Psychedelic experiences.

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I'm such a noob when it comes to finding a drug dealer. I mean, Im totally itching to try some psychadelics, but have no clue where to obtain them.

Who do you guys go to? Who refers you to drug dealers? Or do you walk around a random dark alley or something and find them yourselves?


buy some cough medicine and chug it.
Sorry, no. Most will kill you.

Not if you do like I said on the last page, and read up on it. You want no antihistimines, guafenesin, etc. in it. Just dextromethorphan in the active ingredients. And the right amount for your weight.
Obviously if you sort out what you're doing, you should be fine. I'm talking if you just go out, buy some and chug it. Like B.Calhoun seems to be suggesting, you'll probably end up in the morgue.


Is it just me or has Surfer Rosa stolen Willie's avatar?
DXM is likely to put someone off drugs forever, I can't stand it
if anyone here is considering doing dxm MAKE SURE IT DOESNT HAVE ACETAMINOPHEN IN IT

I actually stoned right now, so yay for fun threads....
Well, mostly I just didn't enjoy it very much. The first time on 300mg I didn't have too severe of side effects, definitely tolerable, and it was a high 2nd plateau trip but didn't do a whole lot for me... the other times I got very very nauseated which was relatively unpleasant.

They say that a third of people love it, a third of people hate it, and a third of people are indifferent, I belong in the middle category I think.

As I've said before though, robowalking was a lot of fun.
Well, mostly I just didn't enjoy it very much. The first time on 300mg I didn't have too severe of side effects, definitely tolerable, and it was a high 2nd plateau trip but didn't do a whole lot for me... the other times I got very very nauseated which was relatively unpleasant.

They say that a third of people love it, a third of people hate it, and a third of people are indifferent, I belong in the middle category I think.

As I've said before though, robowalking was a lot of fun.

If you're bored, try a 1st plateau with the caplets instead of syrup. Syrup made me nauseus, as well, but the caplets just had a quick, effortless purge later.
I dunno. It was a bit too dark for my tastes. I would love to get my hands on ketamine, though. That and DMT are the only two drugs that I would like to try but haven't yet... other than that, by now, I've done pretty much every common drug except heroin.

An interesting side effect of the aforementioned acid trip is that I find cigarettes to be disgusting now (I was chain-smoking through most of the trip). I haven't had one since that night, and I tried smoking one today but had to throw it out because it revolted me. Weird.
Haha... a new way to quit smoking.

Recently, I was at a friends house and he had a window that went out onto the roof. I must say that smoking on a roof is awesome. The part we went on wasn't steep, so there wasn't any danger of falling really.

A funny story. One of my friends had a bubbler stashed in the woods behind his house and another friend and myself had to go find it for a smoke sesh one night. Well, we ended up walking almost a mile in the pitch dark just to find it.

Yeah i know, pretty ghetto to stash a piece in the woods. But his parents are really weird.
Also, if you're on SSRI's (read: prozac or other antidepressants) do NOT try DXM. It will f*ck you over.
SSRI's are dangerous to mix with a lot of drugs, actually. If you take any sort of prescription medication you should research the possible side-effects of combinations with any drugs you want to take.

For instance, imagine what it'd be like for the poor mother****er who takes MAOIs for some legit reason and tries a tryptamine....

lol @ the piece in the woods. I keep my glass pipe and bong in my room, and I have a one-hitter that looks like a cigarette that I carry with me for smoking on the go.

I'm easing up on the cannabis this coming month though, I've been smoking daily for the entire summer and most of last year, and I'd like my short-term memory back. Being high has gotten sort of boring and repetitive now, too.
The spice is worth making. The elves are calling.

I've heard of cid being effective against alcoholism, but not cigs, could be beneficial. Ibogaine is supposed to be very effective for that, and any other addiction, period.
I'm easing up on the cannabis this coming month though, I've been smoking daily for the entire summer and most of last year, and I'd like my short-term memory back. Being high has gotten sort of boring and repetitive now, too.

Just lay off it for a few months/even a year and you'll be high as hell when you start again.

At my peak of smoking I could take hits all night and be perfectly fine, if I took a hit now I'd go into ****ing lunar orbit.
Just lay off it for a few months/even a year and you'll be high as hell when you start again.

