Psychedelic experiences.

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nope.. well eventually, but man it took time. yeah not good, that's why i don't take speed or smoke dope.
A few times while high alone, I decided to play CS:S or some other online FPS, and WOW.

I remember on a few occasions I was so up there while I was playing, that I thought that everything was real, and my blood started rushing, my heart started pounding, and in game I started moving around as if everything were real, as if I was playing the game.

My life in game felt precious, like it was the only one I had, and I sincerely believed it. I remember once or twice when I died, I pushed my chair back and yelped, and had to remind myself that it was only a game, and that I wasn't really dead.

Really cool tbh :D

Another time, on pot again, I started freaking out and going bat**** out of my mind, so me and my friend took me outside to try to calm me down. His house is on a hill, so we could see all of the city lights, and the ocean below us, but when I looked, I didn't see the city lights, but I instead saw the entire view surrounded in a 2 dimensional Counter Strike 1.6 esque worldbox, with the textures being these crudely drawn mountains (like, crayon lines made by a 5 year old), on a white background. I also remember telling my friend how beautiful one of the boats in the harbor looked, but my friend tells me that none of the cruise liners were docked that night :p
There was a drug store I used to go to all the time. I'm absolutely positive they eventually caught on to what I was doing. They kept on moving the cough suppressants around the store, and judging from the looks/reactions of some of the employees, I think they were trying to throw me off or something.

Sounds like a lot of these employess don't have any lives.
Sounds like a lot of these employess don't have any lives.

"Hey Tim, betcha 20 bucks that the twat with the beard will take at least 10 minutes to find the cough suppressants"

"Yer on, but I get to hide them"
I've had tablets of pure DXM, but yes, I also do the bottle-chugging or capsule-popping route as well. Achieves the same effect. The active ingredient is still DXM, even with all the inactive stuff (none of which is going to make the drug any more dangerous). The main shit you need to watch out for are products containing guaifenesin. That will make you sick as a dog, and could very probably kill you.

Taste is an issue brought up. That can be avoided with the capsules, but those give me an awful gag reflex. Syrups stick to your throat and generally are just a shitty consistency to deal with. Liquids are the easiest for me by far, and I've grown accustomed to the taste.

If you continue to drink entire bottles of cough medicine, I can foresee erosion of the esophagus or severe stomach damage.

My favorite salvia trip was when I actually gained visibility into my very essence and got to examine my own DNA at an absurd magnification. I saw how its properties were analogous to the very universe, and it dawned on me (in typical drug-like fashion) that man and the universe are one, and the manifestation of reality can be altered through the change of the self. Man is his own god. Later, amidst all the impossible shapes and floatation, I actually sat down and had a conversation with different shades of my ego.

DXM has always been a real trip for me. I honestly can't remember 80% of the shit that happens, but snippets do remain. Falling through endless, square holes. Watching light from my TV or computer flood the room and graft itself onto the surroundings. Exiting my body onto the bottom floor of my house and floating upwards to see myself in third person. Experiencing complete disconnection from reality and forming close, intimate connections with people fabricated by my mind. It is one of my favorite drugs. I take it every Sunday with new episodes of Adult Swim.

I've done a lot of other hallucinogens and other drugs, but not a lot are what I would consider "psychedelic". Twisted, warped, frightening, or just plain cool. But not that sort of euphoric experience of getting completely lost. Acid left me running from my house almost-naked onto my driveway under the delusion of being chased by bats. Very interesting and powerful, but not psychedelic.

And yes, salvia divinorum is legal. Head shops usually carry some, or you can order over the internet. You just gotta be mindful of what you get. I initially bought the dry leaves and they did jack shit to me, but inexperienced users in general might be better off getting them. Extracts can be incredibly powerful by comparison.

Extremely well written and informative post actually, thanks. :)
If you continue to drink entire bottles of cough medicine, I can foresee erosion of the esophagus or severe stomach damage.

Actually, the main risk of heavy, continuous use is damage to your brain. But yes, I am aware of health risks. I just couldn't really be assed, is all. :|
:| Going to end up nasty if you dont moderate yourself, god knows how many times you've heard it but I can't help but reinforce the fact that it wont end well.

On another note, I couldn't help but suggest playing Time Splitters: Future perfect when your high. (make your own level with flashing lights of all colors) My friend and I did that the last time I got high about 2 years ago, that was probably the most fun I've ever had high.
A few times while high alone, I decided to play CS:S or some other online FPS, and WOW.

I remember on a few occasions I was so up there while I was playing, that I thought that everything was real, and my blood started rushing, my heart started pounding, and in game I started moving around as if everything were real, as if I was playing the game.

