Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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The Last Winter - 5/10

I had such high hopes for this film. It had it's moments but it's one of those movies where you end up thinking "I would have done it like (add suggestion here)" in nearly every scene. Very disappointed.
Wayne's World - 10/10

A film of epic proportions :D

Presenter: 'Your name is pronounced Agarth correct?'
Garth: 'Ok..... WAYNE?!!!!'

V for Vendetta - 9/10

God damn it, I still can't believe that I watch this flick more than 7 times in just 3 days and I remember every first 15 minutes of dialogue.

So I read....
Blade Runner: I'm not really sure/10. Not quite certain what to think of this movie. I watched it all the way through and thought it was very clever, but I didn't really catch onto the underlying themes. Guess I'm gonna have to watch it again to see if I can see what all the fuss is about.
Blade Runner: I'm not really sure/10. Not quite certain what to think of this movie. I watched it all the way through and thought it was very clever, but I didn't really catch onto the underlying themes. Guess I'm gonna have to watch it again to see if I can see what all the fuss is about.

It's a relatively subtle/complex film. Did you watch the Director's Cut or the Theatrical edition?
I reckon the key to that film is actually the Tyrell Corp (or whatever) slogan.
Rise: Blood Lust


Seriously, it's so bad. Not really bad in a good kind of way. It's just really bad. It's not even worth it to see Lucy Liu naked.
Triple X 2 - 5/10

Man I think I felt a few neurons die while watching that shit :|
It's a relatively subtle/complex film. Did you watch the Director's Cut or the Theatrical edition?
Which one is preferable do you think? I've seen the original one years ago and then the director's cut more recently. Felt like I might have been missing out on something, and it says on the back of the case that the narrative had been cut completely... but then that might've been a good thing. Still a stellar film, but if there's a "better" version I'd definitely want to see it.
The Kingdom 8.5/10

Superb. The trailer made me think it was a piece of garbage but the film really surprised me.
Jumanji - 8/10...
Fun popcorn flick.

The Kingdom - 8.3/10...
Pretty good, Jamie Foxx is awesome as usual.
But the movie dragged a little in a few parts.
The Last King Of Scotland - 9/10

great performances by McAvoy andf Whitaker, 2 scenes towards the end were so difficult to watch, jesus :( but the progression from McAvoy's character admiration for Amin to destain was done really well.
Matchstick Men - 9/10
It'd be a 10/10, but I knew what was gonna happen at the end about 10 minutes in.
28 Weeks Later: 8/10

****ing awesome film though it was a stupid at times and it felt a bit short but the action, cinematography, direction and soundtrack were excellent
Munich - 9/10

I really enjoyed this. Quite a few fimilar faces, too. I had no idea Daniel Craig played such a big role in it. And Ceaser from HBO's Rome, too. Took me a while to realise Chopper/Hoot from Black Hawk Down was the central character as well heh.
Zodiac - 6/10, 9 if you only count the first half hour-hour.

Had everything going for it. Good director, great plot, sweet soundtrack, brilliantly shot. But, and I think my friend puts this the best, the director doesn't know the meaning of deleted scenes. You'd think of all people, David Fincher would know how to END A ****ING FILM.
Zodiac - 6/10, 9 if you only count the first half hour-hour.

Had everything going for it. Good director, great plot, sweet soundtrack, brilliantly shot. But, and I think my friend puts this the best, the director doesn't know the meaning of deleted scenes. You'd think of all people, David Fincher would know how to END A ****ING FILM.

That's exactly my feelings about it.
It had a great first hour and 20 minutes(or so) and then it just started to really drag out.

The Spy Who Shagged Me - 8/10...
Goldmember - 7/10...

After playing some TF2, I was in a mood for some slapstick spy movies.
La Haine - 8/10

Good movie, thanks for the recommendation Laivasse.
The Vinz character from La Haine also has a great part in Irreversible. It's hard to recommend the movie, though, as it is pure evil. Trust me, it is the most distrubing movie ever and I do not want the blame for tainting any minds or the subsequent psychiatry bills!

It's worth watching Derailed and Dobermann too if you like the guy - he's my fave french actor.
That's exactly my feelings about it.
It had a great first hour and 20 minutes(or so) and then it just started to really drag out.
It wasn't just the dragging on that got me, but that...

It DOESN'T have a ****ing ending. Text about the case is not a goddamn conclusion. It's just... an hour of build-up, and then slapinthegoddamnballs NOTHING. I realise it's based on real case files, but F*CK.

Also, the one part in the film that was actually suspenseful, where it really starts to look like they're going somewhere with it (where he's in the guys house, you know the one), amounts to NOTHING.

Argh, mustn't get angry again. Thing is I wouldn't even be half this mad if the rest of the film (atleast the first half) wasn't so good, because it really was =/
Samurai Commando: Mission 1549 - 7/10
As far as action movie premises go, it doesn't get much more awesome than this. Testing an experimental gravity shield, some military dudes are sent back in time 500 odd years and wind up smack dab in the middle of feudal era Japan. A few years later, another military unit is sent back on a rescue mission, only to discover the commander of the first unit has taken control of a powerful clan and has ambitions of taking over Japan, turning it into the future's number one world superpower - thus changing history AS. WE. KNOW. IT. :o:o:o

You can't much argue that in concept it's pure freakin sweet, in a cheesefest kind of way (hopefully that was already indicated by the title). In execution it's... good. But only by typical Japanese action movie standards. That is, the kind you see all too often if you have any interest in this sort of thing: overbearing romance, archetypical characters down to a tee, and tons and tons of melodrama. But it does do it well, if you can deal with the fact that it doesn't really take the concept to it's full awesomeness potential. If nothing else you can't help watching with a huge silly grin on your face as tanks and attack helicopters take on armies of swordsmen on horseback (and, in some cases, lose), and samurai walk around with assault rifles slung over their traditional armor. :E
It wasn't just the dragging on that got me, but that...

It DOESN'T have a ****ing ending. Text about the case is not a goddamn conclusion. It's just... an hour of build-up, and then slapinthegoddamnballs NOTHING. I realise it's based on real case files, but F*CK.

Also, the one part in the film that was actually suspenseful, where it really starts to look like they're going somewhere with it (where he's in the guys house, you know the one), amounts to NOTHING.

Argh, mustn't get angry again. Thing is I wouldn't even be half this mad if the rest of the film (atleast the first half) wasn't so good, because it really was =/
I never even noticed it was that long when I saw it, I was fascinated with it the whole way through.
Company of Wolves - 0/10

No words suffice to describe how awful this was.
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