Psychedelic experiences.

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I just kind of want to make a point that there is absolutely nothing wrong with resurrecting reasonably recent threads (past six months or so) so long as the new post is relevant, so stop whining about it being old, there's nothing wrong with that.
Thanks Ennui. I would have been flamed if I had made a new thread FOR SURE. Just continuing on a conversation. Dang.

PS: I've been snorting K and E the past little while, I love the stuff but try not to maker a habit out of either. I was just blowing my nose and so much powder came out. Yikes.
Snorting E? do you just buy normal tabs and then grind them up, or do you have a source for pure MDMA in powder form? The former seems a little risky to me, given the random assortment of chemicals found in a lot of street E.

I've always wanted to try K, but I doubt I will anytime soon, since I'm in a sort of hiatus from most substances for the indefinite future. Careful with that, though... K's one of the few addictive psychedelics.

Insufflation has never been my preferred route of administration, I get weirded out by the idea of snorting powder up my nose, and I've never encountered a drip that I didn't hate. It's like chewing pills except the taste stays in the back of your throat for hours. Ew.

E's pretty straightforward, but got any interesting K stories? Do you just bump enough to have the weird dissociative effects or do you k-hole?
Yeah, we usually grind up tabs, I prefer it that way. My roommates and I were into MDMA for a little while, I love the stuff, haven't done it in a while though, just other things have been around. I snorted it once and it is the jaggiest shit in the world, burned like a bitch.
K is wonderful. I was INSANELY hesitant to try it, but I did and I absolutely love it. Two weeks ago I did it a lot, I had no problem stopping, in fact it was a welcomed rest. The other night we had a huge party and everything was flowing freely so I had to indulge. The only thing that stops me from making a habit out of it is the night after. While the next day is easy, as soon as I try to sleep I get the most uncomfortable feelings. When I start to catch some winks I'll get TERRIFIED and shoot up in bed, I feel like my heart is stopping. Gah, I hate it. But it is a wonderful feeling while doing it. In fact I might go see if any of my roommates have any right now. (kidding, I swear I'm not addicted, I swear!) (snort)
I don't really have any K stories. You kind of need to get eithetr into a K-hole, or very close to a K-hole to really experience any of its hallucinegenic effects, which I never have and hopefully never will. K is one drug I will NEVER do too much of. It's hard to explain the feeling, almost like coke (which I hate), but you fdon't get all skittish and sketchy. Although it can definitely be hard to walk, anyone who sees you would probably just think you're crazy drunk. One time my friends and I just hung out in this bar's bathroom for a bit idly snorting K, I felt some great rushes just leanign against the sink, but as soon as I stood up to walk, I realized just how ****ed I was. I was just wobblying across the floor. Think of the scene in Fear And Loathing where they huff ether: you can totally think straight, you just have a hard time moving.
Seriously though, I consider myself an educated drug user, I never push my luck with them; even when I'm insanely gone I tend to know when to stop.
Oh and the drip, I LOVE the drip. Haha, yeah it's sick, but you get a nice big one and you know a nice little trip is gonna hit.
Cocaine is the devil.

I'm curious to try K because I tried DXM and felt like I'd love it if it wasn't so uncomfortable (not to mention potentially neurotoxic). Not to mention that robowalking was one of the most amusing, enjoyable trip-activities I've done in a while.
recently I've been hearing a lot about stuff like DXM and all these new drugs that seem to have just been 'discovered'. Are they the same kind of drug as the classics, but enhanced? Or are they new things altogether? I heard someone say there was one which was a lot like E, but in powder form and you can put it in a drink or just put it on your tongue and it tastes horrible, but apparently works really well.
DXM is old-school, it's what's in cough syrups and the like. The only "new" drugs are salvia divinorum, which was really only discovered recently, and a whole host of synthetic 'designer drugs' and their myriad analogues... the 2c's (2c-b, 2c-e, 2c-i, 2c-t-7, etc), AMT, 5-MeO-AMT, etc.
DXM is old-school, it's what's in cough syrups and the like. The only "new" drugs are salvia divinorum, which was really only discovered recently, and a whole host of synthetic 'designer drugs' and their myriad analogues... the 2c's (2c-b, 2c-e, 2c-i, 2c-t-7, etc), AMT, 5-MeO-AMT, etc.

Is my friend right to say that DXM is an extremely risky drug and has a 50 percent chance of giving you a really awful trip?
Not necessarily. It's not that risky... you just might feel like shit for a while, but I managed to fall asleep and get through that fairly easily. The general rule for DXM is that 1/3 of people love it, 1/3 of people hate it, and 1/3 don't care either way. It's mostly just not very fun because the side effects (nausea, uncomfortable weirdness, strange sensations, itching) can overcome the trippy effects for some people, like me.

