Psychedelic experiences.

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what brand is the best? What do you use?
I'm fairly certain it was Benadryl, it could have been Robitussin. Actually now that I think abotu it, I think it was Robitussin. Either way it was 15mg caps of just dextromethorphan
If you're going to do DXM, do yourself a favor and either take a picture, scan, or type what it says the active ingredients are, so we can help.

You don't want anything other than Dextromethorphan HBr.
We'd also like to note that we do not condone abusing cough supressants.

Seriously, folks, you can hurt yourselves. Use a little caution.

-Angry Lawyer
I have never even thought about this before seeing as it seems pretty stupid. But I am extremely interested into pushing my mind, as in OOBE's.......and if this stuff can help that, im all for it.....but im not one to just do it, Id want to know what im doing........if i end up getting that stuff, ill post a picture or the ingredients
I take these drugs to experience new things, the way some people might want to jump out of an airplane with nothing but a parachute strapped to them. It should be noted that my friends and I are some of the most responsible drug users I know. It helps to know the facts. Seriously, don't just up and grab a bunch of drugs that you know nothing about just because some of us say we take them. Do some research. I can't stress it enough, erowid erowid erowid
I have never even thought about this before seeing as it seems pretty stupid. But I am extremely interested into pushing my mind, as in OOBE's.......and if this stuff can help that, im all for it.....but im not one to just do it, Id want to know what im doing........if i end up getting that stuff, ill post a picture or the ingredients

Don't even think about doing it unless you read this whole page first:

Erowid DXM Vault

Particularly all this, the POSSIBLE effects list: said:

* mood lift, euphoria
* giggling, laughing
* dissociation of mind from body (positive when sought)
* creative dreamlike experiences
* some users report empathic feelings, forgiveness, warm feelings towards others


* pupil dilation
* visual and aural hallucinations
* decreased sexual functioning (difficulty achieving orgasm)
* confusion, disorientation
* skin sensitivity, alters tactile (touch) and skin sensations
* robotic, zombie-like walking, "robo-walk"
* discoordination, reduced agility


* upset stomach, vomiting
* dizzyness
* body itching
* rash, red blotchy skin
* diarrhea
* fever
* tachycardia (racing, pounding heart)
* some users report feeling disconnected, isolated from others
* some users report hangover/depression on the following 1-2 days.
Oh, that reminds me, my friends and I would eat Gravol this summer, now THAT was interesting. Not a very nice come down, you just want to sleep but can't, but you have the most vivid hallucinations. I was laying in my friends car as we drove, and I asked her to put in this tape, and she did, then I sat up and looked at the dashboard, and she didn't even have a tape deck, it was the weirdest thing. Too much will **** you right up though

Doesn't Gravol help you sleep?

Anyway, i think Psychedelics in general don't affect me much in the visual department. I've done mushrooms 9 times(though, I havn't bothered in well over a year now) and each time i would definately hallucinate, the walls would blend together/everything felt much more natural. But nothing was so convincing that it made me second guess whether i was hallucinating or not.
Except once almost two years ago( shit, has it been that long) I did a huge amount, like 7 grams. I was sitting on a couch at my friends place, his girlfriend was over, she turned to him they started kissing. For a few moments i felt as if I was in another dimension and they were energy based creatures showing some strange form of affection for eachother. Then Bam, everything was back to normal, this odd experience probably lasted 2 seconds tops. I was still like an hour away from peaking( which was really eurphoric but not psychedelic).
For me, part of the mushroom experience is characterized by the utter ridiculousness of the open eyed visuals, combined with the total chaotic confusion and failure to understand what's going on.

Tiled floors writhing and twisting, and they don't stop when I get closer to them, just continue to do so, even over the tops of my feet and shoes.

... that's on about half the 7g dose you described.
Ive had an experience similar to that on less as well, but i realized what i was seeing was pretty fake and would ware off soon.

I guess your mind has to go along with what you are seeing, i would never let myself do that. When i did, I had a horrible trip where i was certain I was going do die. 3-4 hours of torment, my friend called the cops( he was pretty messed but concerned as well).