At my peak of smoking I could take hits all night and be perfectly fine, if I took a hit now I'd go into ****ing lunar orbit.

Thats almost what I do. I lay off for about 6 months, then I go out and buy some good chronic, smoke up myself and a friend and get blazed out of our minds each night for an entire week.

I enjoy getting high, and I would hate to be a stoner. So I get the best of both of those things. I get to get blazed out of my mind and I'm not a stoner. It's a whole lot of fun if you put time in between smoking.
The spice is worth making. The elves are calling.

I've heard of cid being effective against alcoholism, but not cigs, could be beneficial. Ibogaine is supposed to be very effective for that, and any other addiction, period.
I got high and read the entire Erowid ibogaine archive a while ago, certainly an interesting subject. Also, note that I was not addicted to cigarettes, I smoke mostly on weekends and socially.

I'm planning on extracting some DMT when I get a chance; it and ketamine represent the final frontiers of my drug experiences.
Just lay off it for a few months/even a year and you'll be high as hell when you start again.

At my peak of smoking I could take hits all night and be perfectly fine, if I took a hit now I'd go into ****ing lunar orbit.
I'm blessed with permanent low tolerance. I will always be extremely high after one or two bowls of decent weed - over the three years I've been smoking the only thing that's changed is that I've become more used to the feeling of being high and my highs generally don't last as long as they did in the beginning.
That's pretty cool to have a low tolerance all the time. But I would hate being high all of the time, I just can't function socially and if there was something that came up and I really wanted to do it, I wouldn't be able to.

Also, I hate smoking during the day. I love going out and wondering around high at night, everything is extremely awesome.
If you're bored, try a 1st plateau with the caplets instead of syrup. Syrup made me nauseus, as well, but the caplets just had a quick, effortless purge later.

I always get a huge trip if I do gelcaps, and it probably has everything to do with the method of ingestion. Syrup's fine, but I find I have to take breaks between chugs to avoid nausea, which is in itself kind of cool because you notice the gradual chances in your perception.

Gelcaps, however, can be downed under a minute. And when it finally hits you, it hits hard. I've had some of the most bizarre and extreme trips with gelcaps. Kaleidoscopes of images and sensations that are so overwhelming it feels like my head will spin off.

I miss DXM. Haven't done it in quite a while because it was developing into something of a bad habit. Also, I sort of supplanted it with a daily, chronic use of cannabis. I've actually not touched anything recently except the occasional alcoholic beverage. So I'm sure I'm in for a ride next time I do... anything.
I'm stoned right now.

Stay tuned in The Lounge for pictures of Stigmata.
I'm going to be stoned in the extremely near future.
I win. Been stoned for over 4 hours (This is good shit). Finally starting to ware off.
Buuump and you know why. And I have cold pizza ftw.
Sounds to me like I need to have a smoke session with my friend tomorrow after work. Stoned + amazing new home theater system + 32inch LCD TV = win. Throw in some Pink Floyd and you have a damn fine experience waiting to happen.

edit: zomg I think this is my first post in over 2 years... I'm surprised I still have the same post count, etc.
Last night reminded me how much I love speed. Bombed a gram in one, then spent the rest of the night just running all over the place. Although I still haven't slept and I would really like to, as I'm going out again tonight.

That's one of the major problems with amphetamines, they don't let you sleep until it's ready.
Last night reminded me how much I love speed. Bombed a gram in one, then spent the rest of the night just running all over the place. Although I still haven't slept and I would really like to, as I'm going out again tonight.

That's one of the major problems with amphetamines, they don't let you sleep until it's ready.

people like this make me sick,I hope you know meth rewires your brain good job on trying turn your brain in to stew.
Why the **** is it allowed to talk about shit like this on the forum?
smoking weed is one thing but Meth actually KILLS people...**** seriously I'm so disgusted right now.:frown:
That's one of the major problems with amphetamines, they don't let you sleep until it's ready.

Sleep!? There should be no sleep, just a rather jarring stopping a few days later followed by a week of death!

*Puts on white gloves, blows whistle and does silly dance*

Helter Skelta, what is it for, hardcore?!

I had an incredibly intense 3-hit acid trip a few days ago.

I don't feel any particular need to take acid again, I think I got the full experience with that one... the energy passing through me was almost unbearably powerful, I experienced ego death and massive full-vision hallucinations.

