Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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its interesting, on the Fox website for Sunshine, they have vids of all the characters deaths, they might aswell have said 'dont go and see our movie', doesnt it defeat the purpose of watching it?
Well I dont know how to do the spoiler tab thing, but jesus christ use your heads. You see a film you haven't seen, you notice *Spoiler* and some text, then usually you dont read the text.

I used verified spoiler tags, so its you own ****ing fault for reading after it.
[ spoiler ] and [ /spoiler ] (without the spaces)

It's called forewarning. The human eye naturally drifts to things like that, and it doesn't exactly help that you put it directly below the review.

Just ask next time. :P
Well ok, I guess it was a little too exposed, so apologies, if its any conselation, you know its gonna happen like very early in the film anyway, so its not really that big of a spoiler.

How do you do the proper spoiler thing anyway.
getting played 8/10

though that part with the homo designer definitely gets a 20/10. ****ing hilarious. :laugh:

EDIT: Shift, the person above you just mentioned it. no hard feeling mate, i spoiled
Eli's death
because some dude titled the thread "OHH MY GOD! (huge spoilers)" and obviously i didn't see the (huge spoilers) part as i was placing my cursor over the title and so it was all spoiled for me.
for episode 3 i think we should put a rule that everyone puts " *SPOILERS* " at the beggining of the title.
Ah ****s sake. I just spoiled meself.

Not even the spoiler tags keep us safe anymores D:
Der Untergang - 10/10

Seen it lots of times before, but it's still awesome.
Nip Tuck Season 1 - 6.8/10 Wasnt anything like i expected. To much drama but was somewhat interesting
Rendition - 8/10 - Never normally go for political dramas, but this was the only thing on after an absolute mission of a journey to the cinema and there was no way I was turning round and going home again. So I took a chance, and I'm glad I did. The film was amazing and I was gripped from beginning to end. The twist with the
multiple timelines
was entirely unexpected too.

Stardust - 9/10 - I love Neil Gaiman so I had high hopes for this film. These were dashed by poor reviews and box office performance but I decided to see it anyway. Thank goodness I did! This film, along with The Lion King, Mary Poppins, Wizard of Oz and other such classics, is one of the best family films ever made. It had the perfect mix of action, villainy, comedy and romance that will ensure at least one watching once a year around Christmas time. Both the characters of Billy and Captain Shakespeare had me laughing more than most films that are explicitly labelled as comedies.

The Exorcism of Emily Rose - 8/10 - No Halloween parties planned this year so we all bundled into a mate's house and decided to watch this film. And despite it being my third viewing and being in a room full of people, I was scared out of my skin once again. The film somehow captures the scares that other similar films don't. But that's only half the film. What few people realise is that the other half of the film is one of the most compelling courtroom dramas I have ever seen. It's logical and exciting in the way that only law can be. If you are struggling with the poor Halloween offerings at the cinema this year*, check this film out.

Lost In Translation - 9/10 - I came home today with a hangover. And a craving. I found this craving wasn't fulfilled by my usual hangover cure of tomato soup and a whole loaf's worth of toast. It was a craving for an amazingly poignant and well-written film. A craving that could only be fulfilled by a select few films. Lost In Translation is one of them. One of the only films I will ever admit to crying to at the end, this film makes life seem utterly relevant and utterly pointless all at the same time. And I love it. Every time I watch it, my life feels a little richer. If you haven't seen this, why not? I envy you seeing it for the first time.

* To be honest, this year isn't bad as I plan on seeing Saw IV, Halloween and 30 Days of Night.
Stardust - 9/10 - I love Neil Gaiman so I had high hopes for this film. These were dashed by poor reviews and box office performance but I decided to see it anyway. Thank goodness I did! This film, along with The Lion King, Mary Poppins, Wizard of Oz and other such classics, is one of the best family films ever made. It had the perfect mix of action, villainy, comedy and romance that will ensure at least one watching once a year around Christmas time. Both the characters of Billy and Captain Shakespeare had me laughing more than most films that are explicitly labelled as comedies.

I concur...

But only give it 8/10
Meet the Parents - 9/10

Hilarious parts to the film and generally very entertaining.

