

Oct 7, 2004
Reaction score
Best band on the planet.

Don't deny it.

Listen to OK Computer.
i deny it.

they are good, sure.

ok computer is probably their best album, but i liked amnesiac too.
i think i'm the only one though.
There is no other band that can put music together like Radiohead can.
the only song i've ever like by them was paranoid android, everything else invokes a great feeling of mehness inside me :p

they definently have talent, I just dont like their music :)
I have all their albums except Pablo Honey. They're definitely my favorite band.

Hail To The Theif is especially awesome. It never gets old.
I am a believer! Exceot for Pablo Honey, cause it prevented them from reaching great new heights.

My favorite CD is Kid A.
I love radiohead. a lot. they're awesome and then some. OK Computer is my favorite, but most of their songs rule.
Agreed. Awesome band. I like Kid A and OKC the best though. Never cared too much about The Bends, as most people do,
Dalamari said:

I'm not thinkin' so

Sorry, but Linkin Park cannot even be considered as serious musicians.

And I hate The Darkness.
Radiohead is amazing. OK Computer is their best album, and I also really like The Bends, Kid A, and Hail to the Theif. Every song on OK Computer is amazing. The beginning starts of strong with the catchy riff of Airbag and then transitions nicely into the next song, Paranoid Android, which is an epic song of three parts. And every song that follows I love. What a great CD. I especially like Lucky and The Tourist. And Karma Police. And No Suprises. And Exit Music (For a Film). Hail to the Theif took me a while to get used to, but now I really like some of the songs, although a few of them I still haven't grown accustomed to, yet.
colin4444 said:
Hail to the Theif took me a while to get used to, but now I really like some of the songs, although a few of them I still haven't grown accustomed to, yet.
didn't like it the first time i heard it.. still don't :) but, i have the cd (gift :/), so maybe.. one of these years i'll actually start liking it.

okc is their best obviously (imo). i think amnesiac is stronger over-all than kid a (although the best parts of kid a are better than the best of mnesiac). the bends is pretty good, a big step up from pablo honey..

1. ok computer
2. amnesiac
3-4. tie.. kid a & the bends
5. hail to the theif
6. pablo honey
Why doesnt anyone like Pablo Honey is much, thats probably my favourite album of theirs second to Ok Computer.

Radiohead rock my socks!!
Aye, The Tourist is great. I love Jonny`s songwriting.
They are definately not my cup of tea. Not my cup of coffe or pint of beer either. I'm more of a metal person.
Idioteque is genius. In fact, the whole Kid A album is genius. On a broader note, Radiohead is Genius :p
House said:
There is no other band that can put music together like Radiohead can.

sigur ros

thats just 3 off the top of my head. all 3 of them are much better than radiohead, if not for musical talent alone. radiohead is good, sometimes, but they are vastly overrated.

i would agree that linkin park are lack-luster musicians, but their music is good enough live, or cruising down the road... not a band i would buy a tshirt for (or even a cd), but theyre not horrible.

and yeah... the darkness sucks.
AntiAnto said:
Hey House, what song do you prefer?

Well, I own all of their albums and even the singles, rares, b-sides and remixes. They have so many great songs, but if I had to pick out my favorites they would be:

I might be wrong
Let Down
The National Anthem
Paranoid Android
My iron lung
Dollars and Cents
Packt like Sardines in a Crushed tin box
Talk Show Host
Climbing up the walls
There There
Where I end and you begin

oh god, there are so many more..i've been listening to the Christian Vogel remix of Myxomatosis. I think it's rad but a lot of rh fans don't like it.
imo radioheads peak was bends and OK computer. they had a perfect balance of electronic sounds and rock in ok computer. i didn't like the direction they went in after that.
Radiohead is brilliant.

Many people were turned off by Kid A, but give it a long enough chance, and it sure grows on you. IMO it's their most perfect, cohesive album. It must be listened to from start to finish without skipping anything in order to be fully appreciated. Amnesiac has some brilliant moments, but it's more disjointed than Kid A. When you consider the ideas behind the album though, that's quite deliberate. Hail to the Thief was dissapointment for me, it didn't have half the atmosphere of the previous three albums, or the cohesion of OKC or Kid A.

