Question for Europeans

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Jan 21, 2004
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I just read something and wanted to find out if it was true. It seems kind of impossible, but here goes.

Is it true that an average European gets 6 weeks of paid time off a year?
Is it true that an average European works for around 35 hours a week?

I'm not trying to stereotype anyone from any country. I know people from all over the world work all sorts of different hours. I was just wondering if those were even remotely credible statements? I don't believe the source and personally I'd imagine Europeans work about the same amount as anyone else anywhere in the world.

A curious Yank
there are countries where that is true, yes.

Not in Portugal.

You're a Yankee ?

Believe it or not, there are even countries were medical treatment is bascially for free, as you get your money back.
I can tell you that in France it's 35H exactly, you can work more if you want though. But all that's going to change with Sarkozy. But you have to remember that working more does not always equal better productivity, there are thousands of arguments that come into account which you can research yourself on google ;)
Sprafa said:
there are countries where that is true, yes.

Not in Portugal.

You're a Yankee ?

Believe it or not, there are even countries were medical treatment is bascially for free, as you get your money back.

Yeah healthcare is free in canada as well. IIRC, TONS of stuff of common gods are free or reimbursed by the government. But the cost comes from EXTREMELY high tax rates. Isn't Sweden up in the 60s(%)? I know there are a handful of Swedes here!
Here is what we have in Swedland:

5 weeks paid time off and about 40 hours/week.

Dont know if its good or bad though... since i dont work yet :)
Yeah, medical treatment is free here, as it's supposed to be :)

And both of the things in your post seem to apply to sweden =)
my god five weeks paid vacation? I can't even get a damn week this year :(
free medical? I have to work a year and 90 days before i can eve get insurance (which i have to pay like 10$ a check) :(
Add on top of all that rediculous taxes, federal, state, city, occupation blah blah blah blah etc. etc. I get to keep or take home about 1/3 to 2/3 somewhere in there... :( Also getting raped for social security which i won't even have when i'm old :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:
What's the tax? Is it broken down into different categories? And could you list a few items that are supplied or discounted by the government? I've always been curious about Sweden's economic/government system.
USA's medicare and social security systems were ass****ed by Mr. Bush. Never were too good anyway tho.
Thanks for the info. I agree that more hours worked doesn't always equal more productivity, but at the same time fewer hours doesn't mean more productivity either. It's all about the worker's attitude.

I was more or less curious about the vacation time. Being from the states I get 5, count them five days off for the entire year. That includes sick days. I took my five days to drive across the US. Got sick after I got home and got docked pay for missing work. Talk about ridiculous.

I think with more paid time off, workers here would have higher morale and in turn become more efficient. I don't look at the European system as lazy, rather superior. Still though I don't think it's fair to be called a lazy American.
Actually Europeans tend to work less less than Americans, but...Generally they are more prodcutive :eek:

I noticed in the US, the work ethic is very different. Its kind of like, the last one out the office gets the promotion so everyone puts in hours and hours of overtime.

Edit: I'm talking about office type jobs more than anything else though.
Varg|Hund said:
Yeah, medical treatment is free here, as it's supposed to be :)

And both of the things in your post seem to apply to sweden =)

Dont forget that dental care is free till you are 19 too :D
Portugal has none of this though. And we have...hmm.. 200 billion dollars of external debt.

on a happier note, I just found something interesting,

CIA factbook - Sweden said:
Telephone system:

general assessment: excellent domestic and international facilities; automatic system

domestic: coaxial and multiconductor cables carry most of the voice traffic; parallel microwave radio relay systems carry some additional telephone channels

CIA factbook - Portugal said:
Telephone system:

general assessment: Portugal's telephone system has achieved a state-of-the-art network with broadband, high-speed capabilities and a main line telephone density of 53%
domestic: integrated network of coaxial cables, open-wire, microwave radio relay, and domestic satellite earth stations

Does that means we're better then Sweden on IT? I thought they were better :D
h00dlum said:
Dont forget that dental care is free till you are 19 too :D

Thank god for that. I lost one of my front teeth 9 or 10 times, and had to rebuild it everytime... I dont even want to think about what that would cost me if it wasnt for free (and dont ask me how the hell i can lose one tooth 10 times :D)
Majestic XII said:
Thank god for that. I lost one of my front teeth 9 or 10 times, and had to rebuild it everytime... I dont even want to think about what that would cost me if it wasnt for free (and dont ask me how the hell i can lose one tooth 10 times :D)

Answer my question!!!
Sprafa said:
Answer my question!!!

