Psychedelic experiences.

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It has it's downsides as well. When we came off it we all felt this annoying prickly feeling for much longer then we hallucinated. Overall it's worth doing but not worth repeating...shrooms are where it's at.
The thing most people who haven't tried psychedelics don't understand how mindbogglingly real that stuff like that is though. It's not like HAHA WHOA MAN IM LIKE, A SEA GOD, HAHA SWEET BRO. It's like I AM POSIDEON, LORD OF THE OCEAN, MY DOMAIN STRETCHING BEYOND THE LENGTH OF HUMAN EYES IN EVERY DIRECTION. It's a very real, overwhelming, and kind of hard to imagine experience.

It's still a ****ing great time, but a very different one than you expect. My entire first trip was basically me being flabbergasted and thinking about how different it was than I thought it would be - like, oh, that's what they meant.

Shrooms have always been my favorite. They make me feel very real and down-to-earth, and I prefer their duration... long enough for it to be epic, but not too long. Acid just makes me frazzled by the last few hours and ruins the whole next day because I'm so fried.
Agreed, for the record we were all experienced "trippers".
I may have come across as a little misinformed in my first post, but I understand that a trip may be incredible, terrifying, bleh, or not happen. I also acknowledge that I probably won't be prepared for it no matter what I do.

As for if I can handle it, I think I can. I'm a very stable person, I have very little anxiety or irrational fears.

The best thing about Salvia is that I don't have to worry about it being laced with something or getting ripped off like you do with mushrooms.

You should be fine as long as you have a sober friend who is strong enough to pin you so you can't hurt yourself, because some people go absolutely crazy on salvia.
I don't know how people could do those long lasting psychedelics, cause with them you know it's ganna last hours and hours and if you have a bad trip you're screwed for sevral hours and from what I hear your whole life will change as a result, probably for the worst. Heck I coulden't even stand waiting for it, what if I'm happy and within two hours I'm sad for some reason. The thought of doing full on long lasting hallucinogens scares the God damn pants off of me. I just wanna shit around with mates and laugh my ass off at random crap.
I have to agree I'm not overly fond of acid or shrooms, I prefer the buzz and rush of amphetemines.
I have to agree I'm not overly fond of acid or shrooms, I prefer the buzz and rush of amphetemines.

Yea, but with Amphetamines you run the risk of dependency and brain damage, which is what a lot of casual users try to avoid.
I don't know how people could do those long lasting psychedelics, cause with them you know it's ganna last hours and hours and if you have a bad trip you're screwed for sevral hours and from what I hear your whole life will change as a result, probably for the worst. Heck I coulden't even stand waiting for it, what if I'm happy and within two hours I'm sad for some reason. The thought of doing full on long lasting hallucinogens scares the God damn pants off of me. I just wanna shit around with mates and laugh my ass off at random crap.
Well, it's not like once you start having a bad time you're locked into it. Everything's under your control, I've talked myself out of a bad trip before... it goes from horrible to amazing.
I have to agree I'm not overly fond of acid or shrooms, I prefer the buzz and rush of amphetemines.
I hate amphs. It's nice to buzz on them for a few hours but goddamned if the comedown doesn't wreck me, and I get absolutely unbearable insomnia and appetite suppression.
I generally get the same, although the comedowns don't phase me in the slightest, in fact I often find them interesting/fun. The insomnia gets to me a bit and Mondays are a hassle at work with less than 4 hours sleep, but generally by the Tuesday evening I'm sleeping normally again.

I've got to say, at the moment I prefer speed to e's though, speed gives me almost no ill effects apart from the fact if I take it on a Friday, I get no sleep till some point Sunday morning, but that's not a problem as the speed gives me the mental alertness to be alright (as long as I pretend to sleep - get a few hours peace, lying down).
I need more stories to hold me over until I try shrooms.

Well, it's not like once you start having a bad time you're locked into it. Everything's under your control, I've talked myself out of a bad trip before... it goes from horrible to amazing.

Not always - it very much depends on how much you've taken and how far you've gone.

