Question about the advisors

Items don't actively try and escape. People and robots do. Try holding two tennis balls. Then, try holding two people who are trying to get away from you. Unless you're awesomely strong and skilled like me, it is very hard.
In my opion, the first Advisor (rebel one) tounge-thing was just so you Knewwhat was going to happen to Eli.

But, technically, you're not supposed to know who's going to die.
Although, it was getting painfully obvious when you got to White Forest.

Hell, I didn't even expect the advisors to crash the party... I mean, how the hell did they get through the defenses?
Were the rebels too busy celebrating to notice the advisors flying through the forest?
Well, between the bloody nose the rebels got in the Silo 2 invasion and the Strider attack, the Advisors also probably incapacitated and ate the brains of all the rebels they went through.

Man, they're turning into zombies... braaaaiiinnnssss~~~~~
Struggling against what? You're pre-supposing there's something you can fight off, the thing that's 'scary' about stuff like tk powers is that there isn't anything you can fight.
If you hold onto someone they can twist and push and pull, with a mental attack there is nothing to pull or push...
Struggling against what? You're pre-supposing there's something you can fight off, the thing that's 'scary' about stuff like tk powers is that there isn't anything you can fight.
If you hold onto someone they can twist and push and pull, with a mental attack there is nothing to pull or push...

Well you were pinned to the floor/wall, couldn't you push off that if you wanted? Or were you totally incapacitated? Either way, there had to be a reason they allowed Eli to just get up when he was right there, maybe they didn't see him as a threat, or like others have said, just couldn't hold them all? Maybe Different Advisors have different power levels and capabilities. It's not very realistic to think they all are the same.
I think Eli was left purely for staging, it looks good to have him struggling to his last since despite what Freeman may have done it's Eli that's the resistance leader. We should see him showing what he's made of and nowhere else in the storyline have we had that opportunity. If he'd got snatched straight away he'd just be a weak old man that got jacked, instead he's a couragous leader of men that tried valiently to defend his daughter against the might of an alien menace.
I personaly thought that leaving him alone was a weak point in the narrative, but I can see why it made good sense visualy, just as crushing the oil drum made sense. If I wanted to assume a reason I'd be happy with saying that he was not a threat and maybe even the lead Advisor did the classic "leave him, he's mine" bit.
Also, if crushing Alyx and Gordon against a wall placed the slug's at a tactical disadvantage, do you think they are stupid enough to do that rather than just suspend them in the air of have the second grab Eli more quickly?
Hell, I didn't even expect the advisors to crash the party... I mean, how the hell did they get through the defenses?

Defences were already down - didn't you notice the Advisor when the Combine were assaulting the Silo? They were already in.
The Combine already know that Something is happening at the Borealis, we saw them following Judith on her film. They may not know whats there, but they know its something they should get rather than the rebels. So the Advisors getting info is not needed for the Combine to fight you in EP3. I think the Advisors have wanted to kill Eli for a long time and that was their only task, they wasnt there to get info. They had a chance to kill Eli and seiced it. They probably sees the brain as a humans weakest spot and uses this weakness all the time. Probably to be sure the human is totally dead. I still dont belive that the Combine are experts in human biology and can take info from a crushed brain.
But, technically, you're not supposed to know who's going to die.
Although, it was getting painfully obvious when you got to White Forest.

Hell, I didn't even expect the advisors to crash the party... I mean, how the hell did they get through the defenses?
Were the rebels too busy celebrating to notice the advisors flying through the forest?

I meant when the Advisor grabed him, you just knew what was going to happen.
Well, I got an official response from Marc Laidlaw:

My original email

From: Sedako
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: Question about the advisors

Hey there Gabe. I couldn't locate Marc Laidlaw's email, so I decided to pose this question to you. I feel it is strikingly obvious that the advisors have the ability to gain knowledge from their victims through their tongue-like appendage. This is even supported by the Prima guide. Is this really the case, or is there another function for said appendage?

By the way, orange box was incredible. Thanks for all the years of entertainment you and VALVe have provided your fans.

Marc's response

Marc Laidlaw <[email protected]>

Dear Shane,
I'm afraid the Advisors have never been properly autopsied, and do not do well in captivity, so some of their properties are still quite mysterious.

Marc Laidlaw

Looks like we're still in the dark!
Hah! Nice one Marc. If it was as obvious as some people feel, I'm sure he'd just shrug and say 'well it's in the guide...!'
Defences were already down - didn't you notice the Advisor when the Combine were assaulting the Silo? They were already in.

I guess I was too caught up in the action to notice that. :p
Laivasse said:
Hah! Nice one Marc. If it was as obvious as some people feel, I'm sure he'd just shrug and say 'well it's in the guide...!'

I dunno ... sounds more to me like he's just saying he doesn't particularly care about or know the answer either. Which is completely understandable.
Not if it can't be proven! I'd say more evidence is needed.

Its every thing but proven, there is way more support for my argument than your's.