You posted your question when i was writing mine so i couldnt see yours... but to answer you question...How the hell should i know? :D

Maybe its outdated or maybe you got better telephone lines?

I'm pretty sure they have good telephone centrals around the country since they offer 8Mbit ADSL to everyone now.... so when they upgraded for that, i guess they upgraded everything else with it.
Majestic XII said:
You posted your question when i was writing mine so i couldnt see yours... but to answer you question...How the hell should i know? :D

beeing the l33t I know you are, I expected you to know shiznit like this. :burp:
Sprafa said:
beeing the l33t I know you are, I expected you to know shiznit like this. :burp:

Aha, I did the same thing you did to me just now! Read my post again :)

Another interesting note... dont know if its still like this but i know it was like this not long ago. We die more than we give birth to... aka... we will all die out soon! :(
Farrowlesparrow said:
Actually Europeans tend to work less less than Americans, but...Generally they are more prodcutive :eek:

I noticed in the US, the work ethic is very different. Its kind of like, the last one out the office gets the promotion so everyone puts in hours and hours of overtime.

Edit: I'm talking about office type jobs more than anything else though.

Maybe Europeans are more productive and maybe not. Until I see some facts to back up this naive sterotype I'll say he who works more, gets more done. It's easy to say someone on the other side of the pond is less productive or has a worse work ethic. In actuality you have no idea. This isn't something you can stereotype a whole country over.

In my ten year professional career I've never seen what you mentioned above. I've always been evaluated based solely on the amount of work I get done. That's the way it is for me now and that's the way it's always been.
Its fairly well known that you Americans work extremely hard in your jobs. But in return I do think you get a fair ammount out of it.

Us Brits are sterotyped to being in between USA and Europe in terms of work done... Well at least I think they are....

Btw, in Britain healthcare is free. But our taxes could be larger than others...

Allthough our taxes are nothing compared to some European countries...

(Btw I think people complain about our taxes too much.... )
"Allthough our taxes are nothing compared to some European countries..."

Thats only because most of our tax is on things you don't generally think about. Lik cigarettes.

Oh and I wasn't being nieve, its just the way things are. Im sure americans work hard but you have a different motivation over there. That is all.
Yeah, the NHS does the same kinda job over here.
Only its been having problems because the government is playing with things they shouldn't..They keep trying to cut taxes and still make things look dandy. I'm fine with taxes, so long as they don't go to stupid schemes to make the government look good :|

We don't have to pay for dental treatment until 19 either :D
So long as the conservatives dont get in..... or UKIP and definatly not the BNP....... :devil:
Or any of them for that matter :x

It would be nice if instead of messsing about and having "Their Vision" for where they wanted to take the country, they instead just worked on the infrastructure. If they really cared, then they wouldn't be bothered about how they looked...They would just do the work that needed to be done. Stupid politics...
Farrowlesparrow said:
Or any of them for that matter :x

It would be nice if instead of messsing about and having "Their Vision" for where they wanted to take the country, they instead just worked on the infrastructure. If they really cared, then they wouldn't be bothered about how they looked...They would just do the work that needed to be done. Stupid politics...

My thoughts exactly...

Self consious Politics has held back this country for a long time now.... its actually depressing... :(
PunisherUSA said:
What's the tax? Is it broken down into different categories? And could you list a few items that are supplied or discounted by the government? I've always been curious about Sweden's economic/government system.

Im not an expert on the politics and taxes of my country, but here are what I know: We have income tax, it varies depending on where you live but I think it averages at 32%.

We have a purchase tax, so when you purchase stuff you have to pay taxes on those as well. That tax is 25%. So if a store wants to get 100 for something, they will have to say it costs 125. Some items has less purchase tax though, sush as books who are only 9%.

Then we have the rich mans tax. When you earn a certain amount of money (lots of money mind you). You will have to pay 50% in tax of everything you earn above that amount.

There is more taxes that I dont remember.