The dissociation was interesting, though. I was loving and hating the trip at the same time, literally.
I experience random bouts of dissasociation without any drugs. Is that a problem?
You can't, that's why I hate it. It's a test of willpower and nothing more... evil, evil substance.
yeah but IonizeMyAtoms was trying to describe the "feeling" of a drug and compared it to coke, and said he hates it.

but i get your point ennui
I was drinking and smoking weed once in a friends shed, in winter. We were smoking there because his parents are a bit iffy on weed. Anyway, I had a few joints, few drinks. Went outside to take a piss a few ft away from the door. Stood there, pissed.

The next thing I know I`m half conciously looking at a black space, and my thoughts are appearing before me as blue swirls and fractal patterns, it was beautiful. I was only half aware of this at the time and a moment later I was brought to my senses by my friend standing beside me, asking if I am alright.

I was on my knees outside in the cold rocking back and forth with my hands over my face. I sort of knew was had just happened but forgot it at the same time. Later my friends told me I had been outside for 2 hours.

Do drugs.
unless the chronic u smoke is laced with some shit your not gunna trip balls like most of the people here are posting about.
yeah but IonizeMyAtoms was trying to describe the "feeling" of a drug and compared it to coke, and said he hates it.

but i get your point ennui
heh. I mean, it wasn't that great. It was more that afterwards, I just wanted to do it more, even though it was just a glorified euphoria.
I was drinking and smoking weed once in a friends shed, in winter. We were smoking there because his parents are a bit iffy on weed. Anyway, I had a few joints, few drinks. Went outside to take a piss a few ft away from the door. Stood there, pissed.

The next thing I know I`m half conciously looking at a black space, and my thoughts are appearing before me as blue swirls and fractal patterns, it was beautiful. I was only half aware of this at the time and a moment later I was brought to my senses by my friend standing beside me, asking if I am alright.

I was on my knees outside in the cold rocking back and forth with my hands over my face. I sort of knew was had just happened but forgot it at the same time. Later my friends told me I had been outside for 2 hours.

Do drugs.
Were your eyes closed? Also, alcohol and weed can do strange things in combination. I have friends who, if they smoke weed while drinking, immediately get sick and start vomiting... whereas for me, they synergize quite well (though if I get way higher than I'm drunk it's a little weird and sometimes uncomfortable) and smoking almost always takes care of my nausea unless I've really gone overboard with the liquor.
unless the chronic u smoke is laced with some shit your not gunna trip balls like most of the people here are posting about.
I don't know. It's all about your mindset. Weed's always hit me very hard, or at least I've noticed the effects very distinctly. Especially after I first did mushrooms, weed got trippier. When I'm very stoned and by myself, I can get very trippy things happening... I've actually had convincing open eye hallucinations merely from weed, but it requires me to relax my eyes and if I bring them into focus I return to normality. Admittedly, they weren't the hyperlucid HOLY ****ING SHIT visuals of real psychedelics but they were certainly significant.

Also, if I look at a popcorn ceiling high, I see movies in it... I recognize pattern after pattern at like 15 frames per second and it's this ever-morphing vision, sort of like when you close your eyes high, the flashing monochromatic images/shapes, except it's just outlines in the popcorn bump things.
Were your eyes closed? Also, alcohol and weed can do strange things in combination. I have friends who, if they smoke weed while drinking, immediately get sick and start vomiting... whereas for me, they synergize quite well (though if I get way higher than I'm drunk it's a little weird and sometimes uncomfortable) and smoking almost always takes care of my nausea unless I've really gone overboard with the liquor.

Yes they were. And combining the two has always been good with me, I like to get more high than drunk though. The drink is just there for a the extra buzz/social aspect.

That said I`m not greedy with weed, or drink for that matter. I tend to get assy if the people there are`nt all at least at similar levels of buzz.

I experienced an indirect form of ego loss the other night, the first time that's ever happened to me, quite unexpected and startling. I was soaring through my head's sideways thoughts on a new blotter around and I realized I had no cohesive definition of who I was. I knew my name, and I knew I was a person, but I felt no different than anything else in my room... and I realized that what constitutes "me" is very little.

There was an edge of stark terror to that idea.

I am glad I didn't experience complete ego death, I don't know if I could have handled that. Still, it was interesting.
Heh, this is hardly psychedelic but if I listen to metal and get pumped enough I can see a red overlay on everything for a few seconds, then I usually go back to being calm and wonder wtf.
I did acid last Friday. I was stoned for 24 hours and couldn't sleep for two days, it was awful. Everyone else came down after about 10 hours, but I just kept going. They played White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane for four hours straight, apparently I tripped out about 100 times during that time. It was the most intense experience of my life and I honestly learned a lot about how easy it can be to twist your mind beyond repair. I saw into by brain and didn't think I was going to come out. At one point I forgot how to use stairs. I remember forgetting which way was up, down, left and right so I just sort of flailed around for a bit. I saw a brand new scene in Fear and Loathing that's not there. I swore off all drugs and alcohol for the rest of my life, and I have honestly never meant anything more, although I've already been drunk and stoned since then. So many things happened. I swore I would never do it again, but now I think that if I do I'll be able to handle myself much better. I've still been hearing White Rabbit in the distance whenever I'm around really loud music. It was an incredible experience.
exactly how many hits did you take? ....i find it funny people still take cid ..havent since the 80's
ya I guess sure it wasnt 2-3 hits cuz it's rare that people hallucinate on a single hit
I spent a year smoking a LOT of marijuana after I graduated high school. I would literally spend the entire day stoned with a friend of mine for weeks at a time. I wouldn't say I built up a tolerance, but as the year went on, I found myself willing to smoke more and more at a time, and consequently able to get higher and higher. Then, my friend went off to college and I joined the military and didn't smoke for about 5 years.

