Psychedelic experiences.

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I find it hilarious how many people have bad experiences and are put off for life. I've been a regular user of drugs of all kinds since 2001 (weed, e's, speed, ket, acid, shrooms, 2c-b, ect) and yeah I've had some horrible experiences off most of them. But the thought to never take them again never crossed my mind because of those bad experiences.

To paraphrase the immortal Bill Hicks "yeah I've had good and bad sex, but I'm not going to give up pussy"
Well consider yourself lucky that you've never had a trip that has seriously made you question yourself. It's definitely not hilarious coming to the realization that holy shit I am actually destroying my brain, there is a very slight chance that I could **** myself up for good, be it from the physical damage or loss of ego, which is a terrifying thing
I find it hilarious how many people have bad experiences and are put off for life. I've been a regular user of drugs of all kinds since 2001 (weed, e's, speed, ket, acid, shrooms, 2c-b, ect) and yeah I've had some horrible experiences off most of them. But the thought to never take them again never crossed my mind because of those bad experiences.

To paraphrase the immortal Bill Hicks "yeah I've had good and bad sex, but I'm not going to give up pussy"

Maybe that's because your "bad experience" wasn't as horrible as it couldve been. Did you think you were dying? Did you think you were dead? Did your friend call the police because he had no idea what else to do? Did you literally go through 6 hours of hell? If not you might not understand where some of us are coming from.
Yes, I've honestly thought I was going to die on more than one occasion. I hit it so hard at one point I came down for two weeks slipping in and out of hallucinations.

I've also had some of the best times of my life on them.
If you're uncomfortable or uneasy around the people you're with it can cause fairly alarming anxiety and stuff while you're high (stoned I mean).

Also, freaking out on psychedelics is so not fun. It's like being tied to the bottom of a freight train, the gravel 2 inches from your nose, knowing that you have to endure it until the train stops at the station and someone hears you screaming.

And the station's not for another 2000 miles.
I did salvia for the first time yesterday, was fun but too short for my tastes. I like my drugs to keep me keen and awake for days.
I hate to say it, but I'm actually getting tired of weed. When I started, it was fun, it was interesting, it was new- nowadays, when I'm stoned, I just eat and play videogames. I'm thinking I'm gonna try shrooms, and otherwise just stick with booze for a while.

That said, if the occasion arises, of course I'll toke. I'm just taking it easy for a bit.
I hate to say it, but I'm actually getting tired of weed. When I started, it was fun, it was interesting, it was new- nowadays, when I'm stoned, I just eat and play videogames. I'm thinking I'm gonna try shrooms, and otherwise just stick with booze for a while.

That said, if the occasion arises, of course I'll toke. I'm just taking it easy for a bit.

sniff the funny stuff
I hate to say it, but I'm actually getting tired of weed. When I started, it was fun, it was interesting, it was new- nowadays, when I'm stoned, I just eat and play videogames. I'm thinking I'm gonna try shrooms, and otherwise just stick with booze for a while.

That said, if the occasion arises, of course I'll toke. I'm just taking it easy for a bit.

Likewise, mostly because I'd like my memory to clear up. My long-term memory is fine, I retain things as well as ever and stuff, but I've become extremely absentminded because I've been smoking regularly for a while. I forget what I'm doing, I wander off in the wrong direction while talking (I forget my point during the course of my explanation), just generally scatterbrained because I have fragmented short-term memory, the only real drawback to smoking. I usually do fine because I write stuff down (I have a notepad I keep in my pocket for such things), but it's a tad annoying anyway.

I'm sticking to alcohol and only the occasional toke until the summer at least. Of course, my friend Lucy is in town... and she's not a person.

wohoooo I do drugs I'm cool

GTFO, that's not the attitude of this thread.
I hope you guys know your never going to get a decent job with illegal narcotics in your blood.

Most of the people in this thread are either in school or already have jobs. I'm sure that most of them would have the common sense not to wear their Rastafarian hat to a job interview.
I hope you guys know your never going to get a decent job with illegal narcotics in your blood.

Well, given that standard drug tests only test for marijuana (out of substances I use with any sense of regularity... NIDA-5 tests for opiates, heroin, cocaine, marijuana, and amphetamines, and while I've done many of those I only smoke pot usually), which is not a problem for me to abstain from for any amount of time, particularly the 3-4 weeks required to clear it from your urine for a drug test.

Furthermore, I already have a secure job and I'm intelligent enough not to bring drugs to school or do anything sketchy and get myself into trouble. I'm a responsible user, which, given your apparent tendency towards stupid opinions, you might not understand.

