Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Yep, just saw Zodiac too. It had some incredible moments, especially in the earlier parts, but... It just died.
The ending was sort of dumb but I think the overall style and the stellar first hour or two made up for it.
Matchstick Men - 8.5/10
Awesome. But...

I wish people wouldn't have talked about the ending so much. Saw it coming a mile away.
Requiem for a Dream - Pain/10

I want to cry ;(
The Warriors - 7.8/10...
Not bad, loved the soundtrack and general style of the movie.
Matchstick Men - 8.5/10
Awesome. But...

I wish people wouldn't have talked about the ending so much. Saw it coming a mile away.

GODDAMN IT. The ending is so spectacular; it makes the movie, or rather ends it in a perfect way to match the perfectness of the movie itself. I'm sorry if I had anything to do with it.
You Kill Me- 9/10
Great offbeat hitman movie with Ben Kinsley.
I just love it when Ben Kinsley curses. :)
If you enjoy movies such as Gun Shy,The Whole Nine Yards, The Matador, Grosse Pointe Blank and Lucky Number Slevin...you're gonna love this too.
GODDAMN IT. The ending is so spectacular; it makes the movie, or rather ends it in a perfect way to match the perfectness of the movie itself. I'm sorry if I had anything to do with it.
Haha, you're talking about it again :P

Besides, like I said it was still awesome and a great watch. And I actually quite enjoyed trying to figure out who was in on it, and making the links as to how it was all set up. I'd pretty much decided it had something to do with Angela right from the outset, so from there it was just a matter of watching the other pieces fall into place.

If nothing else, actually being right about an ending like this, and even more than that being able to reach it through logic without all of your assumptions being thrown by some obscure, last minute, "oh, by the way" sort of twist, was pretty gratifying. That's some excellent writing for you.
Die Hard: With a Vengence - 10/10

Love this movie...so many funny parts, and Sam Jackson rocks.
Swordfish - 9/10

Reminded me alot of Inside Man (I know this is older, but I saw Inside Man first),
the way they get away completely free.
I liked both, by the way. Inside Man would get a 9 as well.
Way to spoil two movies in one review and three sentences ;)

A History of Violence - 7.5/10

Anyone else get a major Max Payne vibe from the mansion near the end?
ohshit, sorry I didn't even think of spoilers. My bad.
Children of Men - 9.5/10

Holy shit.

First of all, I loved the story and everything, f*cking awesome movie. Second would be the war scene at the end. Now there is 2 things about this, 1 would be the freaking epicness of it and also the similarity to HL2, I love it. Second would be the acting/camera filming of it. That one scene took about 15-20 minutes, and it was just ONE continuous scene. That takes alot of skill on both parts (acting by Clive Owen and filming by George Richmond). I mean Jesus Christ.. That must have taken a damn long time to get just right..
COM was great.

apparently the one continous scenes were actually amalgamations of scenes usng digital technology blabla but still they were awesome when i first watched it. But i think maybe the car scene was the only one which used this process, the one at the end i'm not sure about it. Its on the wiki page explaining the technique anwyay
Four rooms.

1st part: 4/10
2nd part: 6/10
3rd part: 9/10
4th part: 9/10

There's a dead ****ing whore!
The Black Dahlia 4/10
The movie didn't hold my attention even the 2nd time I tried watching it. Boring and horribly paced.

Blood Diamond 9/10
Excellent film.

My parents showed me this movie back when I was like... 7 or 8. I had no idea why.
I recently remembered it, and just had to see it again for the nostalgia and so that I could understand it now that I'm older.

It's incredible.
Malefique 6/10
The french didn't let down the movie, or the how twisted the movie was; the fact that the movie took place in two and a half rooms. The film was very convincing and the acting is hard to describe for the foreign language. Also the ending was VERY cliche.

Old Boy 9/10
Riveting movie, superb acting and the story can not be beat. The fight scenes we're dragged out a bit but it gives you a sense of strength in Oh Dae-su. The twist is the best part of the movie; and 'Old Boy' provides humourous situations in one of the darkest films created. This movie is a MUST see. It's south Korean (Typical :D)
Saw this a couple of weeks ago and forgot about it.