Well, I got an official response from Marc Laidlaw:

My original email

From: Shane McCarty [[email protected]]
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: Question about the advisors

Hey there Gabe. I couldn't locate Marc Laidlaw's email, so I decided to pose this question to you. I feel it is strikingly obvious that the advisors have the ability to gain knowledge from their victims through their tongue-like appendage. This is even supported by the Prima guide. Is this really the case, or is there another function for said appendage?

By the way, orange box was incredible. Thanks for all the years of entertainment you and VALVe have provided your fans.

Marc's response

Marc Laidlaw <[email protected]>

Dear Shane,
I'm afraid the Advisors have never been properly autopsied, and do not do well in captivity, so some of their properties are still quite mysterious.

Marc Laidlaw

Looks like we're still in the dark!

Hahahahah, thats so cool he replied.
Its every thing but proven, there is way more support for my argument than your's.

Why do you say that? I haven't seen well thought out list of supporting facts for both sides, so you can't really make that claim yet.
I'm afraid the Advisors have never been properly autopsied, and do not do well in captivity, so some of their properties are still quite mysterious.

You go feed it.
Why do you say that? I haven't seen well thought out list of supporting facts for both sides, so you can't really make that claim yet.

What are you talking about? I made a lot of good facts for my side. Why the heck would I make thought out facts for you're side?
Never mind, I'm just not going to bother at the moment. There just isn't enough evidence yet to proove one side over the other. Many of the ideas are assumptions anyways.
Well duh, everytime we talk about the lore its always assumption till proven.

Well, I also have a shit load of exams this week and not much time to go in-depth. Maybe by the time that's over we can resume our speculations. Possibly with some new info to add.
I dunno ... sounds more to me like he's just saying he doesn't particularly care about or know the answer either. Which is completely understandable.
If the answer was 'They are reading his mind and that's what you are meant to assume' - as some people have tried to say - then I am sure Laidlaw would have had no problem guiding us in what we are meant to assume, and confirming it. He has done so in the past. As it is, it sounds like he's keeping his options open.
Holy shit you guys are reading way too far into this! LOL. I thought I was reading a physics thesis back there on page 2.

Anyway, I'm assuming that Advisors either:
a.) feed on vital organs, i.e., the brain, for sustenance
b.) viva la Star Troopers

I don't like the idea of gaining knowledge via sucking out a person's grey matter, but the concept has been used not only in Star Troopers, but even the sci-fi show Heroes (Sylar and him gaining powers through what appears to be consumption of brain tissue).

Besides, it looked like the Advisor had his tentacle in Eli too long for it to just be killing him. I'd imagine that if this were the case, at the start of Episode 3 all of the characters will be concerned with securing the Borealis. Chances are that the Combine, while aware of Mossman and the rebels' presence in the Arctic, are now fully aware of their intentions there, i.e., obtaining the Borealis. Assuming this to be correct, I'd imagine as soon as you arrive at the new location, not only are Combine racing there from your own area (around White Forest), but the Combine already present there will be on full alert for Alyx and yourself.

Whatever the case, I'm really looking forward to the developing story, and I cannot wait to see a snowy environment.
Wait, other than the guide, what makes us think that they gain info by brain sucking? Or even gain info at all, really?
Wait, other than the guide, what makes us think that they gain info by brain sucking? Or even gain info at all, really?
Seconded. Or rather, since I've asked that question quite a lot already, eighthed.
Yeah, I don't mind people making the assumption. That's entirely up to them, but taking a stance that duh of course that's what happened... well I'll dispute that, there's still room for manuever there.
The combine were already hot on Mossmans heels without any brain pate in the mix.
Maybe the appendage serves the dual purpose of linking to the brain as well as extracting vital fluids.

Notice that when the advisor is sucking out of Eli, there is a visible lump in the appendage as if something physical is going through it. I highly doubt that mushed up brain will transfer knowledge easier...but that is just me.

With the dead guy in the house, I think a lot of his blood and vital fluids were not in the body anymore, or were oxygen deprived so the advisor had no need of it as it sensed other "healthier" fluids around it.

I also wouldn't think that a being that uses tk the way they do would have a problem reading minds.

I think I also remember one of the demos talking about the advisor we first meet and the fact that it is damaged and trying to heal, but before it can finish with Gordon it gets hurt worse and decides to high tail it.
Maybe the appendage serves the dual purpose of linking to the brain as well as extracting vital fluids.

Notice that when the advisor is sucking out of Eli, there is a visible lump in the appendage as if something physical is going through it. I highly doubt that mushed up brain will transfer knowledge easier...but that is just me.

With the dead guy in the house, I think a lot of his blood and vital fluids were not in the body anymore, or were oxygen deprived so the advisor had no need of it as it sensed other "healthier" fluids around it.

I also wouldn't think that a being that uses tk the way they do would have a problem reading minds.

I think I also remember one of the demos talking about the advisor we first meet and the fact that it is damaged and trying to heal, but before it can finish with Gordon it gets hurt worse and decides to high tail it.

For all we know he tasted bad (the dead guy). Nice touch though, when he sort of examined it.
Holy shit you guys are reading way too far into this! LOL. I thought I was reading a physics thesis back there on page 2.

