Psychedelic experiences.

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And it's possible to kill people and still lead a valuable and productive life, and even rape people, what's his/yours point?


I can't even begin to fathom the sheer idiocy of this comment. NO Gargantou, believe it or not it is not possible to lead a valuable and productive life when you are killing and raping members of your own species. Infact it is very counter productive....dumbass.

My point stands.
There are some unbelievably uneducated people on here.
Indulging in drugs every now and again hardly makes me a bloody drug addict. I'll go a weekend doing a bunch of drugs, then go a couple weeks not even touching pot. But I'm a drug addict? Are you serious?
It's funny reading some of the almost illiterate posts from some of these people and then have them tell us we're the stupid ones.
Don't you guys understand I was not being the least bit serious? But I have a strong dislike for almost all drugs that are taken for pleasure, except perhaps cannabis and related.
Don't you guys understand I was not being the least bit serious? But I have a strong dislike for almost all drugs that are taken for pleasure, except perhaps cannabis and related.

Translation: I was just kidding! Wait, no I wasn't; I'm still a douchebag.
Oh...well perhaps next time you should put a ;) to solidify your point. While we can all agree that what you were saying was quite ridiculous, I have met people on this forum and in real life who share those points of view
Likewise, I know plenty of narrowminded people who hold the same point of view, so unless you make it clear you were messing it's hardly very obvious is it?

In fact one of my friends held a similar view a few years back, last week she tried her first e. She agreed that she had been missing out =]
I'm fine with drugs that 1. Don't seriously causes damage to your system 2. Don't have any chance of making you aggressive.. Why? Because I've been severly physically abused when I was younger by someone who took drugs that weren't number 2..
Kester, good for her, I myself would never touch ectasy, but to each man his own eh, my viewpoint is they can do whatever the **** they want in their own home, but outside? Then I hope they OD.:)
Beer can do that. As can a wrong dose of prescription medicine. Should we also outlaw those?

My point is so many things in life make people aggressive, and on the whole drugs don't make people aggressive, it's the person the makes themself aggressive.
I don't agree with outlawing prescription medicine, but I agree with outlawing beer, beer was nearly totally outlawed in my country in the earlier half of the 20th century, the yes side only won by around 0.1%.
I clarified that several of the previous posts were not in any way serious.
I'm sure they weren't, but for someone with such an aversion to violence you certainly seem to have no problem making some violently strange jokes.
Well why don't you share an experience?
Uhhh... I'm thinking about dropping again next weekend, but this time I know to relax and let it flow
I'm never going to touch K again, I hear from different places that no one knows it's bad for you, other places that it gives you brain lesions; all I know is that the day after doing it I feel fuzzy as hell, it's not a fun feeling, definitely not worth the sketchiness. Might even lay off the tabs, but I always feel great after doing them, so who knows
Shrooms are so wonderful. Eat as many as you can, put on some of your favourite music, and stare at the itunes visualizer for a while. Or play the Ravenholm level in Half-Life 2. It's intense.
Shrooms are so wonderful. Eat as many as you can, put on some of your favourite music, and stare at the itunes visualizer for a while. Or play the Ravenholm level in Half-Life 2. It's intense.

I`ll need to wait for an empty house as I can`t exactly get destroyed with my dad in the room.

That would be interesting though :O

I plan to just listen to music, read books, and chill.
If you do enough you won't want to read
Seriously, put on a movie or something, some sort of visual stimulus
I doubt I could stand reading books even when high. Honestly.
If you do enough you won't want to read
Seriously, put on a movie or something, some sort of visual stimulus

Nor will he be able to, the words will start melting together and he'll start wondering where he left his arm the other day.
I`ll need to wait for an empty house as I can`t exactly get destroyed with my dad in the room.