Meet the Fockers - 8/10

Not as funny as the first but I still really enjoyed it, had its moments of hilarity lol.
Stardust - 9/10 - I love Neil Gaiman so I had high hopes for this film. These were dashed by poor reviews and box office performance but I decided to see it anyway. Thank goodness I did! This film, along with The Lion King, Mary Poppins, Wizard of Oz and other such classics, is one of the best family films ever made. It had the perfect mix of action, villainy, comedy and romance that will ensure at least one watching once a year around Christmas time. Both the characters of Billy and Captain Shakespeare had me laughing more than most films that are explicitly labelled as comedies.

Nice one. I was about to make a thread asking about Stardust. I know it totaly bombed at the cinema, but a friend of mine said that if you love the Princess Bride the chances are you'll love this too. It's also coming out on HD - which I shall watch on Christmas day!
Knocked Up - 9.8/10
This is a really fantastic movie. After seeing Superbad and now finally Knocked Up, Judd Apatow is a true genius.
Saw IV - 0/10

Seriously - If there's a Saw 5, I'd sooner remove my eyes with a rusty spoon than watch it.
They're making seven Saw movies I believe, released on Halloween each year.

I just finished Band of Brothers for the first time, and 10/10. I could gush for pages about this miniseries.
They're making seven Saw movies I believe, released on Halloween each year.

I just finished Band of Brothers for the first time, and 10/10. I could gush for pages about this miniseries.
I finished BOB about a month ago and it was the best mini series I've ever seen. I only hope they make another series from the point of view of the Germans.
Inland Empire - 4/10.

David Lynch, stay off whatever shit you've been recently taking, and go back to the one you used while writing Mulholland Drive and Lost Highway.
I finished BOB about a month ago and it was the best mini series I've ever seen. I only hope they make another series from the point of view of the Germans.

That would be really awesome. Das Boot is a great movie if you haven't seen it, it's about a German U-Boat crew.
American Gangster - 8/10

Quite a good film really. Beginning is quite confusing, takes a while to settle into whats going on. Denzel Washington is still the man, awesome performance, amazed Russel Crowe is still around.
Lucky Number Sleven - 9/10

I don't know why, but I love this movie. Nice revenge story, the plan was all technical and well planned out and stuff. I like it.
30 Days of Night - 8/10

Started of bland but really started picking up as it went on. Really enjoyed it.
Die Hard 4 - 8/10

I hate action movies, but Bruce Willis knows how to do them. There's no Vin Diesel, there's no Karl Urban. Bruce Willis rules.
American Gangster - 10/10...

Fantastic, I saw nothing wrong with it.

Denzel Washington and Russel Crowe are awesome in it.
Denzel especially, put on a great performance as always.
American Gangster: 9/10

Same fantastic reasons as above, I just don't give out 10/10's quite as easily. :D
Lost In Translation - 9/10 - I came home today with a hangover. And a craving. I found this craving wasn't fulfilled by my usual hangover cure of tomato soup and a whole loaf's worth of toast. It was a craving for an amazingly poignant and well-written film. A craving that could only be fulfilled by a select few films. Lost In Translation is one of them. One of the only films I will ever admit to crying to at the end, this film makes life seem utterly relevant and utterly pointless all at the same time. And I love it. Every time I watch it, my life feels a little richer. If you haven't seen this, why not? I envy you seeing it for the first time.

A friend in my accommodation was in my room the other day and saw this poster on my wall and goes, "Why have you got a poster of a shitty chick flick on your wall". My flat mate and I just looked at him and said "Get out and don't come back." On a semi-related note, why is it that nearly everyone I meet says Transformers is the best movie ever; I feel like slapping them senseless.
Lost In Translation - 9/10 - I came home today with a hangover. And a craving. I found this craving wasn't fulfilled by my usual hangover cure of tomato soup and a whole loaf's worth of toast. It was a craving for an amazingly poignant and well-written film. A craving that could only be fulfilled by a select few films. Lost In Translation is one of them. One of the only films I will ever admit to crying to at the end, this film makes life seem utterly relevant and utterly pointless all at the same time. And I love it. Every time I watch it, my life feels a little richer. If you haven't seen this, why not? I envy you seeing it for the first time.

I couldn't agree more. It's one of the best movies I've ever seen.
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