Sweden has had this mindset for quiet some time that a society is better if stuff is paid by those who can afford it (the rich) as well as the general public. So your average worker dosent have to work his ass off just to pay the hospital for fixing him up when got runover by a guy in a BMW.
Average is 40 hrs per week here, if I remember correctly.
HunterSeeker said:
Im not an expert on the politics and taxes of my country, but here are what I know: We have income tax, it varies depending on where you live but I think it averages at 32%.

We have a purchase tax, so when you purchase stuff you have to pay taxes on those as well. That tax is 25%. So if a store wants to get 100 for something, they will have to say it costs 125. Some items has less purchase tax though, sush as books who are only 9%.

Then we have the rich mans tax. When you earn a certain amount of money (lots of money mind you). You will have to pay 50% in tax of everything you earn above that amount.

There is more taxes that I dont remember.

Sweden has had this mindset for quiet some time that a society is better if stuff is paid by those who can afford it (the rich) as well as the general public. So your average worker dosent have to work his ass off just to pay the hospital for fixing him up when got runover by a guy in a BMW.

Dont forget the alcohol tax that is super high..but they will lower it soon cuz of EU..

and if you win something on a lottery or gambling you have to pay 50% of the prize money as tax...thats ridicilous me think!

and we get free food in school here too and all kids get around €95 every month until they are 18.. Well this is what you get with the highest taxes in the world..
I'd rather have no state healthcare with no income tax (a retail sales tax could replace the income tax. It needs to be done) and pay insurance (which would also be even easier to afford without the damn income tax.) I don't like having to pay for other people's healthcare and such ;/.
Holland is about the same as sweden.
I work about 40 hours a week with 26 days a year paid vacation. Semi free medical, if you work you get everything with dental and all for about 30 euro's a month.

So in that respect it pwns, but the bad things are taxes, for example:

  • pack of cigarettes 4,65 euros

  • a liter of euro 95 unleaded fuel 1,30 euro (3.8 liters in a gallon)

  • 20% taxes on all non food stuff articles (yes this includes import stuff on wich taxes were allready paid!)

  • Etc..etc..

And we don't have HDTV :hmph: ,so i guess it's a kindof tradof in some respects.

I wouldn't mind trying america for a year or so though. I'd love to know all the differences.
Yeah it is a tradeoff. Comparing the situation you and I have...

I end up with more cash to spend on whatever I want (e.g. computers and the like), but I'm paying for healthcare, dental care, etc. out of my pocket.

So I guess it's even better in Sweden, Holland and other similar countries if you don't smoke, drink or drive. In that case, the only apparent drawback is taxes.
Yeah...However If you brush your teeth well and never have an accident or get ill then you are basically paying for everyone else. Not that its a bad thing really.
The EU has made it law that people cannot work more that 40 hours a week. Its their human rights.
i'm in the USAF.. i get 30 days paid vacation a year, not including medical leave, emergency leave, etc.... plus all my and my wife's health and dental is free, most of our grocery, rent and utility bills are paid for by tax-free allotments (we get to keep the extra)... college is free for me (tuition, not books... but after getting free tuition, what's a couple hundred dollars for books?), plus the GI bill... i don't remember the specifics, but you pay $1200 to the AF when you start the GI bill ($100/month for a year), and then you get back something like $30k or $40k to use for educational expenses and living expenses assiociated with going to school.... then of course there's that whole job security and regular raises thing... free technical training (i've probably been sent to about $100k worth of cisco and related courses) uhmm.... $250k life insurance for $10/month (no matter how old you are) ... you get to shop at the BX (think super target/super walmart type thing, but tax-free), the commissary (tax-free groceries), tax free anything you buy on base (gas is cheaper too!) ... damnit there's so much stuff I take for granted I can't remember it all...

of course there's that whole getting deployed to the desert thing and being away from my wife for god knows how long... but look at all those benefits. we get taken care of :)
Andy said:
The EU has made it law that people cannot work more that 40 hours a week. Its their human rights.

Note that the UKIP never mention this with their bullsh- I mean, advertising. I wonder why....
we have forced overtime at my job... meaning if they want us to work 10-12 hours a day for 7 days a week we have to, they usually give us at least one day off though, but most of the time its 10 hour shifts 6 days a week... Overtime pay sucks though, the majority of what you make after 40 hours goes straight to taxes.
France is 35 hours, French are really lazy, desapointed, they are even talking about working even less.
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