.........Still no visuals though.
ah, the only time I've had hallucinations where I was unaware they were hallucinations was on ambien (stilnox/zolpidem). I'm afraid to try dramamine because I live with my parents and I don't trust myself on it, and it sounds particularly unenjoyable.
I think that new avatar could be a little more christmassy, don't you?
Whats the best way to use Salvia? I read that most people smoke it although it has a much less affect.
If you want the most bang for your buck, you'll use a water pipe. Joints and regular pipes can work, but you're wasting a lot of salvia that way. You can chew it too, but that has a longer onset time and, frankly, I don't much like the thought of chewing on a ball of plant matter for 20-30 minutes.
so would most headshops carry this stuff or is it mainly sold online?
Psychedelics sucks!!11*My conservative side couldn't resist*
I think that new avatar could be a little more christmassy, don't you?
Yeah, can't quite figure out how to though. It's short-lived anyway, I was just sick of Abu for the time being.
Whats the best way to use Salvia? I read that most people smoke it although it has a much less affect.
Smoking it, preferably if you already know how to smoke (IE lungs have a bit of resilience) and through a water pipe, as Absinthe said.
If you want the most bang for your buck, you'll use a water pipe. Joints and regular pipes can work, but you're wasting a lot of salvia that way. You can chew it too, but that has a longer onset time and, frankly, I don't much like the thought of chewing on a ball of plant matter for 20-30 minutes.
Sublingual ingestion has a longer and less intense duration, and takes a while to come on (like you said, you have to chew/hold in your mouth a packet of leaves for a half hour or so), though I imagine if you chewed on a gram of 20x you wouldn't be dissapointed. Smoking it is certainly the most effective way, like you said.
so would most headshops carry this stuff or is it mainly sold online?
All the headshops around here have it, though one just has leaves, the other has extracts. It's also very easy to get online, and probably cheaper.
Psychedelics sucks!!11*My conservative side couldn't resist*
What a silly statement :p even if it was in jest, psychedelics are both varied and valuable.
When I push on my eyelids when my eyes are closed, I can see cool shapes and patterns. It doesn't get much more psychadelic than that.
try watching A Scanner Darkly. It'll make you feel like you've been tripping out
ya, thats kind of what i figured......but this site is really good.....i might get some 5X and see what happens
LOL, you live in mexico, walk down the street.

Bah! Mexico.

He'd end up with bud looking like this.

OK, I plan to drop mushrooms some time either after this years wrestling season and summertime (or during summer break).

Now, I've read up on all the precautions that dropping psilocybes entails (taking a week off school/work to clear your mind, avoiding upsetting and generally discomforting situations prior to dropping, dropping in an environment and with peoples familiar and comforting to you, packing emotional and mental baggage, etc...). My only worry is that, I have some anxiety issues (Derealization) that are unaffected by marijuana (or rather, the symptoms SOMETIMES show up, but rather than getting panicky while I'm in the derealized state, I can just chill and end up feeling like part of something bigger. Basically, my ego is destroyed and I feel one with everybody), but I am worried that they could lead to a bad shroom trip..

Now, I'm a lightweight (4-5 shots of 80 proof anything does me just fine for a walking night, 3 hits from a pipe and i'm set...), and my plan (once this whole situation comes together) is to drop maybe 1-2 grams with a friend at my house, and seeing how the trip/buzz goes, before moving on to actually trying to break on through.

Want to get you guys' oppinions on this before I start planning anything out... What do you guys think? Avoid tripping altogether? Anything I should watch for?
Bah! Mexico.

He'd end up with bud looking like this.

OK, I plan to drop mushrooms some time either after this years wrestling season and summertime (or during summer break).

Now, I've read up on all the precautions that dropping psilocybes entails (taking a week off school/work to clear your mind, avoiding upsetting and generally discomforting situations prior to dropping, dropping in an environment and with peoples familiar and comforting to you, packing emotional and mental baggage, etc...). My only worry is that, I have some anxiety issues (Derealization) that are unaffected by marijuana (or rather, the symptoms SOMETIMES show up, but rather than getting panicky while I'm in the derealized state, I can just chill and end up feeling like part of something bigger. Basically, my ego is destroyed and I feel one with everybody), but I am worried that they could lead to a bad shroom trip..

Now, I'm a lightweight (4-5 shots of 80 proof anything does me just fine for a walking night, 3 hits from a pipe and i'm set...), and my plan (once this whole situation comes together) is to drop maybe 1-2 grams with a friend at my house, and seeing how the trip/buzz goes, before moving on to actually trying to break on through.