I smoke very occasionally now, but I've found that regardless of the quality of marijuana I smoke, it is VERY potent to me. I can take a single hit and get a nice high. However, if I take more than that (2-3 or more hits), things start to get weird. I'll be standing around with a group of friends, and they'll be talking, and I'll be able to hear what the individual words are, but I can't understand what is being said because the combinations of the words and sentences are nonsensical to me.

Then, some fairly bad paranoia sets in. I start feeling like everyone is aware that I'm stoned out of my mind, so all this nonsense I'm hearing is them purposefully trying to **** with my head. If I try to talk, I find that I can't concentrate hard enough to form complete sentences.

After that, I start getting what I call "deja vu spirals". I'll be doing something completely random and it'll suddenly occur to me that I've seen something or done something exactly like it before (though in reality, I haven't, but that's irrelevant). Then, a second or so after, I'll notice something else that will seem to compound that deja vu to make it even more potent. Then again, except it will happen more quickly, and again repeatedly until these "epiphanies" are coming one after another. I'll start to imagine in my head a spiral of little dots, that will shift from being vertical to horizontal and back, all the while continuing to have these deja vu epiphanies until I manage to shake myself out of it. Then, a few minutes later, it'll start all over again.
Shrooms to come hopefully this month, I`ll post my results.
my mate had really bad deja vu after smoking loads of weed, and he's kinda cutting back now.
I lol'ed.

After that, I start getting what I call "deja vu spirals". I'll be doing something completely random and it'll suddenly occur to me that I've seen something or done something exactly like it before (though in reality, I haven't, but that's irrelevant). Then, a second or so after, I'll notice something else that will seem to compound that deja vu to make it even more potent.

I get that all the time after smoking pot lol, i thought i was the only one
So I smoked Salvia with a mate today. It was kind of trippy, I noticed a few patterns and colours, but it wasn't the "OMFG LIFE CHANGEING EXPERINCE THAT NO ONE CAN EVEN HANDLE... BITCH" that I was expecting.
So I smoked Salvia with a mate today. It was kind of trippy, I noticed a few patterns and colours, but it wasn't the "OMFG LIFE CHANGEING EXPERINCE THAT NO ONE CAN EVEN HANDLE... BITCH" that I was expecting.

That's because you didn't break through :p
I find it hilarious how many people have bad experiences and are put off for life. I've been a regular user of drugs of all kinds since 2001 (weed, e's, speed, ket, acid, shrooms, 2c-b, ect) and yeah I've had some horrible experiences off most of them. But the thought to never take them again never crossed my mind because of those bad experiences.

To paraphrase the immortal Bill Hicks "yeah I've had good and bad sex, but I'm not going to give up pussy"
No I'm comparing experiences of good and bad in whatever you are doing. You have to learn to take the rough with the smooth.
Then, some fairly bad paranoia sets in. I start feeling like everyone is aware that I'm stoned out of my mind, so all this nonsense I'm hearing is them purposefully trying to **** with my head. If I try to talk, I find that I can't concentrate hard enough to form complete sentences.

I had something similar once after smoking some weed with my mate. It was the first time that it actually hit me and I was all nervous all of a sudden and the world felt a bit... different. It was nothing extreme but I was kinda freaked out, my heart pounding, but I managed to stay calm. I thought that my mate was aware of my state and I felt like I'm making an ass out of myself.

We watched "Lucky Number Slevin" after smoking the weed and I've no ****ing idea what that movie was about, cause I was contemplating my state and wondering what am I scared of, and even when I tried to focus on the movie, I didn't get what was it about. I only laughed a bit when my mate did (of course in my state I didn't get the jokes in the movie he was laughing at) so as not to look like a weirdo. :D
I think a lot of it has to do with the people you're around when you smoke. I was really close friends with the guy I used to smoke with at the time, so I was very comfortable smoking with him. Also, if we were around other people, they were always smoking with us. The people I've been around the last couple times I've smoked have usually been just acquaintances (with a few exceptions), and I've been one of a few out of several that were smoking (everyone else was drinking). So I suppose that contributes to a feeling of being singled out, which the paranoia from smoking amplifies.
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