About 8 or 9 years ago I had a very heavy acid session with my two best mates. We'd bought a sheet, intending for it to last the summer holiday, and started off taking a couple of tabs - nothing particularly unsual for us at this age. After about 8 or 9 hours, and a few more tabs, things started to get quite strange (quel surrise!) and we soon gave up on any attempt to tear along the perforations. I have a distinct memory of tearing off a corner (which must have been 5 or 6 tabs) and pushing it into my mouth. This continued untill we'd finished the sheet, which took around 4 days.

I've had quite a few acid sessions that have been very visual (on par with the bar scene in Fear and Loathing, minus the lizard people) but nothing that matches this. You usually atleast have a sense of self, the ability to talk (if only in an incoherent babble), and basic awareness of where you are, what you're doing, what's around you. It might not be much more than being aware that you're standing, inside a building of some kind, that the people around you are people that you know, but your have some idea. For at least a day there was none of this. I certainly wasn't capable of moving and can only reliably salvage the sense of my constant and slow breathing (I didn't realise it was breathing at the time), which seemed to gradually get slower and shallower with each breath. I had absolutely no sense of where I was, or even what I was. That last bit sounds cliched but that's what it was like - being a floating thing. I can remember my entire vision being filled with either darkness or plain primary colours, no shapes, and having absolutely no concept of where anything was - if people were in the room, if I was in a room, could have been a field, or other things/places I was unaware of and couldn't name. I couldn't have spoken - not even the fragmented and time travelling speach of someone who's heavily tripping, and have some strange recolection of thinking, but not in any language. Towards the end, as my senses started return, I can remember thinking that if I slowed down any more I would die, and not being upset by the thought in the slightest. There was nothing morbid about it, just a cheery, lazy, matter of fact, 'that'd be interesting'.

A day or so later me and my friends eventually began to find each other (my mates house is massive - you can get lost even when sobre). My clearest memory of the whole event is the utter relief of seeing something I could recognise, in this case my mate Rog, after being completely alone for a few days. I gave him a hug and it didn't seem weird at all. My other friend had had a much worse time of it - we found him in the garden, which he must have been in for a few days, covered in dirt, twigs, wearing all our jackets, with a cut on his hand and an expression which can only be described as Event Horizon.

If the drugs you take are strong enough it doesn't matter how with it you are, how strong willed you are when sobre, or how used to the effects you've become over the years. Once you've properly lost the plot you're gone for a while and you just have to hope things will be ok when you get back. On reflection I think we made very poor choices around that age and feel quite lucky to reach 29 relatively unscathed. However, things still wobble in my peripheral vision, despite not having taken any drugs or alcohol for neatly 4 years, and I can't stand to be around drugs of any kind, which is awkward as my gf smokes weed by the bar. Even movies with drug taking make me uncortable now - Fear and Loathing freaks me out and even funny stone flicks can make me uneasy. Perhaps it's karma for a misspent youth.
last time i got high,

was at a house party with a mate,

bear in mind that i hadnt had weed so often at this point in my life, was a lull,

we had an 8th of his sisters weed, it was hsi bday pressie his sis is a bit of a tripper.

he was fine after we polished this off in one sitting:p constnaly rolling

i , had a ****ign outer bodily expeirince and spent the rest of the night, hiding in a corner sleeping it off

wasnt fun, seeing yourself walking down the stairs, suckign energy from ones real self to ones astral self!

havent smoked the stuff since :eek:

fancy toyign iwht it again tho :p
Not always - it very much depends on how much you've taken and how far you've gone.

About 8 or 9 years ago I had a very heavy acid session with my two best mates. We'd bought a sheet, intending for it to last the summer holiday, and started off taking a couple of tabs - nothing particularly unsual for us at this age. After about 8 or 9 hours, and a few more tabs, things started to get quite strange (quel surrise!) and we soon gave up on any attempt to tear along the perforations. I have a distinct memory of tearing off a corner (which must have been 5 or 6 tabs) and pushing it into my mouth. This continued untill we'd finished the sheet, which took around 4 days.