Want to get you guys' oppinions on this before I start planning anything out... What do you guys think? Avoid tripping altogether? Anything I should watch for?
2 grams should be fine, 1 will seriously do next to nothing, just be in a place where you're comfortable and with people you know and you should be okay. I have a hard time being around people who aren't on them whenever I take them.
I found that a lot of the myths surrounding mushrooms got to me and I over-prepared. They're really not a big deal as long as you are in a comfortable place until you know you can handle yourself well. I now like to walk down the street at night when I'm on the, veeerrrrry slowly, the lights are BEAUTIFUL. Oh and seriously, get comfortable, turn on itunes visualization, listen to the Microphones, and sit back and relax. It's insanely euphoric and will bring you a huge amount of inner-peace. Haha. It's seriously amazing
Oh! Another thing I've found happens to me when I eat mushrooms is that yawning just feels AMAZING. And I sometimes get urges to cry, but in a happy way, and it feels like it would just feel so good. I haven't yet though, heh. Oh and that other time I already explained I took them, my body turned invisible, but like so my arms could go through myself, and when I felt around my mouth with my tongue, I could feel every single nook and cranny, it was cool
seems like a pretty big risk....what if I got something with acetaminophen in it.....i die?

How can you be sure you get the right stuff.....and what is the safest brand of gelcaps?
Just don't do it then if you can't figure out how to read the ingredients list it's probably not worth the risk
Bah! Mexico.

He'd end up with bud looking like this.
You have no room to talk cause you're in Hawaii.

OG Kush great from mexico. But that's a little too much for most weed smokers. If you don't know what it is avoid it unless you're looking for it (in which case it's spectacular)
Once when I was smoking with my friend, we decided to do it on the porch at nighttime (you can't see anything in our neighborhood). I remember reading somewhere (someone can correct me if I'm wrong) that if you smoke in the same spot over and over, you get an immunity in that one spot, because your body is used to the drug that comes in when you're at that location. Well, my body knew that I was on the porch, a spot that was drug-free. I smoked what I usually would do, and 10 minutes later, my head was spinning so fast I couldn't stand up.

I kept telling him that I can't see and I can't function right now, and he just laughed and said get up. Eventually, I had to either find a spot to sit, or pass out and fall to the floor. I got to a chair and put my head on the table, and just sat there with my head spinning like those carnival rides where you stick to the wall as the floor drops (centrifugal force [SP])

Eventually I snapped out of it, wobbled to the kitchen, and took care of the munchies problem that I was faced with.

Another fun time I had, while it wasn't really a trip, was during a game of GTA. We like to stunt-drive with some cheats on (perfect handling and nitrous mostly) and just drive around doing crazy shit. Now, even if we were sober, this still would've been awesome. Add in some pot, and you have 10-15 minutes of breathless laughing. He was driving, and out of nowhere, swerves the long way around a car, then hops in front of it, and does the same for 3 cars, all within about 1 second..

Sort of like that, and there's only enough room to do so on 2 side wheels. Needless to say, it was the funniest damn thing I've seen.
I've been meaning to try shrooms for a while, but a friend told me they give you an upset stomach/stomach pains for the first 15 minutes or so. Can anyone confirm this?
Junkies, I'll be laughing at your shriveled winkies in a couple years
I've been meaning to try shrooms for a while, but a friend told me they give you an upset stomach/stomach pains for the first 15 minutes or so. Can anyone confirm this?
No, a lot of people HATE the taste so it makes them feel sick, personally, I really enjoy them. If you do a TON of mushrooms over time your stomach bleeds, but you have to do a hell of a lot for anything serious to happen. But I've never heard of stomach pains in the initial 15 minutes. My friend and I actually have a bit of a ritual, we eat them, sit around for 15 minutes, then throw on NOFX's The Decline, which is an 18 minute song, then as the ending comes up we begin to feel the first effects of the mushrooms and it just feels great
At first i thought you were talking about weed, I was like "woo you're hardcore!"

I would recommend 4 grams sinkoman, 2 is for pussys.
Haha, 4 on your first time will get you nice and ****ed. I did like 7 my first time and was running around like a wild man, but it was at my mom's house in the country with just a few friends so it was great. I'd stick to 2-2.5 at first if you're uncertain how you'll handle yourself. Seriously though, as long as you're in a comfortable place, you'll love it. Mushrooms are definitely my favourite drug, I just wish they weren't quite so expensive
I did four my first time and i was able to keep it together.
Well it depends on the quality of them too, which I hate. I've been ****ed over a few time by shitty mushrooms that do nothing more than make colours more vibrant
Bah! Mexico.

He'd end up with bud looking like this.

OK, I plan to drop mushrooms some time either after this years wrestling season and summertime (or during summer break).

Now, I've read up on all the precautions that dropping psilocybes entails (taking a week off school/work to clear your mind, avoiding upsetting and generally discomforting situations prior to dropping, dropping in an environment and with peoples familiar and comforting to you, packing emotional and mental baggage, etc...). My only worry is that, I have some anxiety issues (Derealization) that are unaffected by marijuana (or rather, the symptoms SOMETIMES show up, but rather than getting panicky while I'm in the derealized state, I can just chill and end up feeling like part of something bigger. Basically, my ego is destroyed and I feel one with everybody), but I am worried that they could lead to a bad shroom trip..

