Psychedelic experiences.

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It something you just have to suffer through, i remember the cringed/disgusted look on some of my friends faces more then the actual trips themselves.........good times.
I didn't realise sinkoman's had panic attacks from weed, yea go with 2.5 grams.

**** it, i vowed never to do shrooms again like 19 months ago, but that was then and this thread is bring back some wonderful old memories. I think its time to reshroom my shrooming...hahaha im amazing.

I guess my tolerence is at zero again?
Tolerance is at zero again after about a week, heh.
Bonus point for having a good taste in music.

I really hate the taste of the damn things. Yuk. We made some tea and mixed them in once, and that kinda helped.
Don't get me started. They taste worse every time I have them. The first time they weren't so bad... now I gag just thinking about it.
Haha man, I really like the taste! Although about two weeks ago I had some that were really dried out, and they were aaawwwwful
I've doen the tea thing before, didn't mind it, couldn't really taste the mushrooms but that's because we had already eaten a bunch a couple hours earlier
Ah, I can't wait until this weekend now, gonna eat a whole bunch
Tolerance is at zero again after about a week, heh.

No way, it takes like a full month I've read and i was doing shit loads back then. I also remember reading that if you do them enough tolerance can stay with you for years.

As for the taste thing, can you make shroom brownies( without them tasting like shit)? I think i might feed them to my friend without him knowing( he would actually like this).
Ah I doubt it, the longer you hold shrooms in your mouth after chewing the more they hit you, so if you put them in brownies and the person just swallows them, or even chews them a tiny bit, it probably won't do much at all. I guess maybe if you put them in hot water and let them steep, then use that water to make the brownies, then it could work
Ah I doubt it, the longer you hold shrooms in your mouth after chewing the more they hit you, so if you put them in brownies and the person just swallows them, or even chews them a tiny bit, it probably won't do much at all. I guess maybe if you put them in hot water and let them steep, then use that water to make the brownies, then it could work

The majority of the "high" comes from digestion.
No way, it takes like a full month I've read and i was doing shit loads back then. I also remember reading that if you do them enough tolerance can stay with you for years.
I'm almost certain that's not true. 99%.

As for the taste thing, can you make shroom brownies( without them tasting like shit)? I think i might feed them to my friend without him knowing( he would actually like this).
Yes, you can, but be careful because heat can destroy psilocybin and psilocin. Just put them on his pizza or something.

Ah I doubt it, the longer you hold shrooms in your mouth after chewing the more they hit you, so if you put them in brownies and the person just swallows them, or even chews them a tiny bit, it probably won't do much at all. I guess maybe if you put them in hot water and let them steep, then use that water to make the brownies, then it could work
Chewing them for a long time and keeping them in your mouth only makes the come up quicker... the effects will be the same. If you just swallow them quickly, they'll come on slower but still reach the same point.
I pretty much have no chance to try anything until I leave for college. Damn you good parents.
i posted this in the film section and felt that it was appropriate to post here, too.
Didn't that used to be someone's avatar?
I have never tried eating mushrooms, mainly because i have never been around people who used them. How are they? How much does your average dose cost?
I have never tried eating mushrooms, mainly because i have never been around people who used them. How are they? How much does your average dose cost?

5 bucks a gram here in canada, i doubt its any different in boston.
It sure is different, here they run about $30-35 an eighth (that's 3.5g). The lowest I've seen is $25 and the highest is $45.

And they're NEVER available.
Heh, a certain... associate of mine made a 'Shroom Milkshake once.

He said the roof was melting and the titles on the books around him would change. It was funny watching him.
So, let's say I really wanted to try getting into some of this. But let's also say that thinking about the negative effects of psychedelics and hallucinogenics makes me light-headed, and once during an anti-drug seminar in grade 6, I fainted.

Is there a way for me to get past that and allow myself to take drugs without having some massive, mind-bending panic attack?
Well, first, educate yourself. Things like LSD and psilocybin have unrealistically high LD50s - meaning it's almost impossible to overdose, no one has ever died from this - and really there are no negative physical effects in the short or long term, aside from a few possible uncomfortable sensations during the trip. Mental risks are low as well.

Mostly, I'd just advise you to be careful and err on the side of caution. If you really don't think you can handle it, then don't try to, because it's scary as hell. There are a lot of resources on how to trip and keep yourself in the right mindset online - read them. and are good places to start.

If you do, start at a low dose, and work your way up.
Ennui's pretty much got it right.

The biggest risks involved with these substances are what you do when under the influence. People don't die from overdoses and latent physical damage. They die because they think they can fly from their balcony or because they mortally injure themselves while experiencing Hell.

