Questions about Martial Arts.

I disagree lol. Allthought it all depends on what the specific clubs and orgainisations are to be honest.

Allthought I do agree for someone who is completly unfit it should be either tai kwon do or karate. But it depends on the club from there on in my opinion.

Kick boxing is good too. But its a sport not a martial art really. Its a combination of karate and western boxing. Its fairly effective as self defence though. And easy to learn the basics.
BirdMan said:
If you want to do tricks, try going with Capoera or Wushu but don't do Kung Fu only for tricks. Kung Fu is not only a martial art, it's a way of life, and you learn that with the time. It's been 4 years since I started doing Kung-Fu but we don't learn any tricks except for the 1 hand Cartwheel and Front Hand spring. If you want to do some Aerial, Frontflips, Backflips, just get a matress and jump on it. It's the best way to learn because it takes off your fear of wounds. That's my advice. Take what you think is best!

I would recommend not doing any martial arts if all you want to do is tricks, the best thing by far would be to take up gymnastics. I'm serious gymnastics will very quickly give you the strength and agility to do these tricks.

Most people that start on a martial art get frustrated very quickly because they think they'll be jumping around and doing jet li stuff after the first month. It takes years to get the basics down in Kung Fu, it's a life style that requires immense dedication and discipline to develop speed and force (in the kung fu sense of the word, not 'strength')
Incitatus said:
I would recommend not doing any martial arts if all you want to do is tricks, the best thing by far would be to take up gymnastics. I'm serious gymnastics will very quickly give you the strength and agility to do these tricks.

Most people that start on a martial art get frustrated very quickly because they think they'll be jumping around and doing jet li stuff after the first month. It takes years to get the basics down in Kung Fu, it's a life style that requires immense dedication and discipline to develop speed and force (in the kung fu sense of the word, not 'strength')
Very true. I cant even count the number of people who have joined our class then left after the first month. Most of the time it's kids who walk in on the first day wearing a TMNT shirt.