Random sketch thread for all

CR0M said:

finally in the right thread.

yes she is. And she was especially wow in Devils Advocate.
2 mins sketch, while taking BART (Bay Are Supway I guess), so yeah, nothing special at all.
Grim, but I like it. Did you use any reference for the bones?
CR0M said:
Grim, but I like it. Did you use any reference for the bones?

If you are asking me, then no, I didn't, I was in the BART heh. But I do have Anatomy books and I do study them, so that one is from the head, plus it's just a sketch, very little details went into this skeleton.

By the way, here is another sketch heh, and again, on the BART. Hey it's 40 mins ride to college, I have nothing else to do but sketch in the shaky train :P
ta :)

Charlize makes a great model, it's always easier to draw something you are interested in.
lol :laugh:

The first EVER evolving comic strip. I like.

Good sketches, Shippi - they would make great paintings...
SHIPPI said:
Meh, a quick doodle I did for my stupid school art project:

And someone on another forum asked me to draw this for them (wip):
Those are great, second one especially, very well done :)
Haha, Suicide they're great!

CR0M said:
lol :laugh:

The first EVER evolving comic strip. I like.

Good sketches, Shippi - they would make great paintings...

Thanks :) I just wish I could paint

The Dark Elf said:
Those are great, second one especially, very well done :)

Thanks :) Hmm, any tips on how to draw hair? I keep messing up :(
SHIPPI said:
Haha, Suicide they're great!

Thanks :) I just wish I could paint

Thanks :) Hmm, any tips on how to draw hair? I keep messing up :(
long strokes, in layers, start with darker colors and shades then work up, build it up layer on layer to give it a more three dimensional appearance, lose strands aswell, and a little imperfect.
The Dark Elf said:
long strokes, in layers, start with darker colors and shades then work up, build it up layer on layer to give it a more three dimensional appearance, lose strands aswell, and a little imperfect.

Thanks, I'll give it a go. I'll post my attempt later :P

Here's another pic I drew a couple weeks ago, just for fun... I lost interest tho:
Thats awesome Suicide!!! :)

Heheh.... Wish I could draw... I really really do.... ;(

EDIT: In fact... its really great art from everyone here. Really impresive :thumbs:
SHIPPI said:
Thanks, I'll give it a go. I'll post my attempt later :P

Here's another pic I drew a couple weeks ago, just for fun... I lost interest tho:
It looks good :) you should have finished it :p But I know what its like when you get bored half way through a pic :)
love the paintballer shippi... looks great :D

you shoudl all try this digital swrawing things, its sooo fun and takes no time at all :D
I've got a few i wanna post but i can't cause their over 100kb, so does anyone know a good place to host pics? for free that is.

You've got some nice sketches there Suicide42 :thumbs: how old are you again? 14? You're pretty talented dude.

And Shippi, those are some pretty kickass sketches
wow all your drwing make feel like a 4 years old kid

(digital). I think I´ll finish her someday, but now its just a sketchy on my computer..
Toffee said:
(digital). I think I´ll finish her someday, but now its just a sketchy on my computer..
Truly, nice work!
And...WELCOME to the FORUMS. :cheers:
Sparta said:
You've got some nice sketches there Suicide42 :thumbs: how old are you again? 14? You're pretty talented dude.

thanks :D im 15, and im quite good at pencil drawing. i suck at painting (unless its something simple... im OK with light and shade, just not actually making it look good :/ )
a monster or some sort I did... It was a pencil sketch in the beginning, I scanned it and edited some with computer. Ive lost the original pencil sketch somewhere :(
Toffee said:
a monster or some sort I did... It was a pencil sketch in the beginning, I scanned it and edited some with computer. Ive lost the original pencil sketch somewhere :(
That looks great, got any more?
That's not necessarily a bad thing...
Hmmm couldn't edit, anyways
Heres a scetch I sortof like... a few anatomy issues, I know, but Overall I like it... the design intruiges me :D
haha I am totaly going to do a sketch on the GE thing. Be back in a bit.