Edit: You do have a tool quote in your signature, though, which I didn't notice before, so you can't be that bad despite your comments in this thread and the fact that you want Rice to be president :p
Well smoking pot is one thing.....meth or* cocaine is another step in being a
I hate to say it, but I'm actually getting tired of weed

I hear that. I used to be the biggest advocator of smoking weed - the annoying stoned guy at school hanging around with the other stoned guys not going to lessons. After 15 years or so of smoking daily it became as eventful as having a cup of tea. If it's not fun or exciting anymore, then why bother?

I stopped taking other drugs too, but that was because you eventually have to decide to stop, or become the middle aged dad who still does acid and tries to be mates with his sons friends - and it doesn't get any sadder than that.
This thread failed.

This was always going to be a thread about drugs - there's only so many, 'yeh, I took acid and watched the wallpaper patterns moving around' posts people can read before getting bored.
And we're argumentative ones at that :)

If you want to see addicts, check one of the big drug forums like Yahooka or Bluelight. At least our regulars here don't overdose and die after a 5 year heroin addiction.
I've never done anything other than smoke weed very rarely (it's been at least 5 months)...but the last time I had this really good stuff called mango melon and it felt like I has surges of warmth flowing through my body every time my heart beat. It felt soooo nice. This was some potent stuff.

I have a question weed bad for you in any way, other than what it does to your lungs?
I have a question weed bad for you in any way, other than what it does to your lungs?

No, not really. The only real adverse effect that don't involve lung damage from inhaling smoke (generally inhaling particulate matter into your lungs is bad for you) is that your short-term memory is disrupted. This isn't usually noticeable unless you smoke regularly, though, and goes away after you cease smoking regularly.

Other than that, it's debateable. Also, the smoke itself might not be as bad as you'd think, given that cannabinoids seem to have mild anti-carcinogenic properties - in a recent major study meant to show that marijuana can be responsible for cancer, they actually found that potheads were slightly less likely to get lung cancer - and marijuana helps with emphysema because it dilates the air pockets in your lungs, or something like that.
And it's ****ing sickening, and their genes should be wiped clean from this Earth.

Feel free to either 1) not post in this thread and not reading it, as no one likes to be sick, 2) actually start learning facts about what you're talking about so you can form an opinion that's not completely retarded and so you can post in here without being a dick or 3) **** off and die.


Don't contribute if you have nothing to contribute. If you want to debate the moral implications of drug use, that's fine, but this seems more like a generalized insult and I doubt you can support your reasoning for it.
And it's ****ing sickening, and their genes should be wiped clean from this Earth.
Could you be anymore of a sheep? What led you to come up with that conclusion? Your total lack of knowledge of the subject? Your religion? Your totally stupidity? A select few cases which you assume apply to everyone?

I'm probably one of the most prolific drug users on this forum and I hold down a great job, where I am well respected. I also pay a substantial amount of taxes for people like yourself to have a free education among other things. I have a fiancee and a great social life.

It hardly seems like I am a burden on society, in fact it seems like your narrowmindedness is a burden on the society you are trying so adamantly to protect.
I'm probably one of the most prolific drug users on this forum and I hold down a great job, where I am well respected. I also pay a substantial amount of taxes for people like yourself to have a free education among other things. I have a fiancee and a great social life.
Where do you live? If you don't live in Sweden, you don't pay to give me a free education, so I couldn't care less.:LOL:
Where do you live? If you don't live in Sweden, you don't pay to give me a free education, so I couldn't care less.:LOL:

Way to completely miss the point. What he is saying is it is possible to take drugs responsibly and still lead a valuable and productive life.
I actually said people like you. I was aware you weren't from the UK so I applied that. Regardless, like brink's said, you have totally missed the point and only reinforced your narrowmindedness by trying to pick stupid holes in a solid arguement.
I didn't mean drug addicts in a bad way if anyone was wondering. :)
Way to completely miss the point. What he is saying is it is possible to take drugs responsibly and still lead a valuable and productive life.
And it's possible to kill people and still lead a valuable and productive life, and even rape people, what's his/yours point?
My point is that you have an arguement based on fallacy and hear say, well that's all I can assume as you haven't even told us why you believe that we are the bane of the earth.

Also the two ideas you just said both cause huge amounts of hurt to people.
If people do it in their homes, I don't care. When I'm at a concert, don't whip that out. It's gross. Get high first, or something.
i wouldnt do any hardcore drugs, but i dont see whats wrong with a little THC from time to time
I was given a small amount of cocaine at the hospital once, didn't feel much.

I'd love to do some harder and softer drugs, but I'd only do it in a safe and clean environment with friends. Weed sounds fun, though, I really want to do that ASAP.
Weed is good, but it's not really a 'fun' drug. Morphine would be my drug of choice, if only I could get it, without serverely injuring myself first.
My drug of choice would be massmurder, imagine the adrenaline rush from mowing down row after row of drugaddicts with a AKS-74U, and cursing in Russian!
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