That would be interesting though :O

I plan to just listen to music, read books, and chill.
You won't want to read, your visual field gets a bit messed up and even if you're not at the point where the words start flowing and changing it'll still be hard to focus on them. Music is fantastic. However, I would suggest that you don't 'plan' anything, just keep boundaries for yourself... it's much better that way IMHO.
If you do enough you won't want to read
Seriously, put on a movie or something, some sort of visual stimulus
Yeah, watch TV. It won't make the slightest bit of goddamn sense.
I doubt I could stand reading books even when high. Honestly.
Maybe it's different for me because I read a lot and I've loved to read ever since I learned how, but I very much enjoy reading high. It's a lot slower than usual but I get a much better understanding of the material and it's more enjoyable as well.
Nor will he be able to, the words will start melting together and he'll start wondering where he left his arm the other day.
Gah, you make me want to do them so much more :D
It's very different to think about the novelty and amusement of an idea like losing your arm and to actually not know where your arm is, I'd imagine it's rather scary actually :p
Bah we shall see. I too enjoy reading in great amounts, and while high.

Has anyone listened to music on shrooms? I wasn't into music back when i was doing them. Does it enhance it like weed does? Me and my friend are in talks about doing shrooms in the forest this summmer for the first time in two years.

I plan to make a mix cd that consists of Bowie, Boards of Canada, Brian ENo, Radiohead etc etc and play it then.
Has anyone used Salvia? I've been reading up on it on Erowid, and my friend and I are considering buying some from a headshop around here and trying it over spring break. I really like the sound of Salvia, and I'm ready for something mindblowing. I've never tried pot or alcohol btw.
Has anyone used Salvia? I've been reading up on it on Erowid, and my friend and I are considering buying some from a headshop around here and trying it over spring break. I really like the sound of Salvia, and I'm ready for something mindblowing. I've never tried pot or alcohol btw.

Doesn't really do as much as you hear it does on the net, then again nothing really does as much as they say it does on the net.
Has anyone used Salvia? I've been reading up on it on Erowid, and my friend and I are considering buying some from a headshop around here and trying it over spring break. I really like the sound of Salvia, and I'm ready for something mindblowing. I've never tried pot or alcohol btw.

OR alcohol?
Oh man, find some chicks, and get blasted. It's the best thing ever.

Just remember to drink plenty of water. Otherwise, you WILL want to die the next day.
Has anyone used Salvia? I've been reading up on it on Erowid, and my friend and I are considering buying some from a headshop around here and trying it over spring break. I really like the sound of Salvia, and I'm ready for something mindblowing. I've never tried pot or alcohol btw.

No, you're not ready for Salvia. I don't think anyone can ever be ready for salvia; but if you want to try it that's your perogative. I've smoked it before, haven't quite broken through but my sub-breakthrough doses were still very interesting, it's a weird, weird drug. Frankly the reason I've never smoked enough to break through is because I'm not sure I want to.

If you want a taste of psychedelics, I'd try mushrooms. Salvia is more likely to either not do anything or scare the pants off you.

edit: yeah for alcohol I'm all about a lot of water and some nice crispy toast throughout my alcohol experience :D
I'm just weary of alcohol because my dad's side of the family had a long history of alcoholism.

Also, shrooms are a lot harder to get.
They're worth the effort of trying to find, it took me a couple months to get my hands on them (it was dry as a bone around here back then) but I wasn't disappointed.

Alcohol is overrated but it's still fun, don't do it if you don't want to though.
Salvia sounds like the drug I'd take if I were starting. just read through the entire wiki article on it. I'd probably chew it rather than smoke it though, as I don't want the increased effects, just probably some of the early increased lucidness and depth perceptions weirdness, as well as the possibility of better creativity.

Although I don't think I'd ever start doing drugs, but that's probably the drug I'd start with. Low intoxication until higher doses, and non-addictive qualities, as well as no need to smoke it.
Doesn't really do as much as you hear it does on the net, then again nothing really does as much as they say it does on the net.

Wrong, it really depends on the person. For me, it pretty much did nothing, i felt alittle disillusioned and then it went away. For 3 for my friends it was completely mind blowing. One started running around the room saying I can fly i can fly etc, the other kept talking about how she was seeing animals etc and absolutley needed!!! to place random objects around her. And finally my friend said the entire room turned into a ocean as far as the eye could see and he was the ocean god etc etc.

Needless to say i felt jipped.

If you havn't done pot you are not ready for salvia imo.
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