Falling Down - 8.5/10
Loved it, great from beginning to end. Michael Douglas plays the ultimate anti-hero - detestable, but at the same time relatable.
Starship Troopers - hell-yes/10

It's among the best movies ever made. Period.
A Scanner Darkly - 7.5/10
Eh... didn't grab me, but it was pretty good.

Mission Impossible 3 - 6.5/10
Not completely awful, as far as this series goes. Except for Tom Cruise's smile and wanting to chip out every one of his teeth with a hammer every time I see it.
Disturbia - 7.8/10...
Wow, one of the few movies where that Shia kid didn't completely annoy the shit out me?! Where it was actually a fun romp throughout the whole movie?
And not to to mention that Sarah Roemer is a damn fine looking woman.
Deja Vu - 8.5/10

I thought it was really good, the only reason it didn't get a 9 is because I thought it sucked that
future Doug died, also the fact that time is a pretty hard thing to play with when your being serious, if you think about it, they would've been in a loop forever with going back in time and all that stuff
but that was all part of time.
The Darjeeling Limited - Wes Anderson/10

I know, that's not really a score. Still, it felt like Wes. Which I personally like. The photography is lush and vibrant. India looks so amazing in this movie. I wanted to buy a ticket right after leaving the theater. The acting is top-notch. As expected, these are all troubled/broken characters, as is typical of a Wes Anderson movie, and their struggles are all colliding and intermingling here to great effect.

I loved how it felt. It was a wonderful ride. It wasn't action-filled, but I felt it moved at a good pace and still managed to keep things fairly mellow for most of it, with notable exceptions.

I would highly recommend this movie to people who enjoy Wes Anderson. Also, for anyone interested in a journey about growing up and moving on with a wonderful backdrop and gorgeous cinematography.
This Divided State - D:/10
Oh god, MORMONS.


Literally had me on the verge of crying at several points throughout.
Zodiac 9/10. I expected a good movie but this was so, so much better. Really, awesome film.
Resident Evil: Extinction: 0/10

Hooray for Mad Max ripoffs and extremely boring and uninspired action scenes! This flick does absolutely nothing for the zombie genre (not that there isn't much to do with it nowadays anyway). As usual, there are two black characters, who are the first to die. The zombies - yay! They're mindless, identical, and they thirst for flesh. Not horrifying in the least! The plot - zombies take over world, world is dead, humans are left to their own luck to find refuge, and they have to travel to Alaska. Meanwhile, the bad guy wants to eliminate the only remaining cure, that'll stop the zombie invasion. Original as hell. The acting was OK by some actors. The characters, I didn't care about them... in fact I was glad they died.

Inside Man - 9/10
Think I already reviewed this in here, but I liked it alot better the second time around. I wouldn't rank it as one of my favourite movies ever, but it's really well made right from the top down, and it just comes together so nicely. Plus the racial overtones aren't as overbearing as I first thought, which is impressive for a Spike Lee joint (if you can ignore the stereotypes and the fact that the black guys are really the only righteous characters in there).

****in awesome soundtrack, too.
Rear Window - 8.5/10

First Hitchcock movie I've seen. Now I get why old people talk about old movie stars all the time - Grace Kelly is smoking hot.
Ocean's Thirteen: 7/10

It was an 'okay' movie. Compared to the first, which I really loved, this movie is unnecessarily complex and presents way too much information to the viewer than is needed.
Mr. Brooks: 9/10

This movie was absolutely excellent from beginning to end. I was certainly not expecting it to be anywhere near as good as it was. The story just wowed me, and all the actors meshed perfectly together. The Kevin Costner/William Hurt duo just worked so well.
Jacob's Ladder

9/10: I watched this because I watched a bad old movie called Runaway Train. The movie had a good soundtrack though, so i went online to see if i could find it. I couldnt, but some random internet person mentioned that it was like Jacob's Ladder's soundtrack. I couldnt find that soundtrack either, so I went and got the movie.

Its one of the biggest mind****s ive had in awhile. Its worse than Donnie Darko on crack. Highly recommend it.
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