Anyway, I'm assuming that Advisors either:
a.) feed on vital organs, i.e., the brain, for sustenance
b.) viva la Star Troopers

I don't like the idea of gaining knowledge via sucking out a person's grey matter, but the concept has been used not only in Star Troopers, but even the sci-fi show Heroes (Sylar and him gaining powers through what appears to be consumption of brain tissue).

Besides, it looked like the Advisor had his tentacle in Eli too long for it to just be killing him. I'd imagine that if this were the case, at the start of Episode 3 all of the characters will be concerned with securing the Borealis. Chances are that the Combine, while aware of Mossman and the rebels' presence in the Arctic, are now fully aware of their intentions there, i.e., obtaining the Borealis. Assuming this to be correct, I'd imagine as soon as you arrive at the new location, not only are Combine racing there from your own area (around White Forest), but the Combine already present there will be on full alert for Alyx and yourself.

Whatever the case, I'm really looking forward to the developing story, and I cannot wait to see a snowy environment.

Oh **** me, I just started watching the show finally.
I've only heard him mentioned and seen his crime scenes.

Gah, no place is safe from spoilers. D:
Knowledge and memories are in the extremely complicated way the brain nerves connect to each other, at least this is what we think today, we really dont know much about how knowledge and memories get stored in the brain. If the theory I first mentioned is right then destroying the brain would not let you get any info. So if the Advisors get memories and knowledge, they get it before they crush/suck the brain.
Is it confirmed that the adviser actually eats/sucks the brain? We see the tentacle go in but we don't know if the brain actually comes out.

The adviser could be connecting with the nervous system in the same way a headcrab does, only being more sophisticated it can extract memories as well, and it doesn't actually eat anything at all.

That said, I hope it can't extract memories. It would contradict a lot of things, like the torture chambers you see around (I know someone says the advisers wouldn't bother with small-time captives, but they also had Eli and Alyx for a long time, surely they were valuable enough to wake one up).

Not only that, the former Black Mesa scientists have more advanced portal tech than the Combine, you'd think the Combine would be caught up by now if they could take their knowledge (unless they can only take a crude form of knowledge, like flashes of memory, general things).

I think it would just generally be something of a lore-breaking ability for the Combine to have.

They don't need to have the ability to set up the expected Episode 3 plot either. We saw an adviser on the screen after Mossman's trasmission, meaning they could have intercepted it and know about the Borealis already.
Regardless, we got the file off the Combine, the resistance never recieved the transmision.
dont ask wat the advisors will suk out of ppls heads ask if they could be beaten THEY seem unbeatable, the jus toss u around like handball and suk ur brain, and ddnt one of them talk wit breen when u appear in his office? Are they the leaders of the combine, a new race that wants to conquer earth? if i was going to ask more id go on and on
dont ask wat the advisors will suk out of ppls heads ask if they could be beaten THEY seem unbeatable, the jus toss u around like handball and suk ur brain, and ddnt one of them talk wit breen when u appear in his office? Are they the leaders of the combine, a new race that wants to conquer earth? if i was going to ask more id go on and on

The Combine Advisors are the leaders of the Combine as far as we know, but some people think there is a higher life-form out there. Their 'King' if you will. But as far as I know, we have no evidence towards that, its just an assumption. And yes, the Combine are a race of aliens bent on the destruction of everyone on Earth, but Breen intervened and saved us from total annihilation... immediate annihilation anyhow.

They are not unbeatable. We have witnessed them being injured a couple times.

Yes, Breen and a Combine Advisor were seen "talking" a couple times. Once when you were teleported into his office and a second time at the end of HL2. Breen was the only one we could hear speaking. It sounded like he was talking to himself so we figure the Combine Advisors communicate telepathically.
And we know they can be beaten Phenom as we've seen one injured on two occasions now. As a great man once said, "if it bleeds, it dies". Or some rubbish like that.
I think I also remember one of the demos talking about the advisor we first meet and the fact that it is damaged and trying to heal, but before it can finish with Gordon it gets hurt worse and decides to high tail it.

Yes, I remember that. I think it said it was injured, so it was trying to get a meal from whatever it could find. Something like that. I'll post it up if I find it.
I find the whole concept of knowledge-sucking completely retarded and lame, TBH. Psychic thought-reading possibly, seeing as they can speak into Breen's head like that. But hopefully neither.
Anyway, I always thought the proboscis went into the neck, not the brain. My guess is that that was the way they evolved to feed: pin your prey down with mind powers then go for the spinal cord, so you kill them quickly. I thought that was why they killed Eli like that: the attack was born out of fury, they saw their chance, and instead of calling in the armed forces, who were already in disarray, they killed him while they could.
I might have sided with the knowledge-sucking theory if wasn't just so stupid and uncharacteristic of Valve, because the advisors did seem rather purposefull and it would be a usefull plot device, to some extent.

EDIT: Here... 3:34 h
Brain sucking

I'm not so sure the Advisors actually KNOW what they are sucking on, if you note in the fist sequence in the barn the Advisor picked up a barrel first and looked like he was going to have at it, then discovered it wasn't so tasty and threw it down. I think they will be killable in EP3, but so far Gordon hasn't been released to do so. As I mentioned in the post "Last Battle" you can "no-clip" to Advisors and take them out.