In order of favorite:

1. Kid A
2. Amnesiac (these first two change from time to time though)
3. Ok Computer

4\5. HTTT \ The Bends (tie)
6. Pablo Honey

Those first three are actually my favorite three albums, period, and I listen to a lot of music. Radiohead have an emotional depth to their music that very few bands have even touched on, and those who have discovered that depth will absolutely tell you that there is no other band as good. Radiohead's music takes time to appreciate, though. When I first heard Kid A, for example, I didn't think much of it. It's now at the top of my list.

I do quite like Sigur Ros, but they are yet to release anything that appeals to me in as many ways, and as consistantly, as my top 3. As for muse... anyone who thinks Muse is comparable to Radiohead is yet to fully discover Radiohead. There are a lot of artists out there making good music, but none have affected me in the same way as, or anywhere near as much as, Radiohead.

Some favorite songs:

Big Ideas (don't get any)
How to Disappear Completely
Pyramid Song
Exit Music (for a film)
Street Spirit

(sorry about the long post, but if there's one thing I'm more enthusiastic about than HL2, it's Radiohead :p )
othello said:
radiohead is good, sometimes, but they are vastly overrated.

It's all a matter of opinion, but it's just plain wrong to say they're "vastly overrated". you don't know how many people not only think radiohead's music is brilliant, but have tons of respect for their genius in songwriting talent.
othello said:
sigur ros

not even in the same league ..just look at all the radiohead wanna-be's like coldplay, they're far more influential than any other band today (or for the last decade)
CptStern said:
not even in the same league ..just look at all the radiohead wanna-be's like coldplay, they're far more influential than any other band today (or for the last decade)

sure they are. lets assume that radiohead has influenced muse, unkle, sigur ros, and now coldplay. imo, all 4 of those bands are much much better.

to me its the same thing with dashboard confessional. sure they have some good songs, but they are 'vastly overrated' as well. yet theres a following of dashboarders who believe they are highly influential and brilliant and all that stuff. same goes for radiohead. i guess you involve yourself into one band soo much, you would believe that that band is the most amazing and influential band of all time or whatnot.
othello said:
sure they are. lets assume that radiohead has influenced muse, unkle, sigur ros, and now coldplay. imo, all 4 of those bands are much much better.

to me its the same thing with dashboard confessional. sure they have some good songs, but they are 'vastly overrated' as well. yet theres a following of dashboarders who believe they are highly influential and brilliant and all that stuff. same goes for radiohead. i guess you involve yourself into one band soo much, you would believe that that band is the most amazing and influential band of all time or whatnot.

that's like saying Abba is better than the beatles because they were influenced by them ..btw I dont believe, I know ...there's a difference :E
CptStern said:
that's like saying Abba is better than the beatles because they were influenced by them ..btw I dont believe, I know ...there's a difference :E

not at all... abba sucks. the beatles rock. in the same regard... radiohead sucks. muse, coldplay, unkle, and sigur ros rock. im not saying that every band is better than the bands they are influenced by, im just citing 4 specific examples in this case. ;)
House said:
Well, I own all of their albums and even the singles, rares, b-sides and remixes. They have so many great songs, but if I had to pick out my favorites they would be:

I might be wrong
Let Down
The National Anthem
Paranoid Android
My iron lung
Dollars and Cents
Packt like Sardines in a Crushed tin box
Talk Show Host
Climbing up the walls
There There
Where I end and you begin

oh god, there are so many more..i've been listening to the Christian Vogel remix of Myxomatosis. I think it's rad but a lot of rh fans don't like it.

Mines would be in order:

Karma Police (the end is incredible)
Let Down
Exit Music (For a film)
Street Spirit
I Might Be Wrong
Everythin in its Right place
... and a lot more

I listen to them each day, at least 3 hours a day. It's amazing how they can put sound together to make music. I want to dance.
othello said:
not at all... abba sucks. the beatles rock. in the same regard... radiohead sucks. muse, coldplay, unkle, and sigur ros rock. im not saying that every band is better than the bands they are influenced by, im just citing 4 specific examples in this case. ;)

That Radiohead sucks is your opinion, and one that many will find extremely objectionable. If you're prepared to speak so negatively of the band's entire body of work, you'd better have listened to the vast majority of their music, which I bet you haven't. If, however, you are familiar with their entire body of work, I'm sure your claim that they "suck" would be more justifiable if you were to list each song (or at the very least each album) and a short review explaining why it "sucks". That would at least show you're not judging them based on a few tracks.