I've had quite a few acid sessions that have been very visual (on par with the bar scene in Fear and Loathing, minus the lizard people) but nothing that matches this. You usually atleast have a sense of self, the ability to talk (if only in an incoherent babble), and basic awareness of where you are, what you're doing, what's around you. It might not be much more than being aware that you're standing, inside a building of some kind, that the people around you are people that you know, but your have some idea. For at least a day there was none of this. I certainly wasn't capable of moving and can only reliably salvage the sense of my constant and slow breathing (I didn't realise it was breathing at the time), which seemed to gradually get slower and shallower with each breath. I had absolutely no sense of where I was, or even what I was. That last bit sounds cliched but that's what it was like - being a floating thing. I can remember my entire vision being filled with either darkness or plain primary colours, no shapes, and having absolutely no concept of where anything was - if people were in the room, if I was in a room, could have been a field, or other things/places I was unaware of and couldn't name. I couldn't have spoken - not even the fragmented and time travelling speach of someone who's heavily tripping, and have some strange recolection of thinking, but not in any language. Towards the end, as my senses started return, I can remember thinking that if I slowed down any more I would die, and not being upset by the thought in the slightest. There was nothing morbid about it, just a cheery, lazy, matter of fact, 'that'd be interesting'.

A day or so later me and my friends eventually began to find each other (my mates house is massive - you can get lost even when sobre). My clearest memory of the whole event is the utter relief of seeing something I could recognise, in this case my mate Rog, after being completely alone for a few days. I gave him a hug and it didn't seem weird at all. My other friend had had a much worse time of it - we found him in the garden, which he must have been in for a few days, covered in dirt, twigs, wearing all our jackets, with a cut on his hand and an expression which can only be described as Event Horizon.

If the drugs you take are strong enough it doesn't matter how with it you are, how strong willed you are when sobre, or how used to the effects you've become over the years. Once you've properly lost the plot you're gone for a while and you just have to hope things will be ok when you get back. On reflection I think we made very poor choices around that age and feel quite lucky to reach 29 relatively unscathed. However, things still wobble in my peripheral vision, despite not having taken any drugs or alcohol for neatly 4 years, and I can't stand to be around drugs of any kind, which is awkward as my gf smokes weed by the bar. Even movies with drug taking make me uncortable now - Fear and Loathing freaks me out and even funny stone flicks can make me uneasy. Perhaps it's karma for a misspent youth.
Wow, you really explained a lot of this so well, I couldn't even imagine doing that much acid.

I don't understand how a lot of you have so many strange experiences while high on weed. I've smoked a ton of different weed, gotten insanely high, but never had any crazy experience. Just got stoned as ****.
Christ in a sandwich but that's hardcore (and not in a good way like) Warbie. My statement was mostly geared towards people that take responsible, non-heroic doses. Not trying to get on you about it, but that was completely insane, I'd never do that much, not even close.

Hell of an experience, though, and you sure described it well. Might want to think about writing a report about it for Erowid or the like :p
I actually love the terrifying experiences. I mean, I don't like them constantly. And they generally put me off whatever substance I had used for some time. But they are by far the most interesting and visceral.

Watching a hand reach out from your gaping maw in the mirror and pull your face inside out is quite a treat.
It's a treat afterwards, I'm not too keen on the sheer animal terror one experiences during.
It's certainly interesting, but I wouldn't call it remotely enjoyable. It's like there's an elephant sitting on your brain and trying to think anyway. I consider my first trip (which turned out being quite a bad trip) one of the most important experiences I've been through, and one of the most revealing, but while it was happening I was surely not excited about it.
Well, it's certainly not "fun". But on some level I do enjoy it. Even the complete mindwarps in which I was no longer aware of having ingested a substance are worthwhile. I might be absolutely terrified. But somewhere, in the back of my brain, is a part saying "This is so ****ing cool".

That said, I have been attempting a hiatus...
I do know what you mean, and agree on some level.

Don't let us put you off wanting to try it, Qon and smokeh. My experiences with psychedelics have been overwhelmingly positive, and it's fairly easy to avoid the negative if you take the necessary precautions and your dose is manageable (defined here as NOT Warbie's dose :p).

I've not been on a hiatus really, but I only do psychedelics every once in a while, maybe a half dozen times a year at the most. I mostly stick to the more simple vices, ol' reefer and alcohol (and cigarettes, with that latter vice).
I'm sure cigarettes could give you a psychedelic experience if you power smoked a pack back to back.