Some people may be able to handle strong dosages on their first try, but there are many others that can't. The thought process behind increasing your intake gradually is that, at the very least, you can familiarize yourself with what you're getting into.
High guy: Whoa man! Dude, you wanna swordfight?
High guy2: Yeah... totally.. uh.. dude.
High guy: Haha.. you cut of my hand!
High guy2: Whoa man.. I'm so high..
realistically speaking:

High guy: Whoa man! Dude, you wanna swordfight?
High guy2: **** that.
High guy: Whoa man! Dude, you wanna swordfight?
High guy2: Yeah... totally.. uh.. dude.
High guy: Haha.. you cut of my hand!
High guy2: Whoa man.. I'm so high..

Is it just me, or is every second post of yours like this?
5 bucks a gram here in canada, i doubt its any different in boston.
Ah, in Toronto and back in my home area (Haldimand-Norfolk, in Ontario, if that means anything to you) I can only get them for $10 a gram. I hate it, so expensive
So I ate some mushrooms last night and before heading out to the bar I played some Half-Half 2, the Ravenholm level. It was ****ing AMAZING. And I was super ****ededer, was afraid to leave my apartment when we left, was standing half out my door with my friends telling me to ****ing decide or they'd leave me. haha it was fantastic. It's amazing all the details in sound that you pick up on. I was a few inches from my monitor, right below my centre speaker, I could hear flies buzzing over my head, I was insanely immersed
Then I just stared at the wooden tables and thought it was a topographical map, but a really detailed one. Then I stared at our huge plate of nachos and found all kinds of caves. It was good fun
I don't take drugs of any kind, but some of your experiences are so awesome. How well do you remember them? do you remember every detail, or does it all become blurry like a dream?
A little of both. I definitely remember a lot of last night, but I'm sure there's some I don't. I remember a lot of the thoughts I was having as I was coming down
My roommate just bought an ounce, I have a feeling I'll be her best customer for a while
At a rock festival a couple of years ago, we were sat around our campfire getting really pissed and smoking skunk (although in retrospect I think there might've been something more in there - I forget) and we went on a little wander but after a little while I felt this crack in my head, similar to the crack you get when you put ice cubes in a drink. I got very freaked out and walked back to our camp on my own and with each step I knew the next one would be my last. I can't remember what was going to kill me but something was. Once I got back to the camp I crawled into my tent and my sleeping back feeling pretty shitty and tried to sleep. There was a lot of noise and shouting outside my tent and it suddenly dawned on me that was on the beach landing from Saving Private Ryan. I wasn't taking part, but I had for some reason pitched my tent on that very beach.
That was...not good.
So I ate some mushrooms last night and before heading out to the bar I played some Half-Half 2, the Ravenholm level. It was ****ing AMAZING. And I was super ****ededer, was afraid to leave my apartment when we left, was standing half out my door with my friends telling me to ****ing decide or they'd leave me. haha it was fantastic. It's amazing all the details in sound that you pick up on. I was a few inches from my monitor, right below my centre speaker, I could hear flies buzzing over my head, I was insanely immersed
Then I just stared at the wooden tables and thought it was a topographical map, but a really detailed one. Then I stared at our huge plate of nachos and found all kinds of caves. It was good fun
lol I know how you feel about being afraid to leave your apartment, irrational fear ftw, i usually manage to talk myself into looking at things lucidly though.

I don't take drugs of any kind, but some of your experiences are so awesome. How well do you remember them? do you remember every detail, or does it all become blurry like a dream?
Both, it's hard to explain. Very lucid, vivid images of some parts of the trip, but other parts are blurry or gone. Also, it's weird, because you can't remember what it's like to trip unless you're tripping... every time you trip, you say "I had forgotten what this was like," and it's very different from your sober conception of it. You can remember your personal idea of the effects, but not the effects themselves.

haha awesome chi.
Bad experiences are in no way shape or form "awesome". Try "piss-your-pants terrifying".
That would be me
If I had made a new thread, I would be flamed
I add to this thread, I'm flamed
Steven. Don't want to read a thread? THEN DON'T READ IT.
Wow. It's impossible to get away from the morons, isn't it?
That would be me
If I had made a new thread, I would be flamed
I add to this thread, I'm flamed
Steven. Don't want to read a thread? THEN DON'T READ IT.
Wow. It's impossible to get away from the morons, isn't it?

But... I wanted a new thread. :(
Things have been going downhill for you ever since you got rid of the "the" in your name, Steven.
I've done shrooms a couple times and I really enjoyed every trip except for one. Basically I was cooped up in my room all day and made the mistake of taking an eigth while my parents were downstairs. I couldn't find too much to occupy my time so I became pretty irritated. Eventually I just layed in bed for a couple hours thinking about the world. I ended up thinking I found the purpose to life, but it was probably just the shrooms messing with me.

Haven't touched 'em since though. does not condone, support, or acknowledge the possible use of illegal psychoactives by its users. In addition, by reading this thread, you agree and acknowledge that you understand that the information presented here is in no way, shape, or form truthful; this is hyperbole, fabrication, exaggeration, what have you.

You should edit that into OP's post to make sure everyone sees that disclaimer.

EDIT: oh, old thread.
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