I did it with two friends, neither of whom have tripped before.

One of them ran off (we were camping) on his own as he was coming up (he felt like he needed to let off the anxious energy one gets with acid coming on). 25 minutes later we went looking for him and found him several hundred feet away, sitting in an empty campsite, surrounded by spent matches and sobbing uncontrollably as he clutched the empty match box.

Apparently he discovered that running and jumping wasn't enough to let off the energy and emotion he was feeling, so he struck a match and it was cathartic. Then he continued doing it and got sucked into an existential hellhole because his mind began comparing the match to his own life, and he was sobbing because every single match inevitably went out.

The entire day went on with things like this happening to all three of us.

Had to read back bit as I haven't checked this thread in yonks.

Good account - the bit with the matches made me smile :)

You mentioned an almost unbearably powerful energy passing through you and I think I experienced something the same/similar on a few occasions. Similar to a dam holding back the weight of a shit load of water and having to gradually let some out because there's too much - it takes every bit of effort to keep things together because if it breaks you're ****ed.


I remember having a mild acid session with my mate James in his mini. Nothng remarkable happened - lots of giggling and 'woh man' - untill he started puking everywhere. I have no memory as to why, but we had a massive bag full of those pink shrimp sweets and were eating them for the whole session. It came out as a bubbling pink froth and went everywhere. It seemed to last for ages to, just wretching and pink torrents coming out. Freaked me right out.
people like this make me sick,I hope you know meth rewires your brain good job on trying turn your brain in to stew.
Why the **** is it allowed to talk about shit like this on the forum?
smoking weed is one thing but Meth actually KILLS people...**** seriously I'm so disgusted right now.:frown:

Get out of the thread, talk like that is not welcome here.
people like this make me sick,I hope you know meth rewires your brain good job on trying turn your brain in to stew.
Why the **** is it allowed to talk about shit like this on the forum?
smoking weed is one thing but Meth actually KILLS people...**** seriously I'm so disgusted right now.:frown:
Unless you've died from taking meth in the past you are in no place to talk.
people like this make me sick,I hope you know meth rewires your brain good job on trying turn your brain in to stew.
Why the **** is it allowed to talk about shit like this on the forum?
smoking weed is one thing but Meth actually KILLS people...**** seriously I'm so disgusted right now.:frown:

First of all, we are not his parents. He can do whatever the **** he wants to, its his body. Secondly, I found that talking about this stuff makes it much safer if you actually try something. If it wasnt for this forum and erowid, i might not of known what i was doing when i did DXM. You will find the majority of drug related topics are posted by quite intelligent people who know how to handle themselves.
This isn't a debate thread about drugs, it's a thread for people to share their experiences on psychedelics. Please don't bring any anti or pro drug debate into this thread or any drug advice into this thread as it'll undoubtedly turn this into a political discussion.

Lets remember the original purpose of this thread. (I had to edit the quote for grammar/spelling >_>)
omg as of a couple of months ago, psychedelic drugs are the best!

One word: Salvia
people like this make me sick,I hope you know meth rewires your brain good job on trying turn your brain in to stew.
Why the **** is it allowed to talk about shit like this on the forum?
smoking weed is one thing but Meth actually KILLS people...**** seriously I'm so disgusted right now.:frown:
He's talking about speed, which is amphetamine, not methamphetamine, which is what you're referring to and, believe it or not, is a different drug. Furthermore, it's his decision to do it, not yours. We talk about guns here too and those kill people in droves. It's nice that you think he's stupid for doing speed, but keep it to yourself, because that's not what this thread is about. To put a bit of icing on it, you're obviously a bit in the woods to fact anyway, because you're overreacting about the dangerous potential of both speed AND meth.

Can't stand the stuff myself, I don't like not being able to eat or sleep, and I get a sort of negative, nervous vibe from it, particularly on the comedown (which makes it completely unworth it for me). I've only done meth as a part of a shitty E cocktail (about half MDMA and half meth), but as the MDMA wears off far sooner than the meth I can delineate the effects (particularly due to my familiarity with amphetamines from prior experimentation). Not a fan.