A less pig headed statement, though, would be "Radiohead don't appeal to my personal taste." Similarly, "I don't like Radiohead's music as much as a lot of other people do" is much better than "Radiohead is overrated." See what I'm getting at? :p
Logic said:

That Radiohead sucks is your opinion, and one that many will find extremely objectionable. If you're prepared to speak so negatively of the band's entire body of work, you'd better have listened to the vast majority of their music, which I bet you haven't. If, however, you are familiar with their entire body of work, I'm sure your claim that they "suck" would be more justifiable if you were to list each song (or at the very least each album) and a short review explaining why it "sucks". That would at least show you're not judging them based on a few tracks.

A less pig headed statement, though, would be "Radiohead don't appeal to my personal taste." Similarly, "I don't like Radiohead's music as much as a lot of other people do" is much better than "Radiohead is overrated." See what I'm getting at? :p

First time of my life I will use this word and I think Othello deserves it.... owned
Logic said:

That Radiohead sucks is your opinion, and one that many will find extremely objectionable. If you're prepared to speak so negatively of the band's entire body of work, you'd better have listened to the vast majority of their music, which I bet you haven't. If, however, you are familiar with their entire body of work, I'm sure your claim that they "suck" would be more justifiable if you were to list each song (or at the very least each album) and a short review explaining why it "sucks". That would at least show you're not judging them based on a few tracks.

A less pig headed statement, though, would be "Radiohead don't appeal to my personal taste." Similarly, "I don't like Radiohead's music as much as a lot of other people do" is much better than "Radiohead is overrated." See what I'm getting at? :p

Explained perfectly.
my post was in reference to his analogy... not necessarily a 'pig-headed' statement. as i said, 'in the same regard...'.

anyway, has anyone here checked out The Postal Service? they are incredible and, in my opinion, better than radiohead AND muse. there is also death cab for cutie... they are a little more popular, but, also in my opinion, better than radiohead AND muse as well.
othello said:
anyway, has anyone here checked out The Postal Service? they are incredible and, in my opinion, better than radiohead AND muse. there is also death cab for cutie... they are a little more popular, but, also in my opinion, better than radiohead AND muse as well.
your opinion is horrifically wrong. you need to work on that. :|
i am right now listening to Paranoid Android :)
definitely a good band :thumbs:
othello said:
my post was in reference to his analogy... not necessarily a 'pig-headed' statement. as i said, 'in the same regard...'.

anyway, has anyone here checked out The Postal Service? they are incredible and, in my opinion, better than radiohead AND muse. there is also death cab for cutie... they are a little more popular, but, also in my opinion, better than radiohead AND muse as well.

I love the Postal Service and DCFC, even though they are basically the same thing, seeing as how its the same lead singer. I like The Postal Service more though. And what does this have to do with anyhthin Radiohead? It's not even close to being like Radiohead.

Radiohead has made astonishing, deep, and unbelievable music, like Kid A (My fav.)
othello said:
my post was in reference to his analogy... not necessarily a 'pig-headed' statement. as i said, 'in the same regard...'
The post you were replying to never stated that any band "sucked".. My points still stand, in response to these statements in particular:
othello said:
not at all... abba sucks. the beatles rock. in the same regard... radiohead sucks. muse, coldplay, unkle, and sigur ros rock. im not saying that every band is better than the bands they are influenced by, im just citing 4 specific examples in this case. ;)
othello said:
...thats just 3 off the top of my head. all 3 of them are much better than radiohead, if not for musical talent alone. radiohead is good, sometimes, but they are vastly overrated.
Blackfable said:
Radiohead has made astonishing, deep, and unbelievable music, like Kid A (My fav.)
:cheers: Mine too, great to see other people around here see the brilliance of that album.

Out of curiosity, did you like it as much as you do now straight away? If not, how long did it take to grow on you?
Logic said:
:cheers: Mine too, great to see other people around here see the brilliance of that album.

Out of curiosity, did you like it as much as you do now straight away? If not, how long did it take to grow on you?

It's crazy how it all worked out. My dad loves Radiohead and he gave me the Kid A CD (What a choice for a first Radiohead album, but it was his favorite too) so I popped it in, and loved it when I heard Idioteque. That's all I listened to for about a week, and then moved on to the other songs. Kid A (Title song) was the most unreal song when I first heard it and now it's my favorite song.....ever. SO yeah I had to kind of get used to it, because all I use to listen to was the mainstream **** that's on the Radiowaves. But after I got Kid A, my music taste evolved completely and now I am into Mogwai, GYBE, EITS, Sigur Ros and all post-rock out there. Long post :p