two hours (it takes longer to kick in because the gelcap has to break down in your stomach)

Take 40 for a more intense trip.

Don't worry that its such a large amount of gelcaps, worry about the active drug in it. 600mg of just DXM is not going to do anything bad to your body. You'll get a REALLY good trip for hours etc.

If you do take 40 t hough you should probably wait a bit in between cause 40 in you all at ONCE might be a bit hard on your stomach. wait like 45 minutes to an hour after you take the first 20 to take the next 20. 20 in your stomach isnt uncomfortable at all and is FAR better than the syrup in my opinion. The only advantage syrup has is kicking in faster.

Taste isn't an issue at all with the gelcaps.

I've had tablets of pure DXM, but yes, I also do the bottle-chugging or capsule-popping route as well. Achieves the same effect. The active ingredient is still DXM, even with all the inactive stuff (none of which is going to make the drug any more dangerous). The main shit you need to watch out for are products containing guaifenesin. That will make you sick as a dog, and could very probably kill you.

Guaif is an expectorant. It's meant in the robotussin to help you cough out the phlegm. If you take a whole bottle though itll make you throw up maybe. However I haven't heard of it being lethal or anything. What you NEED to watch out for is the aciteminophen. That WILL kill you, liver necrosis is one of the worst ways to die.
That is some hardcore Salvia effects tale right here oO
This is a good link as well, with a hell of a lot of reports:

Wow...I totally wanna try that stuff now.
As long as you're aware that you almost certainly can't handle it. The only way it works is if you let yourself be overwhelmed, because otherwise it can be ****ing terrifying. It still can and probably will be, though.

My favorite salvia trip was when I actually gained visibility into my very essence and got to examine my own DNA at an absurd magnification. I saw how its properties were analogous to the very universe, and it dawned on me (in typical drug-like fashion) that man and the universe are one, and the manifestation of reality can be altered through the change of the self. Man is his own god. Later, amidst all the impossible shapes and floatation, I actually sat down and had a conversation with different shades of my ego.

DXM has always been a real trip for me. I honestly can't remember 80% of the shit that happens, but snippets do remain. Falling through endless, square holes. Watching light from my TV or computer flood the room and graft itself onto the surroundings. Exiting my body onto the bottom floor of my house and floating upwards to see myself in third person. Experiencing complete disconnection from reality and forming close, intimate connections with people fabricated by my mind. It is one of my favorite drugs. I take it every Sunday with new episodes of Adult Swim.

I've done a lot of other hallucinogens and other drugs, but not a lot are what I would consider "psychedelic". Twisted, warped, frightening, or just plain cool. But not that sort of euphoric experience of getting completely lost. Acid left me running from my house almost-naked onto my driveway under the delusion of being chased by bats. Very interesting and powerful, but not psychedelic.

And yes, salvia divinorum is legal. Head shops usually carry some, or you can order over the internet. You just gotta be mindful of what you get. I initially bought the dry leaves and they did jack shit to me, but inexperienced users in general might be better off getting them. Extracts can be incredibly powerful by comparison.
My limited experience with acid leads me to agree, but mushrooms, despite their chemical similarities, are quite different for me and I would certainly consider them psychedelic. Very introspective, generally. I also want to reinforce what Absinthe says here about potency - plain salvia leaves might not even do anything for you, but be careful with extract, because it will, and you need to be as prepared as you can be.

Do you guys like...drink a whole bottle of robotussin for DXM?
There are a variety of sources for dextromethorphan; you need to look at the active ingredients of a cough medication to be sure it's JUST DXM and not guaifenesin or acetomenophen as well.

The way people describe the trips they had with DXM makes me think about trying it, but I really just can't get over the taste...I hate the taste.

And swallowing pills and tablets just isn't something I can do.
Be warned, DXM is also notorious for having exceedingly uncomfortable side effects. If you seriously want to look into trying it, read all of this, and particularly this.
Be warned, DXM is also notorious for having exceedingly uncomfortable side effects. If you seriously want to look into trying it, read all of this, and particularly this.
meh the worst part is just the itchyness and that's only for a few minutes
It varies from person to person, is the thing :p
well i've smoked dope, obviously, but i don't really like it anymore, it makes me feel a bit.. bleugh! you know?

coke is amazing, it's kind of hard to describe, it's almost the least noticeable drug, it just makes you feel great.

speed sucks, it turns you into a moron and it's not that fun.

E is absolutely fantastic, it makes you feel great, happy, love for people that you like, you can dance for ages, it makes you horny, you love being touched so you spend ages sitting with people just rubbing each others arms, legs, bellies etc. you can have sex for literally hours. i also really like the comedown, it makes you feel kind of comfortable and cosy. and i get this kind of satisfied feeling in my throat like i've just swallowed a big mouthful of roast dinner. plus your words sort of spill out which is nice. actually every time i describe it i say different things because i forget all the things you feel. it's really great though, i LOVE that drug. in fact me and my flatmate might take some now, but she's really incredibly irritating on them, so maybe not.
I don't even get itchyness any more. You may not like the feeling of your body being constricted. Movement is generally very... robotic. But I personally find it cool.

I didn't even mind the itchyness so much, since scratching yourself became an almost heavenly experience.
Absinthe, your local drugstore must think you have the flu all the time.
I've tried it twice and each time it was pretty weak, i just felt disconnected/slightly confused. No visuals.

Like somebody else said, it was probably the concentration you had. It was probably not very potent stuff. It goes all the way up to 50x I think. The stuff I had was pretty potent, although I'm not sure what concentration it was.

On the subject of strange stories, my friend who was doing it at the same time I was, said that he seemed to be in a vast darkness. Me and my other friend ( who wasnt partaking) were just standing around, but to him were giants and we were beating the crap out of him (we were only holding on to him to help him not fall over). I cant even remember trying to grab him at all, even right after it. He said it was pretty scary/cool.

My experience on the otherhand was very odd I must say. Think of being a peice of paper blowing around in the wind in a tron like environment. Thats about as close as I can get.

On a different occasion, with a more popular substance (pot), I could feel every cell in my body working together in a very robust fasion. It almost felt like I had nerves in every cell of my body. I could feel EVERYTHING happening. Perhaps you can do so when your not under the influence, but this was times 1000 and I could even feel the insides of me. All I can say about that one was STRANGE. I definatly would not like to experience that again.

As with all of the other times, basicly everything is 1000 times better in every way: funnier, cooler..... tastier :LOL: , etc.
I've had innumerable strange sensations on pot. Marijuana is a weird drug, because while you can still perform most tasks fairly adequately (as long as they don't require a lot of concentration, like writing an essay), it also gives me an unbelievable mind****.
Absinthe, your local drugstore must think you have the flu all the time.

There was a drug store I used to go to all the time. I'm absolutely positive they eventually caught on to what I was doing. They kept on moving the cough suppressants around the store, and judging from the looks/reactions of some of the employees, I think they were trying to throw me off or something.
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