You mentioned an almost unbearably powerful energy passing through you and I think I experienced something the same/similar on a few occasions. Similar to a dam holding back the weight of a shit load of water and having to gradually let some out because there's too much - it takes every bit of effort to keep things together because if it breaks you're ****ed.


I remember having a mild acid session with my mate James in his mini. Nothng remarkable happened - lots of giggling and 'woh man' - untill he started puking everywhere. I have no memory as to why, but we had a massive bag full of those pink shrimp sweets and were eating them for the whole session. It came out as a bubbling pink froth and went everywhere. It seemed to last for ages to, just wretching and pink torrents coming out. Freaked me right out.

You pretty much hit the nail on the head with the dam analogy there.
He's talking about speed, which is amphetamine, not methamphetamine, which is what you're referring to and, believe it or not, is a different drug. Furthermore, it's his decision to do it, not yours. We talk about guns here too and those kill people in droves. It's nice that you think he's stupid for doing speed, but keep it to yourself, because that's not what this thread is about. To put a bit of icing on it, you're obviously a bit in the woods to fact anyway, because you're overreacting about the dangerous potential of both speed AND meth.

Can't stand the stuff myself, I don't like not being able to eat or sleep, and I get a sort of negative, nervous vibe from it, particularly on the comedown (which makes it completely unworth it for me). I've only done meth as a part of a shitty E cocktail (about half MDMA and half meth), but as the MDMA wears off far sooner than the meth I can delineate the effects (particularly due to my familiarity with amphetamines from prior experimentation). Not a fan.

You pretty much hit the nail on the head with the dam analogy there.

speed is meth,you wanna know why I know? because my dad has been working in law-enforcement for 20 years,I just asked him on the phone to make sure also.and I do know MDMA wears off in about 30minutes. but Meth isn't just one trip or whatever it rewires your brain there is no such thing as a responsible meth user.
Not only do I have my father as a source a good friend of my uncle started doing Meth when left the marines,he now is schizophrenic and talks to people that aren't there.
And ****ing guns don't kill people until you point and shoot at someone,I haven't seen a single thread that talks about "how I shot someone and how great it was" unlike in this thread were you not only talk about Herb but real dangerous stuff like Meth.



some more
speed is meth,you wanna know why I know? because my dad has been working in law-enforcement for 20 years,I just asked him on the phone to make sure also.and I do know MDMA wears off in about 30minutes. but Meth isn't just one trip or whatever it rewires your brain there is no such thing as a responsible meth user.
Not only do I have my father as a source a good friend of my uncle started doing Meth when left the marines,he now is schizophrenic and talks to people that aren't there.
And ****ing guns don't kill people until you point and shoot at someone,I haven't seen a single thread that talks about "how I shot someone and how great it was" unlike in this thread were you not only talk about Herb but real dangerous stuff like Meth.
Meth is a form of speed but Kester was referring to amphetamines, which is a different chemical than methamphetamine (THAT'S WHY THEY HAVE DIFFERENT NAMES). They have similar but not identical effects and the health issues are not quite the same deal either. Furthermore, occasional non-habitual use of meth or amphetamines will not turn you into an "after" picture like those you posted. I do not dispute the fact that meth is dangerous but frankly you're wrong when you say that it is impossible to use meth responsibly. Furthermore, I know more about this than your dad does, and I can say that with utter confidence. I'd also like to point out that the effects of MDMA last much, much longer than 30 minutes.

Whether Kester decides to take the risk of using potentially harmful drugs is up to him. Like I said, it's entirely within your power to be indignant about it, but this thread is not the place for you to express that and I kindly ask that you stop doing so.
They have rules on this forum that keep you from linking to sites like www.*******.com or,why because it's against the law in the UK and US to pirate stuff even though people are not harmed in no physical way,but discussing drugs that do harm people is A-ok! :thumbs:

\leaves thread
Yes. We do not allow linking to illegal content. Just as we do not exchange or sell drugs illegally over this forum. Piracy itself is discussed freely here - nearly everybody on the forum has torrented something at one point or another. There is a very clear delineation between discussing something illegal (particularly when it causes no harm to anybody but yourself, and even there often only in a negligible amount) and facilitating it.
Aaaaand the ignorant, yet know-it-all, thread fag award goes to?
^atleast ennui discussed it in a civil manner,,****ing child.
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