Also assuming you don't double over from nausea halfway through. Like a pussy.
People say DXM has unpleasant side effects, but I actually love them. That bizarre disconnect from your body, feeling like you're an operator piloting a mech.
I love that part (robowalking is possibly the most fun I've ever had as far as a physical effect goes) but I get horrible nausea too that distracts me from the fun of it, and a general kind of gross feeling. DXM is not my thing. I do want to try ketamine, though, at some point.
I rarely get nausea any more. Only happened the first few tries where I started trying out higher plateaus. But if you're feeling kind of shitty already, it's obviously not recommendable.

Ketamine is... interesting. Only done it once and it turned me into the most docile, suave, effeminate thing on the planet. You could have poked me with a knife and I would have put up token resistance.

It was like some bastard love child between Jack Sparrow and Ben from Blue Velvet.
I'm sure cigarettes could give you a psychedelic experience if you power smoked a pack back to back.

Also assuming you don't double over from nausea halfway through. Like a pussy.

That'll make you feel like you have the flu. I've tried that, you get fever-warm and nauseous.
I'd never do that much, not even close.

It certainly wasn't the intention. If there can be any type of moral to the experience it's - don't buy acid in bulk. Not having more acid around while tripping makes as much sense as not sitting in a room full of sharp objects, petrol and a lighter.

I've never done DXM, or heard of it for that matter, but have dabbled in ketamine. Not my bag at all - I didn't find it docile, but mind jarringly slow (can't think of a better word).
I love ketamine but I'm trying not to do it anymore, although if someone were to walk in my room and plop down a pile (which has happened an alarming number of time), I can't say I wouldn't do it. It just gives me such an awful feeling the next day
I've never done DXM, or heard of it for that matter, but have dabbled in ketamine. Not my bag at all - I didn't find it docile, but mind jarringly slow (can't think of a better word).

Comparisons are often drawn between ketamine and DXM, since they're both dissociatives. In my experience, DXM has a "harder" edge to it, and it's longer lasting.

Definitely not party/social drugs.
They all make you feel like shite the next day, Ionize - it's like a little contract you sign each time you decide to get high.

Comparisons are often drawn between ketamine and DXM, since they're both dissociatives. In my experience, DXM has a "harder" edge to it, and it's longer lasting.

Definitely not party/social drugs.

Cheers for that. Even if I wasn't t-total I think i'd give DXM a miss, sounds horrible /o\
what disacoiatives/legal psychadelics would u class as party/social drugs then ?
Psychedelics AREN'T party drugs, period. Unless you like to be confused and nervous at parties. Absinthe, that's the reason I'm interested in tasting K a bit, that it's a bit softer and less diabolical than DXM.

Warbie, that reminds me of a friend I have... every time we smoke or drink he always complains about how it has to hurt to do anything fun, he has a pretty rough time of it, weak stomach and throat or something.
From the sounds of the last few posts, it seems like the Ket takers haven't actually K-holed. That's a whole different experience, which totally removes you from the world, in fact you don't even know it exists anymore, and make your own one up in you head, that you can see, hear, feel and smell.

It's one of the weirdest sensations which can only be described as a intensely vivid dream, but on a different level, where no external stimuli exists. Everything you experience is made from your thoughts, although, unlike other drugs you have very little control over, as if you are just along for the ride.

It's almost like playing a computer game, leaving you thinking "game over" is around the next corner for the entire time. Game over tending to be your life. But as someone else said earlier, it's not at all scary, it's with a sort of melancholy of acceptance, without any regrets. Almost like if you died, it'd be like "oh shoot, well I had a good one".

The retern to reality is the most annoying part, when you start to recognise things, but you body is still under the anesthetic effects, so even though you can finally see what is in front of you again, it's blurred and doubled, from double vision. You have little control over you limbs and can generally only throw them in general directions and your speech is slurred and garbled, and although you know what you want to say, it's not going to come out no matter how hard you try.

The most joy comes from watching with great anticipation as the doubled focal objects in the room slowly get closer together as your doubled vision slowly returns to normal, something that can take up to 2 hours longer than your speech and motor functions returning.

Oh and when you are in a k-hole it makes you totally unresponsive to outside stimuli as well, making you look like a dribbling retard.
Aye, I'm aware of the K-hole experience. It's one of the reasons I want to try ketamine again.
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