Now, I'm a lightweight (4-5 shots of 80 proof anything does me just fine for a walking night, 3 hits from a pipe and i'm set...), and my plan (once this whole situation comes together) is to drop maybe 1-2 grams with a friend at my house, and seeing how the trip/buzz goes, before moving on to actually trying to break on through.

Want to get you guys' oppinions on this before I start planning anything out... What do you guys think? Avoid tripping altogether? Anything I should watch for?
I really can't stress enough how careful you have to be with mushrooms. Start at 2 grams, and in future dosings, remember that every grow's potency is vastly different and you don't know what yours is until you've tried it.
What about glass pipes?
They are not as horrible as metal.
Metal + fire = oxidation + lungs = death
Pretty sure that oxidation occurs at higher temperatures than a butane lighter can provide.
2 grams should be fine, 1 will seriously do next to nothing, just be in a place where you're comfortable and with people you know and you should be okay. I have a hard time being around people who aren't on them whenever I take them.
I found that a lot of the myths surrounding mushrooms got to me and I over-prepared. They're really not a big deal as long as you are in a comfortable place until you know you can handle yourself well. I now like to walk down the street at night when I'm on the, veeerrrrry slowly, the lights are BEAUTIFUL. Oh and seriously, get comfortable, turn on itunes visualization, listen to the Microphones, and sit back and relax. It's insanely euphoric and will bring you a huge amount of inner-peace. Haha. It's seriously amazing
Oh! Another thing I've found happens to me when I eat mushrooms is that yawning just feels AMAZING. And I sometimes get urges to cry, but in a happy way, and it feels like it would just feel so good. I haven't yet though, heh. Oh and that other time I already explained I took them, my body turned invisible, but like so my arms could go through myself, and when I felt around my mouth with my tongue, I could feel every single nook and cranny, it was cool
The thing is, trying to control the trip can cause it to go awry... it's a fragile process, for me anyway.

I've been meaning to try shrooms for a while, but a friend told me they give you an upset stomach/stomach pains for the first 15 minutes or so. Can anyone confirm this?
Yes, some people get bad nausea, some get none at all. Some of it's from the mushrooms' taste and some is from how it feels in your stomach. I've had friends that puked after taking them (causing them to freak out, which was not cool), or, like me, never really gotten nauseated. By the time I feel a bit of nausea, I'm already tripping and can't tell if it's real or not, and I've never vomited. Just don't eat before you have the mushrooms.
At first i thought you were talking about weed, I was like "woo you're hardcore!"

I would recommend 4 grams sinkoman, 2 is for pussys.
I think that's a terrible idea. He's had a few panic attacks on weed that he found overwhelming... 4g is not manageable for most people's first times.
I did four my first time and i was able to keep it together.
So did I, but it was a ****ing battle.
Haha, 4 on your first time will get you nice and ****ed. I did like 7 my first time and was running around like a wild man, but it was at my mom's house in the country with just a few friends so it was great. I'd stick to 2-2.5 at first if you're uncertain how you'll handle yourself. Seriously though, as long as you're in a comfortable place, you'll love it. Mushrooms are definitely my favourite drug, I just wish they weren't quite so expensive
I definitely agree; 2.5g max first time.
Well it depends on the quality of them too, which I hate. I've been ****ed over a few time by shitty mushrooms that do nothing more than make colours more vibrant
Me too, I hate that. I've had mushrooms where I ate 1g for fun and got more of a trip than 3.5gs of another kind.
I didn't realise sinkoman's had panic attacks from weed, yea go with 2.5 grams.

**** it, i vowed never to do shrooms again like 19 months ago, but that was then and this thread is bring back some wonderful old memories. I think its time to reshroom my shrooming...hahaha im amazing.

I guess my tolerence is at zero again?
No, a lot of people HATE the taste so it makes them feel sick, personally, I really enjoy them. If you do a TON of mushrooms over time your stomach bleeds, but you have to do a hell of a lot for anything serious to happen. But I've never heard of stomach pains in the initial 15 minutes. My friend and I actually have a bit of a ritual, we eat them, sit around for 15 minutes, then throw on NOFX's The Decline, which is an 18 minute song, then as the ending comes up we begin to feel the first effects of the mushrooms and it just feels great

Bonus point for having a good taste in music.

I really hate the taste of the damn things. Yuk. We made some tea and mixed them in once, and that kinda helped.
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