My life in game felt precious, like it was the only one I had, and I sincerely believed it. I remember once or twice when I died, I pushed my chair back and yelped, and had to remind myself that it was only a game, and that I wasn't really dead.

Really cool tbh :D

Another time, on pot again, I started freaking out and going bat**** out of my mind, so me and my friend took me outside to try to calm me down. His house is on a hill, so we could see all of the city lights, and the ocean below us, but when I looked, I didn't see the city lights, but I instead saw the entire view surrounded in a 2 dimensional Counter Strike 1.6 esque worldbox, with the textures being these crudely drawn mountains (like, crayon lines made by a 5 year old), on a white background. I also remember telling my friend how beautiful one of the boats in the harbor looked, but my friend tells me that none of the cruise liners were docked that night :p
wtf? It doesn't do that. Sounds more like DXMesque to me.
wtf? It doesn't do that. Sounds more like DXMesque to me.

I don't know. It was a ****ing panic attack and I was still blind as HELL. I might have just started thinking I was seeing shit because of the panic, and then my brain got me to see the stuff because I was dwelling on it.

I do agree with you though.
Sometimes weed gets mixed in with other drugs to hide the fact that it's just lawn grass or something.
i had weed for the first time in like a year and i was with someone who smokes weed big time everyday, and he pulled me some awesome bongs. we was outside and about 5 mins later, someone put some music on and a couple mins after that my hearing started to get muffled, and it was dark outside but lowlit by the kitchen light.....but it began to get darker.

Then i couldnt see anything but the vague outline of the people i was with as if someone had drawn them with a pencil on some paper....and i couldnt hear what they were saying just the odd word....yet i could hear the music quite clearly...

Then all of a sudden a blue star appeared, which then multiplied to 2 ...and they multiplied to 4 etc etc until there were loads of them....and then they started dancing to the music
then after like 10-15 mins i came down everything returned to normal except i was white as a sheet lol....wasnt sick or didnt feel sick which was weird.....the best thing was i had green hair and looked like a beast of a vampire lol
Sometimes weed gets mixed in with other drugs to hide the fact that it's just lawn grass or something.
You'd have to be ass-retarded to think that lawn grass was marijuana. It's not just green plant matter... it's distinct.
i had weed for the first time in like a year and i was with someone who smokes weed big time everyday, and he pulled me some awesome bongs. we was outside and about 5 mins later, someone put some music on and a couple mins after that my hearing started to get muffled, and it was dark outside but lowlit by the kitchen light.....but it began to get darker.

Then i couldnt see anything but the vague outline of the people i was with as if someone had drawn them with a pencil on some paper....and i couldnt hear what they were saying just the odd word....yet i could hear the music quite clearly...

Then all of a sudden a blue star appeared, which then multiplied to 2 ...and they multiplied to 4 etc etc until there were loads of them....and then they started dancing to the music
then after like 10-15 mins i came down everything returned to normal except i was white as a sheet lol....wasnt sick or didnt feel sick which was weird.....the best thing was i had green hair and looked like a beast of a vampire lol
That's a weird experience and duration for weed...
You'd have to be ass-retarded to think that lawn grass was marijuana. It's not just green plant matter... it's distinct.

Yeah, bad example, but they do do that to make other stuff seem like genuine cannibas.
Man, all this talk makes me wanna experiment.

Don't know where to look though.
LOL, you live in mexico, walk down the street.
That's a weird experience and duration for weed...[/QUOTE]

lol i know i mean i know it was pure weed cus its his sister that grows it, and she doesnt mix the weed with anything cus she prefers the pure weed rather than mixing it with crap

Really good experience though
I had an Out of Body Experience a few months ago where I woke up in my astral body and say my room in a way I cant even explain......It was the coolest thing I have ever experienced and I thank these forums for letting me find how to do it.......
Heh, I suppose I could start by doing that.
He is right though, I was in Mexico for about a week and half the shops i went to were selling hash pipes and one store owner said he had a good connection if I was interested.

LOL, on second thought didn't your country just legalize all drugs....ask ur parents lol.
i hate all these people who describe smoking dope as some incredible other worldly experience. take a real drug.
I still dont get DXM......I was reading about it, do I need to do anything besdies down a bottle of cough syrup? (with the right stuff)
I still dont get DXM......I was reading about it, do I need to do anything besdies down a bottle of cough syrup? (with the right stuff)

No, just take it and start wintching the night away!
i want to make sure i take the right stuff though, so to the people who have done it, whats the safest stuff?
Don't do it, it will just shrink your unit.
Just stay up late and play a game of hl2 deathmatch, its just as much fun.
Shhh, I'm trying to convince him.
.......Final Fantasy and gay porn also shrinks your winky.
Same with Halo.
haha, halo shrinks more than your dink
A few weeks ago I ate mushrooms at around 2 in the morning, which I didn't really want to do because I knew I 'd be up for the next five (at least) hours, so when they started kicking in, I felt the beginnings of a bad trip. So, I went into my friend's room, where she was listening to some medevil play (can't remember what) and I sat on her bed, got the shakes a bit, then kept thinking I was falling off. Then the bed started moving. Then I started really enjoying the experience. I walked into my small room, and it looked huge. The ceiling was domed. It felt massive. My other two friends and I then sat on my bed and watched the iTunes visualizer for a while while listening to the Microphones, and it was amazing. I felt like there was no wall behind me and I could fall back at any moment. I felt like there was just a glass wall behind my computer, and the visuals were enveloping me and swirling all around. When I looked at my girlfriend, her hair was changing colours and crawlign over her face. We went into the living room and the walls fel like they went on forever, like I was in a desert and could look for miles in any direction. My girlfriend looked like a palm tree. I looked up and the ceiling started rising, counters started towering above me, then I looked at my friend and was brought abruptly back to size.
Later, my girlfriend and I were laying in bed, and she was running her hands over my face, but without actually touching it, and I could feel the electricity in that small space between her hand and my face. She did the same with her lips and it was amazing.
Needless to say they were the best mushrooms I have ever had.
I don't really do any other psychedelics, although I am very anxious to try acid, which might come this weekend actually. I mostly eat MDMA, have tried DXM although I only ate about 250mg and it didn't do a hell of a lot, I've actually been meaning to do twice that, so if not acid this weekend maybe that. I just hate the idea of eating 20 caps at once
Damn, I want mushrooms now
Oh, another time on mushrooms, I went to my friends residence at the university of Toronto, and we just wandered the halls of this brightly coloured building and drank beer, it was a lot of fun
I still dont get DXM......I was reading about it, do I need to do anything besdies down a bottle of cough syrup? (with the right stuff)
DXM can give you a high similar to ecstacy, in that you will be wired and you'll feel music, and will love contact with other people. Too much though and you hallucinate. A lot of people see ripples in things, mostly, like they were made of water. We usually take Benedryl, it's only DXM, nothing extra, but it's small dosed caps so you need to eat a lot. Stay away from stuff with acetaminophen in it.
Oh, that reminds me, my friends and I would eat Gravol this summer, now THAT was interesting. Not a very nice come down, you just want to sleep but can't, but you have the most vivid hallucinations. I was laying in my friends car as we drove, and I asked her to put in this tape, and she did, then I sat up and looked at the dashboard, and she didn't even have a tape deck, it was the weirdest thing. Too much will **** you right up though

For anyone who wants to experiment with drugs, I recommend checking out It has everything you need to know about using every type of recreational drug responsibly

Heh, our drug dealer lives around the corner, gets us anything we ask for, and is the nciest guy in the world. He gives us way more than we pay for, usually gives me double the mushrooms I pay for. Yu'd think thsi would be a good thing, btu man we have wasted a loooooot of money because of the convenience
Gravol is pretty much the Canadian version of Dramamine, right? Motion sickness tablets?

Only done it twice. Both times, while extremely interesting, were so thoroughly uncomfortable and frightening that I doubt I'll ever do it again.
Yepp, just dramamine
Yeah it's definitely a strange high. I had a conversation with a wall once. My friends were sitting behind me, and every now and again I'd look behind me and be like "Where did you guys come from?" But I did it like ten times, shocked every time that I wasn't alone
I think when my girlfriend leaves tomorrow I'll pick up some DXM or gravol. I haven't done anything in couple weeks, and I'm dirt poor right now, so it sounds like a good idea.
seems like a pretty big risk....what if I got something with acetaminophen in it.....i die?

How can you be sure you get the right stuff.....and what is the safest brand of gelcaps?
seems like a pretty big risk....what if I got something with acetaminophen in it.....i die?
If you have too much it will **** up your liver badly, just look at the ingredients on the bottle and you'll be fine. If you're unsure about something, look it up on, or even Wikipedia or something. When trying drugs for the first time, if you're worried it might be harmful, look up a good average dose on Erowid and read some stories. If you stick to a certain amount you have nothing to worry about
i heard 20 gelcaps would be the job, so would u recommend starting at 10 and seeing what happens?

I would rather try Salvia tbh, seems like less of a risk and more of a trip
I ate 10 caps of DXM and it just made me feel a bit uncomfortable, although it hit my friend harder. I'm going to do 20 tomorrow probably, but yeah, you might want to start at 10-15
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